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Brainrules and Leadership

Brainrules and Leadership

Presentation at Bandung, Indonesia, UPI

More Decks by Dr. Will and Dr. Leslie Barratt

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  1. Brain Rules and Educational Leadership Professor Will Barratt, Ph.D. Professor,

    Graduate School, Roi Et Rajabhat University Lotus Delta Coffman Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Educational Leadership, Indiana State University
  2. My preference order 1. Research - Empiricism 2. Practice –

    Utilitarianism 3. Theory – Philosophy and Epistemology
  3. What does the data say about leadership? 1. Leadership is

    complicated 2. Leaders and followers are inconsistent 3. Leadership and followership is best seen using a psychology / interpersonal lens
  4. What does the data say about people? • Personality factor

    analysis - Five Factor Models • Neuroticism / Emotional stability • Extroversion • Openness • Agreeableness • Conscientiousness / Dependability
  5. It’s the relationship. • Based on my research on over

    250,000 students and success in college.
  6. What does the data say about relationships? • Interpersonal interactions

    factor analysis – Factor Models • Task, Support, Power • Inclusion, Affection, Control • Relationship, Task Hersey and Blanchard Situational Leadership William Schutz FIRO-B Timothy Leary Interpersonal Diagnosis of Personality
  7. What does the data say about learning? • Behaviorism assumes

    that the brain as an unknown ‘black box’ • A focus on observable behavior • The brain is no longer an unknown ‘black box’ • A focus on observable brain activity
  8. Bad slide ahead • Brains do NOT multitask • We

    cannot read and listen at the same time • Too many words on a slide are BAD
  9. What does the data say about school? • Year round

    school is best for learning • School days should begin later • Art, music, and physical education are as important as anything else • Time on task is critical • Extra curricular activities are important • Everyone needs recess
  10. What does the data say about teaching? • Robert Marzano

    reviewed the research literature on teaching and found what works
  11. Teaching research summary by Marzano • Good teachers set goals.

    • Effective teachers provide feedback. • Teachers should help students interact with new knowledge. • Good teachers should provide students with simulations and low- stakes competition. • Effective teachers should establish and maintain classroom rules. • Teachers should maintain relationships with students. • Good teachers should communicate high expectations.
  12. Instructional strategies summary by Marzano • Identifying similarities and differences

    • Summarizing and note taking • Reinforcing effort and providing recognition • Homework and practice • Nonlinguistic representations • Cooperative learning • Setting objectives and providing feedback • Generating and testing hypotheses • Cues, questions, and advance organizers
  13. Brain Rules • We learn with our whole brain, all

    the time, day and night. • What does the brain research tell us?
  14. Brains are neural networks • Knowledge is networked and interconnected

    • Social networks • Internet / digital networks • Human networks are brain networks • Networks are the 21st century paradigm
  15. 12 Brain Rules summarize research • John Medina, Ph.D. •

    Molecular Biologist • Affiliate Professor of Bioengineering • University of Washington School of Medicine
  16. 1. Survival 2. Exercise 3. Sleep 4. Stress 5. Wiring

    6. Attention 7. Memory 8. Sensory Integration 9. Vision 10.Music 11.Gender 12.Exploration
  17. The big 6: What we can affect in schools. Wiring

    and gender – a warning 1. Exploration 2. Exercise 3. Stress 4. Attention 5. Memory 6. Sensory Integration
  18. Wiring / Gender – what we don’t know • Every

    brain is wired differently • This is individual difference • Male brains and female brains are different • And we don’t know what this means
  19. 1. We are powerful and natural explorers • Create a

    presentation that encourages exploration of theory, research and practice • Involve people • Engage people • Transform audience into collaborators
  20. 2. Exercise boosts brain power • Exercise, blood flow, oxygen

    • Google Scholar: • Exercise and ADHD – 37,800 results • Exercise and anxiety – 1,440,000 • Exercise and academic achievement – 1,630,000
  21. Exercise means what? • Implications for leadership • Sitting down

    for long meetings • Implications for learning • ? • Implications for teaching • ? • Implications for schools • ?
  22. 3. Stress (and Survival and Safety) • Stressed brains learn

    differently • What are sources of stress in school?
  23. Stress • Implications for leadership • Stress bad, happiness good.

    (It’s the relationship) • People quit bosses, not jobs. • Implications for learning • ? • Implications for teaching • ? • Implications for schools • ?
  24. 4. Attention – we don’t pay attention to boring •

    “The 10 minute rule” • Teachers say: Students need to pay attention • Students say: Teachers need to keep my attention
  25. 5. Memory • Short term • Repeat to remember •

    Leadership, learning, teaching, and schools • Long term • Remember to repeat • Move from short term memory to long term memory • Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly
  26. 6. Sensory Integration • The brain is a network of

    connections and integrations • Vision trumps all other senses • Add images to help any PowerPoint • Highlight key words • Repeat to remember • Leadership, learning, teaching, schools
  27. Sensory integration Stimulate more of the senses • Knowledge is

    integrated • Brains are integrated • Senses are integrated
  28. Help people learn • People are complicated • People live

    in a networked world • Brains are neural networks
  29. Thank you! Terima Kasih! Korb Kun Krub! Will Barratt, Ph.D.

    Professor Graduate School Roi Et Rajabhat University Lotus Delta Coffman Distinguished Professor Emeritus Educational Leadership Indiana State University