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Bundle Side Optimization in Future JavaScript -...

Bundle Side Optimization in Future JavaScript - JSConf JP 2021

JSConf JP 2021

Yuku Kotani

November 27, 2021

More Decks by Yuku Kotani

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  1. 2 Yuku Kotani (@MonchiFC) - Software Engineer @ Ubie Discovery

    - AI https://ubie.app/ - TypeScript+Next.js / Kotlin+Spring Boot / GraphQL / Capacitor - Student (B3) @ - Blog https://yuku.dev 2
  2. 5 - (Dead Code Elimination) terser, Rollup - (Mangling) terser

    - (Code Splitting) webpack, Rollup, Next.js, Nuxt - (Tree Shaking) webpack, Rollup
  3. 6 - (Dead Code Elimination) terser, Rollup - (Mangling) terser

    - (Code Splitting) webpack, Rollup, Next.js, Nuxt - (Tree Shaking) webpack, Rollup
  4. 12 TS AST JavaScript TypeScript TS Compiler JS AST JavaScript

    webpack JS AST DCE JavaScript terser JS ⾒
  5. 13 TS AST JavaScript TS Compiler JS AST JavaScript webpack

    JS AST DCE JavaScript terser JS ⾒ TypeScript
  6. 19

  7. 21 Bind-this operator func.bind() func.call() Stage-1 this JavaScript Bind Operator

  8. 24 - class-based OOP - SWC Rome - ECMAScript JS-way
