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eXpress Data Path (XDP) の概要とLINEにおける利活用 / Brief...

November 28, 2018

eXpress Data Path (XDP) の概要とLINEにおける利活用 / Brief summary of XDP and use-case at LINE

Internet Week 2018 ソフトウェアルータ・スイッチBoF 「eXpress Data Path (XDP) の概要とLINEにおける利活用」


November 28, 2018

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    • ߏ੒ཁૉͱಈ࡞ • ϓϩάϥϜͷ࣮૷ɾ഑ஔྫ Internet Week 2018    BoF 2018-11-28 3
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     BoF Rx Tx Match Lookup Rewrite BFP maps VIP-Backend table Statistics table From L3 Switch To L7 LB NIC 1. Match Dst. IP/Port  2. Lookup Hash " Real Server   3. Rewrite IP  Dst. IP, DSCP !    2018-11-28 11
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    ϝϞϦΞΫηεͷ҆શੑνΣοΫ ϝϞϦΞΫηεલʹ/6--νΣοΫɾڥքνΣοΫࡁΈͰ͋Δ͜ͱΛڧ੍ ؔ਺ݺͼग़͠ͷҾ਺νΣοΫ ϓϩάϥϜࣗମͷਖ਼͠͞ͷݕূͰ͸ͳ͍͜ͱʹ஫ҙ Internet Week 2018 BoF (*1) ), %' '*& "! (*2) ( tail call $  +&# 2018-11-28 14
  9. #1' NBQT 9%1ϓϩάϥϜ͔ΒಡΈॻ͖Մೳͳ,FZ7BMVFTUPSF Ұൠʹ9%1ϓϩάϥϜͷϩʔμ JQSPVUF CDD FUD ͕࡞੒ Ϣʔβεϖʔε͔Β΋ಡΈॻ͖Մೳ enum

    bpf_map_type Ͱ༷ʑͳछྨ͕ఆٛ (PERCPU_)ARRAY, (PERCPU_)HASH, LRU_(PERCPU_)HASH, LPM_TRIE ARRAY_OF_MAPS, HASH_OF_MAPS PROG_ARRAY, DEVMAP, CPUMAP, XSKMAP Internet Week 2018    BoF 2018-11-28 15
  10. ࠷ऴతͳύέοτͷॲ۰͸໭Γ஋ Ћ Ͱܾఆ enum xdp_action Ͱఆٛ͞Ε͍ͯΔ XDP_DROPύέοτΛυϩοϓ XDP_PASSύέοτΛޙଓͷωοτϫʔΫελοΫʹ౉͢ XDP_TXύέοτΛಉҰϙʔτ͔Βૹ৴ XDP_REDIRECT

    ύέοτΛผͷ\ΠϯλϑΣʔε $16 ϓϩάϥϜ^ʹ౉͢ +DEVMAPndo_xdp_xmitܦ༝ͰผͷΠϯλϑΣʔεʹ౉͢ +CPUMAPड৴ͨ͠ίΞͱ͸ผͷίΞͷωοτϫʔΫελοΫʹ౉͢ +XSKMAPAF_XDPܦ༝ͰϢʔβεϖʔεʹ౉͢ Internet Week 2018    BoF 2018-11-28 16
  11. ྫ ύέοτΛΧ΢ϯτͯ͠υϩοϓ 2018-11-28 Internet Week 2018    BoF

    18 #include <linux/bpf.h> #include "bpf_helpers.h" struct bpf_map_def SEC("maps") counter = { .type = BPF_MAP_TYPE_ARRAY, .key_size = sizeof(__u32), .value_size = sizeof(__u64), .max_entries = XDP_REDIRECT + 1, }; SEC("prog") int xdp_prog(struct xdp_md *ctx) { __u64 data_len = ctx->data_end - ctx->data; int action = XDP_DROP; long *value = bpf_map_lookup_elem(&counter, &action); if (value) *value += data_len; // non-atomic (*1) return action; } #1'NBQΛఆٛ ΤϯτϦϙΠϯτʹTUSVDUYEQ@NE ͕౉Δ #1'NBQΛIFMQFSGVODUJPOܦ༝Ͱ ࢀরͯ͠ߋ৽ ύέοτͷॲ۰Λܾఆ $ clang –target bpf –c prog.c –o prog.o $ ip link set dev IF xdp obj prog.o ίϯύΠϧ ϩʔυ (*1)  __sync_fetch_and_add 
  12. ஫ҙ ࢖༻؀ڥʹΑͬͯॻ͖ํ͕एׯҟͳΔ 2018-11-28 Internet Week 2018    BoF

    19 #include <linux/bpf.h> #include "bpf_helpers.h" struct bpf_map_def SEC("maps") counter = { .type = BPF_MAP_TYPE_ARRAY, .key_size = sizeof(__u32), .value_size = sizeof(__u64), .max_entries = XDP_REDIRECT + 1, }; SEC("prog") int xdp_prog(struct xdp_md *ctx) { __u64 data_len = ctx->data_end - ctx->data; int action = XDP_DROP; long *value = bpf_map_lookup_elem(&counter, &action); if (value) *value += data_len; // non-atomic return action; } BPF_ARRAY(counter, u64, XDP_REDIRECT + 1); int xdp_prog(struct xdp_md *ctx) { u64 data_len = ctx->data_end - ctx->data; int action = XDP_DROP; // non-atomic counter.increment(action, data_len); return action; } BCC iproute2 + bpf_helpers.h • include • Mapsyntax sugar
  13. ஫ҙ ҆શͰͳ͍ϝϞϦΞΫηε͸ڐՄ͞Εͳ͍ 2018-11-28 Internet Week 2018    BoF

    20 SEC("xdp1") int xdp_prog1(struct xdp_md *ctx) { void *data_end = (void *)(long)ctx->data_end; void *data = (void *)(long)ctx->data; struct ethhdr *eth = data; int rc = XDP_DROP; long *value; u16 h_proto; u64 nh_off; u32 ipproto; nh_off = sizeof(*eth); if (data + nh_off > data_end) return rc; h_proto = eth->h_proto; ... value = bpf_map_lookup_elem(&rxcnt, &ipproto); if (value) *value += 1; ... } $ sudo ip link set dev eth1 xdp obj omit_check1.o sec xdp1 Prog section 'xdp1' rejected: Permission denied (13)! ... Verifier analysis: 0: (61) r2 = *(u32 *)(r1 +4) 1: (61) r1 = *(u32 *)(r1 +0) 2: (71) r4 = *(u8 *)(r1 +13) invalid access to packet, off=13 size=1, R1(id=0,off=0,r=0) R1 offset is outside of the packet $ sudo ip link set dev eth1 xdp obj omit_check2.o sec xdp1 Prog section 'xdp1' rejected: Permission denied (13)! ... Verifier analysis: 0: (61) r2 = *(u32 *)(r1 +4) ... 54: (85) call bpf_map_lookup_elem#1 55: (79) r1 = *(u64 *)(r0 +0) R0 invalid mem access 'map_value_or_null’ samples/bpf/xdp1_kern.c[4] [4] https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/v4.19/samples/bpf/xdp1_kern.c
  14. VRF (l3mdev) -*/&ʹ͓͚Δ9%1ϓϩάϥϜͷ഑ஔྫ 5$1 *$.1 73'͸ΧʔωϧͷػೳΛͦͷ··࢖༻ Internet Week 2018 

      BoF Kernel User Device Driver Kernel NIC Device Driver XDP skb Network Interface Network Interface IP TCP / UDP / ICMP BPF maps C-Plane Agent (on top of bcc) BGP Daemon (FRR) 2018-11-28 21 BGP BGP Normal packets Management “Special” packets
  15. ࢀߟࢿྉ Internet Week 2018 #BoF • A practical introduction to

    XDP •  "#!% ,2 from LPC 2018 • https://linuxplumbersconf.org/event/2/contributions/71/attachments/17/9/presentation-lpc2018-xdp-tutorial.pdf • XDP - challenges and future work • XDP .3 4/ ),2 from LCP 2018 • https://linuxplumbersconf.org/event/2/contributions/92/attachments/91/102/presentation-lpc2018-xdp-future.pdf • The eXpress Data Path: Fast Programmable Packet Processing in the Operating System Kernel • XDP *(&author paper • https://github.com/tohojo/xdp-paper/blob/master/xdp-the-express-data-path.pdf • BPF and XDP Reference Guide • Cilium *(& eBPF5 XDP "$% • https://cilium.readthedocs.io/en/latest/bpf/ • XDP: 1.5 years in production. Evolution and lessons learned. • Facebook XDP 1-+6  0' from LPC 2018 • http://vger.kernel.org/lpc_net2018_talks/LPC_XDP_Shirokov_v2.pdf 2018-11-28 24
  16. %SJWFSͷαϙʔτঢ়گ 2018-11-28 Internet Week 2018 "BoF 26 linux-4.19.4/drivers/net$ grep -R

    -F -l .ndo_bpf . ./tun.c ./ethernet/intel/i40e/i40e_main.c ./ethernet/intel/ixgbe/ixgbe_main.c ./ethernet/intel/ixgbevf/ixgbevf_main.c ./ethernet/qlogic/qede/qede_main.c ./ethernet/broadcom/bnxt/bnxt.c ./ethernet/mellanox/mlx4/en_netdev.c ./ethernet/mellanox/mlx5/core/en_main.c ./ethernet/netronome/nfp/nfp_net_common.c ./ethernet/cavium/thunder/nicvf_main.c ./veth.c ./netdevsim/netdev.c ./virtio_net.c linux-4.19.4/drivers/net$ grep -R -F -l .ndo_xdp_xmit . ./tun.c ./ethernet/intel/i40e/i40e_main.c ./ethernet/intel/ixgbe/ixgbe_main.c ./ethernet/mellanox/mlx5/core/en_main.c ./veth.c ./virtio_net.c $) -!  Generic XDP &+,* ( #/) %.' XDP (* XDP_REDIRECT + Interface