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Technologies that enable robust KARTE content d...

November 08, 2023

Technologies that enable robust KARTE content delivery through a multi-cloud CDN

Fastly Yamagoya 2023 Presentation deck
Title: Technologies that enable robust KARTE content delivery through a multi-cloud CDN
Presenter: Kanetsuki Takaaki (Brown), Plaid Inc.
Date: November 8, 2023 (Wednesday)
Organizer: Fastly Inc.
Event URL: https://www.fastly.com/jp/press/press-releases/yamagoya-2023
Original (Japanese version): https://speakerdeck.com/3150/marutikuraudocdndegao-inai-zhang-hai-xing-wochi-tukartenokontentupei-xin-woshi-xian-suruji-shu


November 08, 2023

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  1. 1 2023.11.08ɹɹʛɹɹFastly Yamagoya 2023ɹɹʛɹ ɹɹʛɹɹ© PLAID Inc. Technologies that enable

    robust KARTE content delivery through a multi-cloud CDN PLAID Inc / Kanetsuki Takaaki
  2. 2023.11.08ɹɹʛɹɹFastly Yamagoya 2023ɹɹʛɹ ɹɹʛɹɹ© PLAID Inc. 2 Kanetsuki Takaaki PLAID

    Inc. Core Platform LinkedIn : takaaki-kanetsuki I have joined Plaid Jan, 2022 We’ve started using Fastly Feb, 2023 We've migrated the majority of our CDN to Fastly April, 2023
  3. 3 ɹɹʛɹɹ© PLAID Inc. 2023.11.08ɹɹʛɹɹFastly Yamagoya 2023ɹɹʛɹ About us PLAID

    Inc. GINZA SIX 10F, 6-10-1 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan EstablishedɿOct, 2011
  4. 2023.11.08ɹɹʛɹɹFastly Yamagoya 2023ɹɹʛɹ ɹɹʛɹɹ© PLAID Inc. 4 ֬ೝ͢Δ جຊαʔϏε΍͝ར༻ํ๏Λ͝঺հ͠·͢ɻ ͓ಘͳಛయ΍໾ཱͭ৘ใ͕ຬࡌͰ͢ɻ

    ॳΊͯͷํ΁ いますぐ確認する UIデザイナーだけどなかなか上達しない、今 よりスキルアップしたいという⽅必読です。 UIデザイナーが知っておくべき 7つのデザインルール DESIGN RULES » CHECK ずっと使えるアイテムだけを揃えました。 この機会をお⾒逃しなく。 絶対、 欲しい! ౙͷओ໾ɺ Ξ΢λʔ COLLECTION OUTER 検索条件を少し変更するだけで、あなたの理 想の物件に出会える可能性が⾼くなります。 条件を変えて検索してみてください。 ご希望の物件は ⾒つかりませんでしたか? 閉じる Delivering a personalized customer experience Real-time analysis of each website visitor's behavior Customer Experience (CX) platform Stats of KARTE
  5. 2023.11.08ɹɹʛɹɹFastly Yamagoya 2023ɹɹʛɹ ɹɹʛɹɹ© PLAID Inc. Stats of KARTE 5

    Real-time, Large-Scale, Global to real-time actions 0.x sec stored 8+ PB events / sec 134,000 inserted / month 1 PB analyzed / month 180+ PB
  6. 2023.11.08ɹɹʛɹɹFastly Yamagoya 2023ɹɹʛɹ ɹɹʛɹɹ© PLAID Inc. Distributed contents 7 Content

    distributed via the CDN Image, static files etc… Edge requests / s 1,000,000 Bandwidth / day 15+ TB 99.5+ % Cache hits 検索条件を少し変更するだけで、あなたの理 想の物件に出会える可能性が⾼くなります。 条件を変えて検索してみてください。 ご希望の物件は ⾒つかりませんでしたか? 閉じる Example: Web Pop-up
  7. 2023.11.08ɹɹʛɹɹFastly Yamagoya 2023ɹɹʛɹ ɹɹʛɹɹ© PLAID Inc. 9 Potential issues arising

    from CDN failure ɾFailure to deliver customer engagement on customers' websites or mobile apps ɾMissing KARTE events ↓ Wide-ranging disruption to KARTE's core functions
  8. 2023.11.08ɹɹʛɹɹFastly Yamagoya 2023ɹɹʛɹ ɹɹʛɹɹ© PLAID Inc. 11 Everything is bound

    to break eventually Prompt failure detection🚨 In the event of a failure, we switch the Traffic Policy settings to a functioning route, redirecting 100% of requests to it ὎Minimizing the impact and duration of breakdowns Creating a monitoring system that promptly detects and mitigates breakdowns
  9. 2023.11.08ɹɹʛɹɹFastly Yamagoya 2023ɹɹʛɹ ɹɹʛɹɹ© PLAID Inc. ⾒出しテキスト Multi-cloud CDN 13

    Architecture of our multi- cloud CDN ɾAdaptable traffic flow to the CDN through Route53's Traffic Policy ɾFor high-demand services, we store identical data on GCS and S3, enabling data transmission from a redundant source ɾIn case of a failure in one CDN, we instantly failover to the other one
  10. 2023.11.08ɹɹʛɹɹFastly Yamagoya 2023ɹɹʛɹ ɹɹʛɹɹ© PLAID Inc. ⾒出しテキスト Dive into Fastly

    15 About Shield POP If there is a cache miss at the EdgePOP, the cache at the Shielding POP will be used before a request is made to the Origin, if there is a cache hit. Dive into Fastly https://developer.fastly.com/learning/concepts/shielding/
  11. 2023.11.08ɹɹʛɹɹFastly Yamagoya 2023ɹɹʛɹ ɹɹʛɹɹ© PLAID Inc. ⾒出しテキスト Dive into Fastly

    16 Use of Shielding at PLAID ‧Shielding is set up in the same Tokyo region as S 3 ‧Improvement in cache hit rate, contributing to the reduction of latency between Fastly and Origin Dive into Fastly
  12. 2023.11.08ɹɹʛɹɹFastly Yamagoya 2023ɹɹʛɹ ɹɹʛɹɹ© PLAID Inc. ⾒出しテキスト Dive into Fastly

    17 Fetch data from Fastly ɾIt can be confirmed that Edge POP is installed next to Shield POP ɾThe Edge POP has the BFI (near Seattle) airport code ɾSince Shield POP is set to AWS's Tokyo region, it includes TYO, the airport code for Haneda Airport Dive into Fastly In case of access from the US
  13. 2023.11.08ɹɹʛɹɹFastly Yamagoya 2023ɹɹʛɹ ɹɹʛɹɹ© PLAID Inc. 19 Deliberately minimize the

    use of Fastly's unique features ‧Distribute content based on the same behavior in CloudFront / Fastly ‧Even if 1 0 0 % of requests are usually fl owing to Fastly, ensure a safe failover to the other side
  14. 2023.11.08ɹɹʛɹɹFastly Yamagoya 2023ɹɹʛɹ ɹɹʛɹɹ© PLAID Inc. 20 Monitor responses from

    the CDN externally ɾSend requests from the root domain to each CDN's domain ɾConstantly monitor responses to each domain to detect failures and configuration errors with Datadog synthetic testing
  15. 22 2023.11.08ɹɹʛɹɹFastly Yamagoya 2023ɹɹʛɹ ɹɹʛɹɹ© PLAID Inc. We are so

    satisfied with the stability of Fastly CDN👍 We plan to use Fastly's unique features, such as Compute at Edge and Image Optimizer, to further enhance the value of KARTE.