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Aravali college of engineering and management

October 16, 2020

Aravali college of engineering and management

Session on Classification by Neural networks by Aravali College of Engineering and Management, Faridabad


October 16, 2020

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  1. CONTENTS Introduction.  Artificial Neural Networks.  Model of Artificial

    Neurons.  Neural Network Architecture.  Single Layer Feed Forward Networks.  Learning of ANN.  Applications of ANN.
  2. INTRODUCTION  Neural networks are the simplified models of the

    biological neuron systems.  Neural networks are typically organized in layers. Layers are made up of a number of interconnected 'nodes' .which contain an 'activation function'.  Patterns are presented to the network via the 'input layer', which communicates to one or more 'hidden layers' where the actual processing is done via a system of weighted 'connections'.  The hidden layers then link to an 'output layer' where the answer is output
  3. ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS Inputs Output An artificial neural network is

    composed of many artificial neurons that are linked together according to a specific network architecture. The objective of the neural network is to transform the inputs into meaningful outputs.
  4. MODEL OF ARTIFICIAL NEURON  An appropriate model/simulation of the

    nervous system should be able to produce similar responses and behaviours in artificial systems.  The nervous system is build by relatively simple units, the neurons, so copying their behaviour and functionality should be the solution.
  5. MODEL OF ARTIFICIAL NEURON Neuron consists of three basic components

    weights, thresholds and a single activation function A set or connection link: each of which is characterized by a weight or strength of its own wkj . Specifically, a signal xj at the input synapse „j‟connected to neuron „k‟is multiplied by the synaptic wkj An adder: For summing the input signals, weighted by respective synaptic strengths of the neuron in a linear operation. I w1 x1 n w2 x2 ....... wn xn w i xi i 1
  6. MODEL OF ARTIFICIAL NEURON Threshold for a Neuron:- The total

    input for each neuron is the sum of the weighted inputs to the neuron minus its threshold value. This is then passed through the sigmoid function. The equation for the transition in a neuron is : a = 1/(1 + exp(- x)) where x = ai wi - Q a is the activation for the neuron ai is the activation for neuron i wi is the weight Q is the threshold subtracted
  7. MODEL OF ARTIFICIAL NEURON Activation function: An activation function f

    performs a mathematical operation on the signal output. The most common activation functions are: - Linear Function, - Threshold Function, - Sigmoidal (S shaped) function, The activation functions are chosen depending upon the type of problem to be solved by the network.
  8. MODEL OF ARTIFICIAL NEURON Activation Functions f – Types:- Sigmoidal

    Function (S-shape function):- The nonlinear curved S-shape function is called the sigmoid function. This is most common type of activation used to construct the neural networks. It is mathematically well behaved, differentiable and strictly increasing function. This is explained as ≈ 0 for large -ve input values, 1 for large +ve values, with a smooth transition between the two. α is slope parameter also called shape parameter symbol the λ is also used to represented this parameter. 1 Y f (I) ,0 f (I) 1 1 e 1/(1 exp( I)),0 f (I) 1 I
  9. NEURAL NETWORK ARCHITECTURE  An artificial Neural Network is defined

    as a data processing system consisting of a large number of interconnected processing elements or artificial neurons.  There are three fundamentally different classes of neural networks. Those are. 1. Single layer feedforward Networks. 2. Multilayer feedforward Networks. 3. Recurrent Networks. Here we have to discuss the single layer feed forward network.
  10. SINGLE-LAYER FEED FORWARD NETWORK - Input layer of source nodes

    that projects directly onto an output layer of neurons. - “Single-layer” referring to the output layer of computation nodes (neuron). 20 March 2013
  11. SINGLE-LAYER FEED FORWARD NETWORK  The above figure is a

    single layer feed forward neural network. It consists an input layer to receive the inputs and an output layer to output the vectors.  The input layer consists of „n‟ neurons, and the output layer contains „m‟ neurons .  The weight of synapse connecting ith input neuron the jth output neuron is Wij. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 Ii1 Ii2 Ii3 Iin Oi2 Oi3 Oin Oi1 W11 Io1 W21 Io2 Iom W31 Wn1 Yo1 Yo2 Yo m
  12. SINGLE-LAYER FEED FORWARD NETWORK Here the inputs of the input

    layer and the outputs of the output layer is given as So Hence, the input to the output layer can be given as Because The block diagram of a single layer feed forward network. Ioj W1j II1 1 n 1 W2 j II 2 Wnj IIN Iin Ii1 Ii2 .. I m 1 o Oom ...... Oo1 Oo2 .. O I I o m 1 m n n 1 O I W T W T I n 1 m 1 II OI F(I,W) I O
  13. LEARNING IN ANN Learning methods in neural networks can be

    broadly classified in three basic types. - Supervised Learning - Unsupervised Learning - Reinforcement Learning Supervised Learning:-   In supervised learning, both the inputs and the outputs areprovided. The network then processes the inputs and compares its resulting outputs against the desired outputs Errors are then calculated, causing the system to adjust theweights which control the network.  Here a teacher is assume to be present during the learning process.
  14. LEARNING IN ANN Unsupervised Learning:-  Here the target output

    is not presented to the network, Because there is no teacher to present the described patterns.  So the system learns of its own by discovering and adapting to structural features of the input patterns. Reinforcement Learning:-  In this method, a teacher though available, does not present the expected answer but only indicates if the computed output is correct or incorrect.  The information provided helps the network in its learning process.  Here a reward is given for correct answer computed and a penalty for a wrong answer.
  15. APPLICATIONS OF NEURAL NETWORKS  Character Recognition:- Neural networks can

    be used torecognize handwritten characters.  Image Compression:- Neural networks can receive and process vast amounts of information at once, making them useful in image compression.  Stock Market Prediction:- Neural networks can examine a lot of information quickly and sort it all out, they can be used to predict stock prices.  Travelling Salesman Problem:- Neural networks can solve the traveling salesman problem, but only to a certain degree of approximation.  Security and Loan Applications:- With the acceptation of a neural network that will decide whether or not to grant a loan.
  16. 10/16/2020 17 Aravali College of Engineering And Management Jasana, Tigoan

    Road, Neharpar, Faridabad, Delhi NCR Toll Free Number : 91- 8527538785 Website : www.acem.edu.in