This slide deck summarises stats and information about Rails Girls Summer of Code, our award-winning scholarship program for women and non-binary people. Read on to see why it would be awesome for your company to support us!
fellowship program aimed at bringing more diversity into Open Source. The program welcomes all women and non- binary applicants who want to gain a fooCng in the world of programming and further expand their knowledge and skills. The focus is on advanced beginners who want to go into programming full-Cme. Rails Girls Summer of Code is a not-for- profit organizaCon that operates solely on the generous donaCons of sponsors, and individuals from the community. About Rails Girls Summer of Code
people get their feet wet in Open Source (which can be incredibly in=mida=ng). The contribu=ons to the project were valuable and as a bonus, I got some insights into how I can improve the experience for new contributors in the future.” Katrina Owen, Mentor (USA) RGSoC Mentors
than one can assume at first glance. Women learning new things and geIng their foot in the door are only the =p of the iceberg. This program also alters mindsets of people around, seIng new standards of how the tech community should look. Year by year, we spread the idea of diversifying tech to make today's diversity challenges build up tomorrow's new reality, where diversity is just a normal and usual state of things. This is what we aim for.” Maria Ronacher, Organizer (Austria) RGSoC Organizers
women in a field that is both exci=ng and scary, and because I would have benefited from this kind of support myself 10 years ago.” Alexandra Leisse, Supervisor (Germany) Supervisors