The brief: "Never be limited by technology". The result: They haven’t.
Comic Relief, a UK-based charity, run the wildly successful brand Red Nose Day; It consists of 7 hours of primetime live TV, generating in the region of 26 million viewers on BBC 1. Last year their total fundraised was over a billion UK pounds (£1,047,083,706)
Since 2012, Armakuni have been using Cloud Foundry to deliver the global payments platform that handles the credit card transactions generated through web and call centre traffic. It’s built to handle up to 400 payments per second, 800,000 in total through the night.
Cloud Foundry is key not only to the development practices that enable the success of the platform through automated testing and continuous delivery, but vitally the scalability and resiliency models that deliver confidence in a solution where feedback cycles are a luxury we just don’t have.