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Multi-team Software Delivery Assessment

September 30, 2020

Multi-team Software Delivery Assessment


September 30, 2020

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  1. Most teams suffer from... 6 • Waiting around • Defects

    • Single points of failure • Handoffs between teams • Unnecessary features • Unnecessary processes • Manual work • Poor communication How many of these problems seem familiar? • Knowledge drain • Task switching • Relearning • Rework • Partially completed work • Overly complicated solutions • Siloed work • Unsupported legacy software
  2. Suppression - Harming or stopping the person bringing the anomaly

    to light; “shooting the messenger” Encapsulation - Isolating the messenger, so that the message is not heard Public relations - Putting the message “in context” to minimise its impact Local fix - Responding to the presenting case, but ignoring the possibility of others elsewhere Global fix - An attempt to respond to the problem wherever it exists. Common in aviation Inquiry - Attempting to get to the “root causes” of the problem 13 Pathological (power-oriented) Bureaucratic (rule-oriented) Generative (learning-oriented) Organisational Culture Westrum, Ron. (2005). A Typology of Organisational Cultures. Quality & safety in health care. 13 Suppl 2. ii22-7. 10.1136/qhc.13.suppl_2.ii22. Encapsulation Suppression Public Relations Local fix Global fix Inquiry A prediction of crisis response
  3. Inattention to team objectives Avoidance of accountability Lack of commitment

    Fear of healthy conflict Absence of trust Team Cohesion Five common behavioural oversights of teams Your team needs to place greater value on the collective achievement of outcomes, rather than individual or departmental recognition and ego. Your team hesitates to confront one another about performance and behavioural concerns. Your team may struggle at times to buy- in to clear decisions. This could be creating ambiguity within the organisation. Your team may need to learn to engage in more unfiltered discussion around important topics. Your team may need to get more comfortable being vulnerable and open with one another about individual strengths, weaknesses, mistakes and needs for help. Focus on delivering measurable objectives. Collective and individual accountability, and feedback To take accountability takes prior commitment Commitment follows healthy conflict Healthy conflict implies candid debate and a willingness to be open Building trust requires vulnerability Your results We often find that teams focus their energy on delivery, or on new technologies, and neglect to work on how they interact as people. As part of our assessment, we asked you some probing questions about your teammates. Assessment based on Patrick Lencioni’s 5 Dysfunctions of a Team
  4. Employee Net Promoter Score Promoters - 28.57% On a scale

    from 0-10, how likely are you to recommend your organisation as a place to work? What is the primary reason for your score? I'm baby post-ironic salvia knausgaard hexagon. Freegan coloring book PBR&B chartreuse retro. Vice farm-to-table celiac deep v, 3 wolf moon jean shorts activated charcoal pabst XOXO listicle vape venmo man braid typewriter yr. Vape air plant tumblr chambray taxidermy, messenger bag tofu seitan offal dreamcatcher you probably haven't heard of them hot chicken. Wayfarers turmeric biodiesel pour-over tattooed cronut. Single-origin coffee mustache sartorial pour-over before they sold out keffiyeh. Austin roof party sustainable hot chicken dreamcatcher direct trade. 8-bit you probably haven't heard of them seitan, live-edge viral pour-over la croix umami roof party tumeric bespoke cloud bread. EXAMPLE
  5. Four Key Metrics Deployment frequency How often does your organisation

    deploy code to production or release it to end users? Lead time for changes How long does it take to go from code committed to code successfully running in production? Mean time to restore service How long does it generally take to restore service when a service incident or a defect that impacts users occurs? Change failure rate What percentage of changes to production or releases to users result in degraded service and subsequently require remediation? Stability Speed
  6. 17 Other techniques we employee Stakeholder Mapping Service Blueprint Value

    Stream Mapping Identify blockers to flow, and communication problems Lean Value Tree
  7. “Deployment is all automatic” “We security test git on push”

    “Commit to VCS and the customers have it in seconds” “Anyone can do a deploy!” Continuous Delivery Continuous Delivery “Deployment Joe is the only one who can do that” “That’s the security team’s job” “The customers get it a quarter later” “Only some people can deploy” “We find out direct from our users by... “Our kanban board shows all the work, and where it is” “Our stories usually last no than half a sprint” "We weren’t sure so we ran an experiment” Product & Process Product & Process “I don’t really know what our users think” “Sometimes work comes from the backlog except...” “Sometimes stories last multiple sprints” “That’s the way we’ve always done it” Insert here.... “Good statement” “Another good statement” “Good thing number three” “Fourth good thing” “Number five in the list of things that are good...” Insert here.... “Bad statement” “This thing is bad too” “Terrible, terrible, bad thing” “Bad thing which is the norm, everyone does it but really shouldn’t” “Bad thing that we didn’t even know was bad” “Rather than a sign off process we pair program” “The app gathers metrics and decide what’s next” “Our checks spotted the problem before our customers DID” “We only take on one thing at a time” Lean Management & Monitoring Lean Management & Monitoring “Oh we need to wait for CAB before we release” “No idea how the business decides what to do next” “The customer reported it” “We’re constantly doing 7 or 8 things” “It was a week before we even noticed” Code Quality “Absolutely everything is in source control” “We automatically test on every commit” “There’s only really the master branch” “I can add as many or as few examples as I need” Code Quality “It’s in source control except...” “We manually have a look” “Our branches are around forever and there are loads of them” “...but the data wasn’t like that on prod”
  8. How we’ve delivered the MSDA • Face to face in

    the real world • As an online survey • Virtually over Team/Zooms/Hangouts • Currently working on a Kahoot-esque delivery method • Not had a chance to use the Agile Stationery cards in anger yet, but looking for opportunities if anyone is open to that?
  9. For the organisation* Identify hot spots and themes/patterns Team Health

    Continuous Delivery Deployment Operability Flow Testability *IMPORTANT!: Don’t use MSDA to compare two teams. It’s like comparing an apple with a penguin. Both tasty, but in their own different way.
  10. The Four States of Competence The Four States of Competence

    by Noel Burch, of Gordon Training International.
  11. We believe <this capability> Will result in <this outcome> We

    will know we have succeeded when <we see a measurable signal>