Pt arrived on time. Initially reported not having something to talk about and considered to returning to review of home movies. Briefly reviewed medical updates before moving on to writing from the weekend - focused on what to be writing about. In looking over journal noticed that when N is not around, she was less productive, tended to watch videos. Reflected on pattern. Would like to be able to do work on her own but feels less motivated. Mentioned feeling dizzy and noted elevated BS, which prompted discussion of eating Halloween candy over the last couple of days. Feels it was more than she should have eaten. Practiced identifying affect/behaviors connected to process. Able to reflect on feeling frustrated/angry with situation. Attempted to reframe actions and thoughts. Stuck between frustrated and overwhelmed by tasks and not feeling empowered to act - defaults to watching videos which are a mixed bag - keeps her informed but generates anxiety/worry about negative future outcomes. Attempted to reframe/challenge negative thoughts. Pt had difficulty separating affect from thoughts. Feels stuck - not able to act, holding all the "dark stuff." Reviewed coping options and plans for the afternoon. Theme continues to be of balance with self-confidence, independence vs. dependence.
Pt arrived on time. Reports feeling better than last session. Briefly reflected on pattern-able to connect low moods to feelings of abandonment/dependence. Doing better with schedule the last two days. Reviewed updates to sessions, which is the platform for tracking daily activities. Has been on track the last few days. Reviewed updates to writing summaries. Continues to process relationship with N - how to work together, incentives for reaching goals, how to get things done when the other is away. Reviewed medical updates - several appts made, plans to get epidural steroid injection for back pain, attending to toe, down to two Tylenol tabs/day (headaches are short/manageable, back pain ongoing). Pt has tried to track time spent video watching - getting feedback from multiple people that time spent may be too much. This gave her a context and goal. Was able to set a timer while watching and setting specific times for videos. This allowed more time for sessions/daily tasks. Reviewed tasks she was able to complete as a result. Feeling good about positive feedback she gets. Feels that she and N are working well together and inspire each other to act. Continued discussion on how these connected to past discussion on dependence/independence, abandonment/empowerment/confidence. Able to pull from writing that spoke to these themes. Explored options for predicting (planning ahead) and managing (supportive self) for these thoughts/moods. Reviewed goals for the afternoon and next several days.
Pt arrived on time. Spent several minutes at the beginning working through technical issues which were frustrating. Briefly reviewed updates to election. Able to reflect on change from being "obsessed" about content to not being interested. Briefly reviewed pattern. Moved on to daily tracking and writing. Keeping up with schedule, cleaned up sewing room. Had thoughts of returning to quilting. Writing has progressed with more personal reflection. Has been working to get up to date with the project that matches writer's note with personal details. Reviewed process for putting these notes together - categorizing content, generating a summary. Feels this is a safe way to contribute to the larger process/progress on existential thoughts - making meaning of her life and better understanding her progress on goals. Explored next steps. Moved on to discussion of online groups. Feeling that she might step away from the group for a while. Explored process - feeling frustrated with platform leader, getting less from platform, less people actively participating. Validated experience, explored process and options for communicating to platform leaders. Appears that other members are feeling similarly.