Pt arrived on time. Reports doing "so-so." Had not gotten to trying on the dress for the wedding. Did get it out and look it over. Reviewed agenda for session. Started with review of notes project - collated her personal notes and writer's medical record notes for several weeks. Feels it helps tell her personal story and remember it better. Goal is to add to concept outline which organizes the material for writing projects. Moved on to review of journal prompts and how they assist with daily schedule. Reflected on process for generating them and how she plans to use them. Reviewed most recent entries which led to discussion of wedding plans/itinerary and connected concerns. Processed thoughts and associated affect - doubting self, her abilities, feeling judged. Reviewed questions related to connection to past experiences - friend's death and funeral. Challenged assumptions - current event will be different than past event - and explored data to support this - friend and family as support, this is a happy occasion. Agreed to continue to discuss wedding plans next session.
Pt arrived on time. Reports feeling "a little unsettled." Today was practicing wearing the dress she plans to wear for the wedding. Partner was helpful in getting things together. Feeling "depleted" with the entire process - a lot of choices, uncertain about what she wants/how she should look, keeping up with all the details, in addition to missing her online friend. Still has makeup and hair decisions to get through. Reviewed process for these. Discussed how to manage downtime between events. Plans to take dog to vet/kennel for the weekend. Reviewed information on boarding - worked out plan to call with remaining questions. Reviewed itinerary for the days leading to wedding and over the weekend, with the goal of defining tasks and times. Pt had several worries/negative thoughts about her abilities and potential conversations. Challenged negative assumptions and worked to reframe - used goal of the wedding (support the couple by being present, enjoy family time, keep things simple) as theme. At end of session was feeling more hopeful about the event.