Pt arrived on time. Reported doing "OK" today. Partner has been ill and now diagnosed with COVID. Reviewed process. They have been working together to complete tasks. Pt was able to get mail and make dinner. Reflected on process. Last session was feeling that these tasks would be difficult. When the time came to them, she just did them. Feels they were easier than imagined. Reinforced process/goals. Reviewed updates on medical issues/appts. Had conversation with PCP-RN about support for weight loss. Plans to review it during upcoming appt. Rescheduled appts this week due to partner's illness. Reviewed session tracking updates. Keeping up with sessions over the day. Returned to discussion of writing project. Summary from last session led to discussion of process - reviewed statement, how it applies to process, her firsthand experiences - had difficulty holding thoughts together in session, which she connected to different parts' experiences/perspectives. Explored process, reviewed the labelled content from the writing and how these impact updates to general descriptions of parts. Goal has been to update descriptions and this observation/insight fits with this goal. Reviewed most recent descriptions and potential additions based on recent reflections. Discussed how updates to parts' descriptions reflect progress and feed back into her writing goals - understanding and sharing her experience of multiplicity.
Pt arrived on time. Pt feeling sick since last session and evaluated positive for COIVD over the weekend. Partner had previously been ill and assessed positive. Sx have been mild to moderate. Had a few days of feeling tired/sick with resting/sleeping most of the day. Has been feeling better the last couple of days. Has been taking cold medicine around the clock which is helping. Moved on to discussion of writing project. Based on passed discussions she had worked to summarize one part's contribution to aspects/topics (relationships, roles, goals). Reflected on process - generated satisfactory results but took a significant amount of time, more than is realistic to do on an ongoing basis. Reviewed potential compromise solutions based on larger goals of updating part descriptions and being able to track progress over time. Reviewed several of the insights that came from activity, thoughts/observations that are new and feel "big." Expressed feeling intimated on some level about the scope of work. Explored sources, practical aspects of the project and time involved (scope of months), which helped define scope. Feels it is worth continuing to work on. Reframed several observations to non-judgmental standpoint - goal is to observe, reflect, learn. If there are things that she notices, rather than judge them, reframe as opportunities for improvement. Reviewed next steps in project.
Pt arrived on time. Partner's daughter and son-in-law are visiting. Reviewed details - going well so far. They have dogs as well, which has been a little challenging. She has continued to work on the writing - updating part's bio/description. Reviewed the outline/summary for the two additional parts. Reflected on process. Likes the output. Reviewed how the summarized data updates/changes the perspective of the parts. Reflected on this as a new experience - observing in real-time, being aware of who is contributing and their perspective. Reviewed goals for this new skill - help parts with difficult feelings/situations, problem-solve tasks. Reviewed progress on writing. Has continued to label and edit more sections. Working to keep up with sessions, daily writing, editing, summarizing, and home tasks. Feels that it is working together - staying caught up with things. At end of session, returned to discussion of partner's family. They are in town for his surgery and will be staying for several weeks. Reviewed process, goals, positive aspects of interactions, options for maintaining personal space/time. Reviewed writer's leave next week.