Are Dropping Their PC Usage Source:
not only the way we live and communicate. They have also changed the way we think. Customers have experienced a mind shift: They expect any desired information or service to be available, on any appropriate device, in context, at their moment of need.” Source:
83 apps per iOS device sold and 53 apps per Android device activation. As at the end of May there will be 100 billion mobile apps installed on iOS and Android devices.
53Bn in 2012, and expected to rise to $ 68Bn in 2013. It is growing at a 28% CAGR between 2012 and 2016, reaching $143 Bn in 2016.” Source:
Apps And The U.S. Lead The Charge Source:
When you experience issues with an app, what do you typically do?, 52% simply delete / forget the app, 3% will try contact customer service, others will attempt to reinstall or seek guidance online.