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Design Systems (english) #Fluxible

Benno Lœwenberg
September 21, 2017

Design Systems (english) #Fluxible

UI design becomes increasingly important for products and services. Influencing their users' expierence. UX itself determines the value of digital offerings and is their key differentiator. But "historically grown" incoherent interfaces deteriorate value and brand of products and services.

This talk is about design systems, that help to avoid (or overcome) design dept and to enable scaling UX across platforms, products and devices. Modularity and standardisation of repeatedly used aspects helps speeding up processes and increasing business value. Design systems help making user experience tangible to teams and brand values actionable.

#DesignSystems #DesignSystem #ProductDesign #DesignProcess #InteractionDesign #UserExperience #UX #UI #ModularDesign #AtomicDesign #PatternLibraries #PatternLibrary #StyleGuides #StyleGuide #Elements #Modules #Components

Benno Lœwenberg

September 21, 2017

More Decks by Benno Lœwenberg

Other Decks in Business


  1.   UX & DESIGN DEBT  – Lots of people and

    tools involved – Little-to-no testing (technical and UX) – Minimal-to-no documentation or specification – Disparate components across all lines of business @BennoLoewenberg
  2.   COSTLY CHAOS  – Time – Focus – Brand -

    Money – Engagement – Value and quality – Customer satisfaction @BennoLoewenberg
  3.   US/CA SHOWER FAUCET  @BennoLoewenberg … easier to use, but

    limited set of choices (just a bit of hot water connot be selected)
  4.   MULTI-SCREEN & OMNI-CHANNEL  UI design becomes increasingly important for

    products and services. UX determines the value of digital offerings and is their key differentiator . @BennoLoewenberg
  5.  GOALS  + Design debt reduction (cohesive brand & UX) +

    More focus on UX & specialties (no redundancies) + Speeding up the processes (design, handover, code) + Increasing business value (maintainability, scalability) @BennoLoewenberg
  6. Alta, Ant, Apex, Axiom, Backpack, Binary, Blueprint, Boundless, Build, Canvas,

    Carbon, Chameleon, Cirrus, Clarity, Cosmos, DressCode, Fabric, Feelix, Fiori, Fleet, Fluent, Garden, Gel, Glue, Gravity, Grommet, Harmony, Honeycomb, Kotti, Lightning, Material, Mind, Nachos, Northstar, Nova, Opattern, Origami, PatternFly, Photon, Plasma, Polaris, Predix, Primer, Purple, Rizzo, Scooter, Show- Car, Solar, Solid, SolidWork, Spark, Spectrum, Stacks, ingWorx, Uniform, Unity, Quik, Vanilla … @BennoLoewenberg   DESIGN SYSTEMS 
  7.  DE-TERMINATION  Design System ≠ Style Guide Design System ≠ Pattern

    Library Design System ≠ System Design @BennoLoewenberg read: does NOT equal
  8.  INTERPLAY  + Blueprint for baseline UI and interaction patterns +

    Rules defining the interplay of technological and visual components for consistent UX + Codify a system to encourage re-use across products for a cohesive UX Source: Emily Maxie
  9.  FACILITATION  + Standardisation of basics frees up to focus on

    e. g. research, inspiration for new concepts, handoff process, holistic view on features and their impact to the system. + Structure for the foundation of all products and product versions, without requiring a lot of efford each time. @BennoLoewenberg
  10. @BennoLoewenberg  ADAPTABILITY  Designing for modules and their interplay in different

    screens, not static pages. Design for change of products, platforms and user-related affordances.
  11. BUILDING BLOCKS (STYLE GUIDE) Color Pallettes Typographic Scales Grid Definitions

    Icons & Assets UI PATTERNS (LIBRARY) Elements Components Modules Templates RULES (GUIDELINES) Design Principles Implementation Guidelines Editorial Guidelines @BennoLoewenberg (aft. UXpin)
  12. @BennoLoewenberg (aft. Dominic McPhee) STYLE GUIDE PATTERN LIBRARY Design Language

  13.   BIG PICTURE  + Establish a baseline framework + Care

    for company-wide awareness of it and its use + Institute a global design and development tool set + Implement a “single source of truth” across all LOBs + Constanly review and maintain the design system @BennoLoewenberg
  14.  INITIATION  1. Element audit 2. User research and features determination

    3. Object-repository identification 4. Minimum viable design system 5. Pilot project (reference design showcase) @BennoLoewenberg
  15.   LITTLE STEPS  Start small core elements & assets everyone

    can understand & use Make it usable tokenize design options & showcase pages & elements Use it prioratize it, conduct design clinics, demos & audits to foster design & development convergence Source: Nathan Curtis
  16.  PRODUCT  It is NOT a simple side project ! A design

    system is a full-blown product serving other software products. It significantly influences the quality of the products, that are built with it and therefore is a success factor @BennoLoewenberg
  17.   SUCCESS FACTORS  A design system needs strategy and resources

    as every “regular” product. For it’s successful realisation many participants need to contribute to it. Designers and developers will keep supporting it , only if they have ownership of the design system. @BennoLoewenberg
  18.   NEVER DONE  It is NOT a one-off ! To keep

    a design system alive, relevant, it constantly needs to be maintained . The bigger it grows, the shorter the cycles need to be for checking its affordances, quality and updating it . @BennoLoewenberg
  19.   SCALING UX  Design Systems are a way to make

    UX tangible to teams and to make brand values actionable . @BennoLoewenberg