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Barrel is a database I wrote from scratch in Erlang that can be used embedded in an Erlang or Elixir application like Mnesia or standalone over HTTP from any applications or service. With Barrel, you can easily bring and keep a view of your data inside your application and replicate it between your different machines. After briefly describing the architecture of barrel and its key features, the talk will show how we use it to create a custom data platform in Erlang or Elixir for a consumer-oriented product, mixing local and remote storages and different peer-to-peer replications strategies.

Benoit Chesneau

December 07, 2018

More Decks by Benoit Chesneau

Other Decks in Programming


  1. benoît chesneau craftsman working on P2P and custom data endpoints

    solution Created 11 years ago, Enki Multimedia member of the Erlang Industrial User Group about me
  2. more and more of our data is in the "Cloud"

    we let to third parties the control over our data we live in the time where Making us more and more dependant
  3. Barrel is not a database. It is a framework /

    product that synchronizes 
 and replicates data between machines and applications.
  4. keep a partial state of your data locally replicate changes

    in your data route automatically or implicitly a view of your data Built in Erlang Opensource Features
  5. core data structure of barrel are documents stored in a

    barrel can be represented as a an Erlang map or JSON with a revision Document oriented { "id" : "ID", "key" : "value", "_rev": "REVISIONID" }
  6. attachments are binary contents updated or linked (http) to a

    document attach anything { "id" : "ID", "key" : "value", "_attachments": [ { "id" : "AttachmentID" } ] }
  7. by document IDs by path automatically indexed { "id" :

    "ID", "locations" : [ { "country" : "France", "city" : "creil" } ], "headquarter" : "France" } $/id/ID $/locations/0/country/france $/locations/0/city/creil $/headquarter/france
  8. listen on any document changes changes are incremental filter changes

    persist view changes database changes { "id" : "ID", "rev" : "REVID", "seq" : 1, "changes" : ["REVID"] }
  9. built in Erlang good resilience due to an efficient supervision.

    (aten from rabbitmq for local nodes monitoring) Each steps of the write workflow is done in different isolated processes local document db using Rocksdb using dirty-nifs:
 https://gitlab.com/barrel-db/erlang-rocksdb new improvements in the TCP/IO stack improves the performance for free.
  10. create a custom data platform mixing local and remote storages

    and different peer-to-peer replications strategies.
  11. HTTP(s) & Websocket for any one lib can be embedded

    in an Erlang Node if you want to remote nodes uses websockets to exchange the data embedded or remote
  12. barrels have to be created per nodes Or via the

    HTTP API create a barrel Name = <<"mybarrel">>, Params = #{ store_provider => <<"MyLocalRocksdb">> }, ok = create_barrel(Name, Params) POST /barrels/name { "name": "mybarrel", "params" : { "store_provider": "MyLocalRocksdb" } }
  13. once opened , you can use a barrel to create

    and retrieve a doc simple put and get a barrel {ok, Barrel} = barrel:open(Name) {ok, DocId, Rev} = barrel:save_doc(Barrel, {}), {ok, Doc = #{ <<"id">> := DocId, <<"_rev">> := Rev }} = barrel:fetch_doc(Barrel, DocId)
  14. once opened , you can use a barrel to create

    and retrieve a doc can be nested "Peer to Peer" Put Params = #{ p2p_write => { host => "HOST:PORT", name => <<"RemoteBarrel">> }} {ok, DocId, Rev} = barrel:save_doc(Barrel, {}, Params) Params = #{p2p_write => { host => "HOST:PORT", name => <<"RemoteBarrel">>, p2p_write => { ... } }}
  15. similar syntax to Put Read first locally then remote "Peer

    to Peer" Get Params = #{p2p_read => { host => "HOST:PORT", name => <<"RemoteBarrel">>} {ok, Doc} = barrel:fetch_doc(Barrel, {}, Params),
  16. once opened , you can use a barrel to create

    and retrieve a doc
 Source and Target can be remote or local. Or both. Can work in Push and Pull mode at the same time (synchronisation). REPLICATION Params = #{ <<"source">> => <<"MyLocalBarrel">>, <<"target" => << "ws://HOST:PORT/RemoteBarrel" >> } {ok, RepId} = barrel:replicate(Params),
  17. A listener is a simple process on which you can

    pass a callback. you can subscribe to different pattern of path with a semantic similar to the one in MQTT Listen on change Callback = fun(Change) -> ok end, Params => #{ callback_fun => MyCallback, subscribe_to => [<<"/*">>], since => 0 }, {ok, ListenerPid} = start_listener(Barrel, Params).