Overview of the sections of the State of WA Landlord Tenant Act with the most common issues. Includes items such as deposits, screenings, notices and more... Presented by Attorney Jared Hawkins of Virtual In-House Counsel
information about the Washington Residential Landlord-Tenant Act (RLTA), Chapter 59.18 RCW. Not every detail of the RLTA will be discussed or explained. • Attending this presentation does not create an attorney/client relationship and information provided is not intended as legal advice.
• Applies: – Residences, not commercial leases • Does not Apply: – Mobile homes (renting lot) (RCW 59.20) – Nursing homes – Hotel, motel, transient lodging – Some houses on leased farm land – Prison
– Prior notice to T required (of types of information to be accessed, criteria that may result in denial, and if consumer report is to be used, the name and address of the agency and the tenant’s rights to obtain a free copy of the report in the event of the denial) – Landlord (L) may charge prospective T for costs, but only if information above is provided
– If L takes adverse action, L must provide a written notice of the adverse action to the T that states the reasons for the adverse action – Format must be substantially similar to format provided at RCW 59.18.527.
1 year leases must be in writing – Need to be notarized and have property description if longer than one year • Lease Cannot Waive Rights Guaranteed by RLTA
Unlawful • Fee/Deposit to Hold Unit: – L must provide T a receipt – L must provide T a written statement of conditions under which the fee/deposit may be retained – If T does occupy unit, L must credit fee/deposit towards first month’s rent or security deposit
Unit (continued): – If T does NOT occupy unit, L may keep up to the full amount of the deposit so long as it is in accordance with the written statement of conditions provided prospective T – Violations of this section by L may result in T being awarded damages of up to 2 x amount of deposit, and payment of T’s court costs and reasonable attorney fees
– To collect SD: • Lease must be in writing; AND • Lease must contain the terms and conditions under which all or a portion of the deposit may be withheld by L; AND • Checklist or statement describing the condition and cleanliness of the premises and furnishings is provided to T by L at the commencement of the tenancy—T and L must sign and date checklist
– CANNOT withhold any deposit for normal wear and tear – CANNOT withhold/collect any deposit if you did not comply with checklist requirements (see above)—L liable to T (in the amount of the deposit) if L collects a deposit without providing a checklist (and prevailing party can recover court costs and reasonable attorney fees)
– SD should promptly be placed in a trust fund account for L maintained by L in a financial institution (bank, credit union, etc.) for that purpose – L entitled to interest, unless otherwise agreed in writing – L should give T a receipt for the deposit and written notice of the name and address of the institution (including any updates or changes in location)
Security Deposit: – Within 14 days of termination of lease and vacation of premises (or abandonment of premises) L must give full and specific statement of the basis for retaining any of the deposit + payment of any refund due the T – Satisfied if mailed within 14 days to T at T’s last known address – If L does not comply, L liable to T for full amount of deposit—Court may award T up to 2x the amount of deposit for L’s intentional refusal (and prevailing party will be awarded legal costs and attorney fees)
Nonrefundable fees paid to L may not be designated as a deposit or part of a deposit – If any money paid to L is a nonrefundable fee, the lease must be in writing and must clearly specify that the fee is nonrefundable • If no written agreement provided, L liable to T for amount of any nonrefundable fees collected • If written agreement fails to specify that fee is nonrefundable, fee is treated as refundable deposit
Maintain the property to substantially comply with applicable codes, statues, ordinances – Maintain structural components (roofs, floors, walls, chimneys, foundations, etc. in reasonably good repair (to be usable) – Keep common areas reasonably clean, sanitary, and safe from defects (increasing hazards of risk or accident)
– Provide reasonable program for control of infestation (insects, rodents, pests, etc) • Exceptions – single-family residence (during tenancy) – Tenant caused
– Put/keep premises in as good condition as by law or rental agreement it should have been at beginning of tenancy (exception: normal wear and tear) – Provide adequate locks and provide keys to T – Maintain electrical, plumbing, and heating facilities (and appliances provided by L) in good working order
– Provide facilities adequate to supply heat and water as reasonably required by tenant – Maintain dwelling in reasonably weathertight condition – Provide receptacles in common areas for garbage (except single-family residence)
by L to T: – Fire safety and protection information • Provided at time lease is signed – Health hazards associated with indoor mold • Provide individually to each tenant OR post – Name and address of the L • Statement on the lease OR posted notice • T must receive notice of any changes
L fails to fulfill duties (statute or lease), T may provide written notice to L – Notice must state: • Premises involved • Name of the owner • Nature of the defective condition
Notice: – Begin remedial action as soon as possible: • ≤ 24 Hours: T deprived of hot or cold water, heat, or electricity (or condition is otherwise imminently hazardous to life) • ≤ 72 hours: T deprived of use of refrigerator, range and oven, or a major plumbing fixture (supplied by L) • ≤ 10 days: all other cases – Exceptions: circumstances beyond L’s control
Inadequate L Response to Written Notice: – Terminate the Rental Agreement (no further obligation; pro-rata return of unpaid rent) – Bring court action – Pursue other remedies listed in RLTA
Notice): – T provides L with good faith repair estimate, professional repairs, and T deducts value from rent if untimely response from L • Cannot exceed value of two month’s rent – T repairs & deducts costs from rent • Cannot exceed value of one month’s rent – BEWARE of damaging L’s property! • Agreement between T & L for T Repair OK
– Diminished Rental Value: • If court determines that L failed to carry out duties in a timely fashion, and reasonable amount of time has passed, court may determine that the rental value has diminished and award a judgment against L for any rent T has paid in excess of that value
(Continued): – Substandard and Dangerous Conditions: • No response to written notice • T requests inspection by government inspector • Inspector certifies dangerous condition • Tenant begins to place rent in escrow account and continues to do so until condition remedies • Court may terminate tenancy • Prevailing party in court action wins legal costs and attorney fees
Pay the rent! – Keep place clean! – Dispose of garbage – Properly use electrical, gas, heating, plumbing and other fixtures – Not intentionally / negligently destroy, deface, damage, impair, remove, etc. any part of the dwelling
– Maintain smoke detective devices – NOT engage in drug-related activity on premises (or allow others to engage in such activity) – Not engage in any activity on the premises that: is imminently hazardous to others; entails physical assaults upon others; or entails unlawful use of a firearm
– Not engage in any gang-related activity on the premises, or allow others to do so – Upon termination, restore the premises to its initial condition (except for normal wear and tear)
Deliver copy to T (1 copy for each T) personally; OR – If T is absent from the premises, leaving a copy, with some person of suitable age and discretion, and sending a copy through the mail addressed to the T at T’s residence; OR – If a person of suitable age and discretion cannot be found, by affixing a copy of the notice in a conspicuous place at the premises, and also sending a copy through the mail addressed to the tenant at the premises
(continued): – If tenant fails to remedy condition within required time: • Bring an action in appropriate court • Pursue other remedies available under RLTA – L must NOT: • Remove or exclude T from residence without proper Court order • Intentionally cause termination of T’s utility services