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Let's talk about Git

Let's talk about Git

Internal company talk about Git and Github. Very introductory.

Bradley Whittington

August 19, 2014

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  1. A little history Git is a DVCS, built by Linus

    Torvalds to manage high volumes of merges into the Kernel It emerged after squabbles with the maker of the commercial BitKeeper VCS. Git is: Fast, simple, non-linear, distributed
  2. Git cheatsheet • git init ◦ New self-hosted repo •

    git add ◦ Stage files for commit • git commit ◦ Commit to local ◦ -m “Commit Message” ◦ -a <add and commit all unstaged> ◦ -p <let you pick what to commit of unstaged>
  3. • git branch <branchname> • git checkout <branchname|hash|HEAD|etc> • git

    pull ◦ shorthand for: git pull origin ◦ (actually git-fetch, then git-merge) • git push ◦ push changes to origin ◦ could be git push <target> <branch> • git log ◦ log of commits on current branch
  4. Git is unixy • Git is composed of lots of

    smaller executables ◦ git commit == git-commit ◦ man git-commit • This means git is extensible sh-3.2# echo "#\!/bin/bash\necho 'hello polly'" > /usr/sbin/git-echo sh-3.2# chmod +x /usr/sbin/git-echo sh-3.2# git echo hello polly
  5. Git flow Best branching strategy. ever. • Develop is ±messy.

    • Branch features off Develop. (e.g. feature/new_boondoggle) • Merge up to Develop. • Stabilize Develop. • Merge to master, tag, release. • Branch hotfixes off master Master is always a clean, dependable build.
  6. Using git flow • Supported by some development environments •

    Commandline tools ◦ https://github.com/nvie/gitflow git clone --recursive git@github.com: <username>/gitflow.git cd gitflow git branch master origin/master git flow init -d git flow feature start <your feature>
  7. Pull requests? Encapsulates a set of changes you want to

    merge between two repositories or branches. Groups together a set of logical changes. Nice UI in Github to interact and review.
  8. Github pull requests (Open source) “Hey, please can someone look

    over my code” ◦ Only maintainers have write access to repo ◦ Anyone can clone/fork a repo ◦ Make changes to your fork ◦ Open a pull request against maintainer’s repo ◦ Reviewed and ingested by repo owner(s)
  9. Github pull requests (private edition) “Hey, please can someone look

    over my code” • Branch Develop -> feature/my_feature • code code code commit code code commit code commit push code code commit push code commit push • Instead of merging locally, create pull request from feature/my_feature -> Develop
  10. • Write a nice descriptive PR • PR -> Slack

    channel • Open for comments ◦ Comments can be on PR generally ◦ Comments can be on specific changes ◦ Comments can just be :+1: ◦ Comments can enforce culture ▪ “This doesn’t have tests” ▪ “This is some fine ass code” ▪ “Please rework this to use new interfaces” • Additional commits to branch are appended
  11. Merge the PR Eventually hit the merge button on the

    Pull request to close issue, and merge code.