These are my slides for my 'presentation on presentations' to Saint Louis University undergraduate students - seniors who are preparing to present their capstones at the end of each semester. These slides have been updated for Spring 2022.
transitions to ease movement between slides… otherwise changes feel abrupt ▸ Pick a simple stock theme with clean fonts, high contrast design (dark background and light font or light background and dark font) ▸ Simple slides - avoid too many boxes, colors, and words 2. DESIGN MATTERS DESIGN TIPS
Literature Review • Aim for synthetic slides by topic rather than a slide per source • Follow the argument of your paper - your literature review needs structure and an argument! • Avoid bulleted lists of sources 4. Discussion & Conclusion 5. Acknowledgements
also has a white background ▸ Use Google Images to search for high quality images instead • The Tools menu allows you to fi lter by size 3. FOCUS ON CONTENT AVOID LOW QUALITY IMAGES
material used in educational institutions and for educational purposes… “Educational purposes” are: • noncommercial instruction or curriculum-based teaching by educators to students at nonpro fi t educational institutions • planned noncommercial study or investigation directed toward making a contribution to a fi eld of knowledge, or • presentation of research fi ndings at noncommercial peer conferences, workshops, or seminars. 3. FOCUS ON CONTENT From; see site for details
reliance on notes ▸ Never apologize ▸ Use humor ▸ Use general-neutral speech ▸ Take questions but never condescend the questioner ▸ Express enthusiasm about your material 4. PRESENTATION DAY TUFTE’S TIPS
3 minute question and answer ▸ There will be multiple rooms simultaneously presenting over Zoom or in- person ▸ If we use Zoom: • Try to practice over Zoom ahead of time with friends • Check your background and lighting ahead of time • Clean your desktop, close browser windows, close all other applications • If you get alerts on your computer, turn Do Not Disturb on
is in-charge of your room will enable you to share your screen. Once enabled, click “Share Screen”: 2. Then choose the screen you want to share and Slick “Share”:
screen, then go ahead and start your presentation. a. I recommend placing the thumbnail videos in the corner of your screen so you can still see some audience members. They won’t see themselves! 4. When you’re done, your can click “Stop Share” at the top of your screen:
person, you must present off a Windows computer in the classroom. macOS users need to consciously prepare ahead of time for this - export slides as .pdf fi les OR go through PowerPoint slide deck on a Windows computer ahead of time.