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Self-discovery not self-conviction

Self-discovery not self-conviction

Many first-time tech community leaders start off with an amazing dream to change the world and make a large-scale impact. This 'grand plan' usually is of great essence to them.
But when they start leadership, they discover it's not all roses and rainbows. There are various challenges, lots of things to learn and understand, and issues that come up. Eventually, many of them end up not reaching their intended destination.
Because of this they end up beating themselves up and feeling bad. Instead of acknowledging the progress they made, they convict themselves and look at what they didn't do.
Leadership is a journey, one with many lessons. Therefore we need to view our challenges and shortcomings as lessons and take them positively to help us discover more about ourselves.

Event Link: https://gdsc.community.dev/events/details/developer-student-clubs-gdsc-global-presents-gdsc-class-of-2021-2022-networking-event/

Clifford Ouma

April 27, 2022

More Decks by Clifford Ouma

Other Decks in Programming


  1. - Being selected as a lead - Party time. Celebrating

    your win. - Excitement and sharing with our networks The genesis
  2. - Thinking and laying out plans for your community The

    dream The plan to change the world
  3. Actualizing the dream and plans - Things not going as

    expected - Having to manage a team - Learning that communication is key - Learning how to delegate - Low turnup at some events - Issues with school and it’s protocols Actual taste of leadership
  4. Self conviction - Time running out - Reflecting back on

    what you’ve done - Comparing it with you ‘grand plan’ - Feeling that you did not do enough The wrong perception of your work
  5. Leadership is not a one-off thing, it is a constant

    battle, testing out different ways to operate and finding out what works best for you.
  6. Viewing leadership as self discovery Finding out more about you

    - Different people - What worked for us? - What did not work out? - What did I learn? - What can I now change going forward? - Reaching your dream plan through constant improvement
  7. - You are amazing - You have done great for

    your community members - Continue to be a leader - Learn from experiences - Discover more about yourself and your leadership style - Be that dream leader Wrap Up