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Programs that Write Programs: How Compilers Work

Programs that Write Programs: How Compilers Work

As presented at Momentum Dev Con, 19 April 2018
Compilers are the bridge between the code you write and the applications you run. While production compilers can be quite complicated, the principles of compiler design are not too hard to learn, and are broadly applicable to many seemingly difficult programming problems. In this session you will learn how every phase of a real compiler works, including lexing, parsing, type checking, optimization, and code generation. The lessons learned here will help you with many common programming problems, such as deserialization, maintaining large amounts of legacy code, static analysis, testing, and validation. In contrast to common Java-based compiler tutorials, I'll demonstrate how to build a compiler using functional programming techniques in F#. Full source code for a working compiler targeting the .NET CLR will be included!

Craig Stuntz

April 20, 2018

More Decks by Craig Stuntz

Other Decks in Programming


  1. –Steve Yegge “You're actually surrounded by compilation problems. You run

    into them almost every day.” http://steve-yegge.blogspot.ca/2007/06/rich-programmer-food.html
  2. –Greenspun’s Tenth Rule “Any sufficiently complicated C or Fortran program

    contains an ad hoc, informally- specified, bug-ridden, slow implementation of half of Co!"on Lisp.” https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Philip_Greenspun_and_Alex_the_dog.jpg
  3. –Eugene Wallingford “…compilers ultimately depend on a single big idea

    from the theory of computer science: that a certain kind of machine can simulate anything — including itself. As a result, this certain kind of machine, the Turing machine, is the very definition of computability.” http://www.cs.uni.edu/~wallingf/blog/archives/monthly/2015-09.html#e2015-09-03T15_26_47.htm
  4. Useful Bits • Regular Expressions (lexing) • Deserializers (parsing) •

    Linters, static analysis (syntax, type checking) • Solvers, theorem provers (optimization) • Code migration tools (compilers!)
  5. Source code → Program JPEG file → Image on screen

    Source code → Potential style error list JSON → Object graph Code with 2 digit years → Y2K compliant code VB6 → C# Object graph → User interface markup Algorithm → Faster, equivalent algorithm
  6. #define D define #D Y return #D R for #D

    e while #D I printf #D l int #D W if #D C y=v+111;H(x,v)*y++= *x #D H(a,b)R(a=b+11;a<b+89;a++) #D s(a)t=scanf("%d",&a) #D U Z I #D Z I("123\ 45678\n");H(x,V){putchar(".XO"[*x]);W((x-V)%10==8){x+=2;I("%d\n",(x-V)/10-1);}} l V[1600],u,r[]={-1,-11,-10,-9,1,11,10,9},h[]={11,18,81,88},ih[]={22,27,72,77}, bz,lv=60,*x,*y,m,t;S(d,v,f,_,a,b)l*v;{l c=0,*n=v+100,j=d<u-1?a:-9000,w,z,i,g,q= 3-f;W(d>u){R(w=i=0;i<4;i++)w+=(m=v[h[i]])==f?300:m==q?-300:(t=v[ih[i]])==f?-50: t==q?50:0;Y w;}H(z,0){W(E(v,z,f,100)){c++;w= -S(d+1,n,q,0,-b,-j);W(w>j){g=bz=z; j=w;W(w#$b%&w#$8003)Y w;}}}W(!c){g=0;W(_){H(x,v)c+= *x==f?1:*x==3-f?-1:0;Y c>0? 8000+c:c-8000;}C;j= -S(d+1,n,q,1,-b,-j);)bz=g;Y d#$u-1?j+(c'(3):j;}main(){R(;t< 1600;t+=100)R(m=0;m<100;m++)V[t+m]=m<11%&m>88%&(m+1)%10<2?3:0;I("Level:");V[44] =V[55]=1;V[45]=V[54]=2;s(u);e(lv>0){Z do{I("You:");s(m);}e(!E(V,m,2,0))*m+,99); W(m+,99)lv--;W(lv<15)*u<10)u+=2;U("Wait\n");I("Value:%d\n",S(0,V,1,0,-9000,9000 ));I("move: %d\n",(lv-=E(V,bz,1,0),bz));}}E(v,z,f,o)l*v;{l*j,q=3-f,g=0,i,w,*k=v +z;W(*k==0)R(i=7;i#$0;i--){j=k+(w=r[i]);e(*j==q)j+=w;W(*j==f)*j-w+,k){W(!g){g=1 ;C;}e(j+,k)*((j-=w)+o)=f;}}Y g;}
  7. Duff’s Device There Are No Edge Cases In Progra"#ing Languages

    send(to, from, count) register short *to, *from; register count; { register n = (count + 7) / 8; switch (count % 8) { case 0: do { *to = *from++; case 7: *to = *from++; case 6: *to = *from++; case 5: *to = *from++; case 4: *to = *from++; case 3: *to = *from++; case 2: *to = *from++; case 1: *to = *from++; } while (--n > 0); } }
  8. 1 + 2 + 3 + … + 100 =

    100 * 101 / 2 = 5050
  9. Lexer → Regular Expressions Parser → Context Free Gra!"ar Optimizer

    → Algebra Type Checker → Logical Inference Rules Code Generator → Denotational Semantics
  10. –Leslie Lamport “You don’t achieve simplicity by thinking in terms

    of complicated languages. Simplicity requires thinking abstractly before you start implementing.” http://www.heidelberg-laureate-forum.org/blog/video/lecture-monday-august-24-2015-leslie-lamport/ https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Leslie_Lamport.jpg
  11. Semantics name = "Nate" # +/ "Nate" String.upcase(name) # +/

    "NATE" name # +/ "Nate" name = "Nate" # +/ "Nate" name.upcase! # +/ "NATE" name # +/ "NATE" http://www.natescottwest.com/elixir-for-rubyists-part-2/
  12. Semantics Imports System Namespace Hello Class HelloWorld Overloads Shared Sub

    Main(ByVal args() As String) Dim name As String = "VB.NET" 'See if argument passed If args.Length = 1 Then name = args(0) Console.WriteLine("Hello, " & name & "!") End Sub End Class End Namespace using System; namespace Hello { public class HelloWorld { public static void Main(string[] args) { string name = "C#"; !" See if argument passed if (args.Length == 1) name = args[0]; Console.WriteLine("Hello, " + name + "!"); } } } http://www.harding.edu/fmccown/vbnet_csharp_comparison.html
  13. OK, so let’s compile something already! module Compiler let compile

    = Lexer.lex 01 Parser.parse 01 Binder.bind 01 Optimize Binding.optimize 01 IlGenerator.codegen 01 Railway.map OptimizeIl.optimize 01 Railway.map Il.toAssemblyBuilder
  14. (inc -1) Lex LeftParen, Identifier(inc), Number(-1), RightParen Parse Apply “inc”

    to -1 Type check “inc” exists and takes an int argument, and -1 is an int. Great! Optimize -1 + 1 = 0, so just emit int 0! IL generate Ldc.i4 0 Optimize Ldc.i4 0 → Ldc.i4.0 Object code Produce assembly with entry point which contains the IL generated
  15. Lexer What Problem Are We Solving? String → Sequence of

    tokens Non-Compiler Example Text search
  16. Regular Expressions leftParenthesis = ‘(‘ rightParenthesis = ‘)’ letter =

    ‘A’ | ‘B’ | ‘C’ | … digit = ‘0’ | ‘1’ | ‘2’ | … number = (‘+’digit|‘-’digit|digit) digit* alphanumeric = letter | number !3 …
  17. Lexer type Lexeme = | LeftParenthesis | RightParenthesis | Identifier

    of string | LiteralInt of int | LiteralString of string | Unrecognized of char
  18. Lexer type Lexeme = | LeftParenthesis | RightParenthesis | Identifier

    of string | LiteralInt of int | LiteralString of string | Unrecognized of char
  19. Lexer let private prettyPrint (lexeme: Lexeme) = match lexeme with

    | LeftParenthesis !→ "(" | RightParenthesis !→ ")" | Identifier identifier !→ identifier | LiteralInt num !→ num.ToString() | LiteralString str !→ str | Unrecognized ch !→ ch.ToString()
  20. Lexer let rec private lexChars (source: char list) : Lexeme

    list = match source with | '(' :: rest !→ LeftParenthesis :: lexChars rest | ')' :: rest !→ RightParenthesis :: lexChars rest | '"' :: rest !→ lexString(rest, "") | c :: rest when isIdentifierStart c !→ lexName (source, "") | d :: rest when System.Char.IsDigit d !→ lexNumber(source, "") | [] !→ [] | w :: rest when System.Char.IsWhiteSpace w !→ lexChars rest | c :: rest !→ Unrecognized c :: lexChars rest
  21. Lexer http://www.regular-expressions.info/email.html “So even when following official standards, there are

    still trade-offs to be made. Don't blindly copy regular expressions from online libraries or discussion forums.” -Jan Goyvaerts, regular-expressions.info
  22. Parser What Problem Are We Solving? Sequence of tokens →

    Syntax tree Non-Compiler Example Deserialization
  23. Gra"#ar <program> := <statement> | <program> <statement> <statement> := <defun>

    | <expr> <defun> := “(defun” identifier <expr> <expr> “)” <expr> := number | string | <invoke> <invoke> := “(” identifier <expr> “)”
  24. Gra"#ar type Expression = | IntExpr of int | StringExpr

    of string | DefunExpr of name: string * argument: ArgumentExp | InvokeExpr of name: string * argument: Expression | IdentifierExpr of string | ErrorExpr of string | EmptyListExpr
  25. Parser let rec private parseExpression (state : ParseState): ParseState =

    match state.Remaining with | LeftParenthesis :: Identifier "defun" :: Identifier name :: rest !→ let defun = parseDefun (name, { state with Remaining = rest }) match defun.Expressions, defun.Remaining with | [ ErrorExpr _ ], _ !→ defun | _, RightParenthesis :: remaining !→ { defun with Remaining = remaining } | _, [] !→ error ("Expected ')'.") | _, wrong :: _ !→ error (sprintf "Expected ')'; found %A." wrong) | LeftParenthesis :: Identifier name :: argumentsAndBody !→ let invoke = parseInvoke (name, { state with Remaining = argumentsAndBody }) match invoke.Remaining with | RightParenthesis :: remaining !→ { invoke with Remaining = remaining } | [] !→ error ("Expected ')'.") | wrong :: _ !→ error (sprintf "Expected ')'; found %A." wrong) | LeftParenthesis :: wrong !→ error (sprintf "%A cannot follow '('." wrong)
  26. –Guy Steele “If it's worth telling another progra!"er, it's worth

    telling the compiler, I think.” https://joshvarty.wordpress.com/2015/08/03/learn-roslyn-now-part-11-introduction-to-code-fixes/
  27. Scope What Problem Are We Solving? What does “x” mean

    right now? Non-Compiler Example Bounded Context in Domain Driven Design
  28. InvokeBinding { FunctionName = "inc" Function = Inc Argument =

    IntBinding -1} Binding InvokeExpr “inc” -1
  29. InvokeExpr { Name = "not-a-function" Argument = StringExpr "" }

    Binding “Undefined function ‘not-a-function’.”
  30. About Those Errors [<Test>] member this.``should return error for unbound

    invocation``() = let source = "(bad-method 2)" let expected = ErrorBinding ( "Undefined function 'bad-method'.", EmptyBinding) let actual = bind source actual |> should equal expected
  31. About Those Errors • Die in a fire • Guess

    what I meant, not what I said http://www.drdobbs.com/architecture-and-design/so-you-want-to-write-your-own-language/240165488?pgno=2
  32. About Those Errors • Die in a fire • Guess

    what I meant, not what I said • Poisoning http://www.drdobbs.com/architecture-and-design/so-you-want-to-write-your-own-language/240165488?pgno=2
  33. Type Checking What Problem Are We Solving? AST → Boolean

    “Is it valid?” Non-Compiler Example Linter
  34. Type Inference Rules Γ ⊢ A Γ ⊢ B Γ

    ⊢ A×B Γ ⊢ v1 :Int Γ ⊢ v2 :Int Γ ⊢ v1 +v2 :Int
  35. Type Checking let rec private toBinding (environment: Map<string, Binding>) match

    expression with | IntExpr n !→ IntBinding n | StringExpr str !→ String Binding str
  36. Type Checking | InvokeExpr (name, argument) !→ match environment.TryFind name

    with | Some (Function Binding func) !→ let argumentBinding = toInvokedArgumentBinding environment argument match argumentTypeError argumentBinding func with | None !→ InvokeBinding { FunctionName = name Function = func Argument = argumentBinding } | Some argumentTypeErrorMessage !→ ErrorBinding (argumentTypeErrorMessage, EmptyBinding) | Some bindingType !→ ErrorBinding (sprintf "Expected function; found %A" bindingType, EmptyBinding) | None !→ ErrorBinding (sprintf "Undefined function '%s'." name, EmptyBinding)
  37. InvokeExpr { Name = "inc" Argument = StringExpr “Oops!" }

    Type Checking “Expected integer; found ‘Oops!’.”
  38. Optimizers What Problem Are We Solving? Program → Faster, but

    equivalent program Non-Compiler Example Theorem prover
  39. Optimization (I) let private optimizeInc (binding: Binding) : Binding =

    match binding with | IncBinding (IntBinding number) !→ IntBinding (number + 1) | IncBinding _ | BoolBinding _ | IntBinding _ | String Binding _ | VariableBinding _ | Function Binding _ | InvokeBinding _ | DefBinding _ | ErrorBinding _ | EmptyBinding _ !→ binding
  40. IL Generation let rec private codegenBinding (binding : Binding) =

    match binding with | BoolBinding b !→ match b with | true !→ [Ldc_I4_1] | false !→ [Ldc_I4_0] | IntBinding n !→ [Ldc_I4 n] | String Binding s !→ [Ldstr s] | !" …
  41. IL Generation let private writeLineMethod = typeof<System.Console>.GetMethod( "WriteLine", [| typeof<System.Int32>

    |] let private codegenOper = function | IncInt !→ [ Instruction.Ldc_I4_1 Instruction.Add ] | WriteLine !→ [ Instruction.Call writeLineMethod ]
  42. Optimization (II) let private optimalShortEncodingFor = function | Ldc_I4 0

    !→ Ldc_I4_0 | Ldc_I4 1 !→ Ldc_I4_1 | Ldc_I4 2 !→ Ldc_I4_2 | Ldc_I4 3 !→ Ldc_I4_3 | Ldc_I4 4 !→ Ldc_I4_4 | Ldc_I4 5 !→ Ldc_I4_5 | Ldc_I4 6 !→ Ldc_I4_6 | Ldc_I4 7 !→ Ldc_I4_7 | Ldc_I4 8 !→ Ldc_I4_8 | Ldloc 0 !→ Ldloc_0 | Ldloc 1 !→ Ldloc_1 | Ldloc 2 !→ Ldloc_2 | Ldloc 3 !→ Ldloc_3 | Ldloc i when i :; maxByte !→ Ldloc_S(Convert.ToByte(i))
  43. Further Reading • Progra!"ing Language Concepts, by Peter Sestoft •

    Modern Compiler Implementation in ML, by Andrew W. Appel • miniml (608 line implementation of ML subset), by Andrej Bauer • Coursera Compilers Course, by Alex Aiken