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Making Friends With QA - Mobile Central Europe,...

Making Friends With QA - Mobile Central Europe, Warsaw, Poland, June 2018

My talk trying to convince developers to make friends with Quality Assurance.

Quality Assurance can be a controversial subject for mobile developers: Some developers (and companies) feel that it’s unnecessary with the advent of automated testing, some feel like QA people can be endlessly nitpicky and unnecessarily delay releases, and some people use it as an excuse to not test the things they’ve added. However, QA can (and I argue, should) be your best friend in getting a usable app with minimal bugs out the door. Learn about the different types of QA, bringing in your first QA person, setting up a QA pipeline, and how to combine automated tests with humans poking at your app to have extra confidence in your releases.

Ellen Shapiro

June 06, 2018

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  1. Making Friends with QA Mobile Central Europe | Warsaw, Poland

    | June 2018 bakkenbaeck.com | justhum.com | @DesignatedNerd
  2. New QA Engineer Bug Ticket → I went to the

    login screen → I entered valid credentials → I tapped on the sign in button → It looked like it was logging in, but nothing happened
  3. Experienced QA Engineer Bug Ticket → On a build pointed

    at the staging server → I went to the login screen → I entered valid credentials [me@hi.com/p4$$w0rd] → I tapped on the sign in button → The loading indicator appeared, then disappeared → I was not logged in and no error was displayed → Devices tested: iPhone X (11.4.1), iPhone 6 (10.3.3)
  4. !

  5. Obligatory Summary Slide → QA helps catch problems before they

    reach users → QA forces clarification of existing process
  6. Obligatory Summary Slide → QA helps catch problems before they

    reach users → QA forces clarification of existing process → Unit/UI tests are not a replacement for QA
  7. Obligatory Summary Slide → QA helps catch problems before they

    reach users → QA forces clarification of existing process → Unit/UI tests are not a replacement for QA → Start with manual QA and work your way up to end-to-end and smoke tests
  8. Obligatory Summary Slide → QA helps catch problems before they

    reach users → QA forces clarification of existing process → Unit/UI tests are not a replacement for QA → Start with manual QA and work your way up to end-to-end and smoke tests → Empathy between QA and dev is critical to success
  9. Links! → TestRail for creating test suites http://www.gurock.com/testrail/ → The

    Director (aka QA Hates You) https://twitter.com/QAHatesYou
  10. Photo Credits → Angry mob by Robert Course-Baker: https://www.flickr.com/photos/ 29233640@N07/3645211083

    → Robot by the Oregon National Guard: https://www.flickr.com/photos/oregonmildep/ 8576624536/ → Craig and the New Features by Vjeran Pavic https://live.theverge.com/apple-wwdc-live-blog- keynote-2018
  11. Photo Credits → iPhone 7+ Teardown by iFixIt https://www.ifixit.com/Teardown/ iPhone+7+Plus+Teardown/67384

    → Braden Holtby's Killer Save by John Locher https://www.instagram.com/p/BjbsdKBH26s/