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Coroutines in Kotlin v3: In-depth review

Coroutines in Kotlin v3: In-depth review

Slides from my talk at UA Mobile 2017, 2017-11-25
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tql9fmWX_oc

Modern programming cannot be imagined without long-running operations such as CPU-intensive computations or blocking IO running in the background. Unfortunately, having too many active threads is very expensive and kills performance, but there's a solution - coroutines. They provide a way to avoid blocking a thread and replace it with a cheaper and more controllable operation: suspension of a coroutine.

I'll talk about generators/yield, async/await, channels, composable/delimited continuations, and its usage; consider available APIs and make the overview of standard kotlinx.coroutines library.

Dmytro Zaitsev

November 25, 2017

More Decks by Dmytro Zaitsev

Other Decks in Programming


  1. v1: Sequential (Direct style) fun postItem(item: Item) {
 val token

    = prepareToken() / / 1
 val post = submitPost(token, item) / / 2
 processPost(post) / / 3
  2. v2: Callbacks (Continuation-Passing style) fun postItem(item: Item) {
 prepareTokenAsync {

    token -> / / 1
 submitPostAsync(token, item) { post -> / / 2
 processPost(post) / / 3
 } Continuation
  3. v2: Callbacks (Continuation-Passing style) fun postItem(item: Item) {
 prepareTokenAsync {

    token -> / / 1
 submitPostAsync(token, item) { post -> / / 2
 processPost(post) / / 3
 } Callback hell
  4. v3: Rx/Futures/Promises fun postItem(item: Item) {
 .concatMap { token

    -> observePost(token, item) }
 .subscribe { post -> processPost(post) }
  5. v4: Coroutines Direct Style suspend fun postItem(item: Item) {

    token = prepareToken() / / 1
 val post = submitPost(token, item) / / 2
 processPost(post) / / 3
  6. v4: Coroutines Direct Style suspend fun postItem(item: Item) {

    token = prepareToken() / / 1
 val post = submitPost(token, item) / / 2
 processPost(post) / / 3
  7. v4: Coroutines Direct Style suspend fun postItem(item: Item) {

    token = prepareToken() / / 1
 val post = submitPost(token, item) / / 2
 processPost(post) / / 3
  8. Profit: try/catch, loops, std-lib suspend fun postItems(items: List<Item>) { try

    { val token = prepareToken() items.forEach { item -> val post = submitPost(token, item) processPost(post) } } catch (e: BadTokenException) { /*…*/ } }
  9. Experimental status New style of programming The design is not

    final and expected to change JetBrains still collects information and feedbacks Backwards compatibility guaranteed
  10. A coroutine is… an instance of suspendable computation similar to

    a daemon thread, but very light-weight similar to a future or promise
  11. Why coroutines? threads are expensive to keep and switch your

    code is single threaded you’ve got lots of mutable states
  12. Standard API • Language support (`suspend` keyword) • low-level basic

    API (stdlib: kotlin.coroutines) • high-level APIs that can be used in user code
  13. Low-level API (kotlin.coroutines) • kotlin.coroutines.experimental • create/start/suspendCoroutine() • Continuation interface

    • @RestrictSuspension annotation • kotlin.coroutines.experimental.intrinsics • suspendCoroutineOrReturn()
  14. Continuation / / Kotlin suspend fun submitPost( token: Token, item:

    Item): Post {…} / / Java/JVM Object submitPost( Token token, Item item, Continuation<Post> cont) {…} compiler magic
  15. Continuations suspend fun postItem(item: Item) {
 val token = prepareToken()

    val post = submitPost(token, item)
 } Initial continuation
  16. Continuations suspend fun postItem(item: Item) {
 val token = prepareToken()

    val post = submitPost(token, item)
 } Continuation
  17. Continuations suspend fun postItem(item: Item) {
 val token = prepareToken()

    val post = submitPost(token, item)
 } Continuation
  18. Labels suspend fun postItem(item: Item) { / / LABEL 0

    val token = prepareToken() / / LABEL 1
 val post = submitPost(token, item) / / LABEL 2
  19. Labels suspend fun postItem(item: Item) { switch(label) { case 0:

    val token = prepareToken() case 1:
 val post = submitPost(token, item) case 2:
 processPost(post) }
  20. State suspend fun postItem(item: Item) { val stateMachine = object:

    CoroutineImpl {…} switch(stateMachine.label) { case 0: val token = prepareToken() case 1:
 val post = submitPost(token, item) case 2:
 processPost(post) }
  21. CPS Transform fun postItem(item: Item, cont: Continuation) { val stateMachine

    = object: CoroutineImpl {…} switch(stateMachine.label) { case 0: val token = prepareToken(stateMachine) case 1:
 val post = submitPost(token, item, stateMachine) case 2:
 processPost(post) }
  22. Save state fun postItem(item: Item, cont: Continuation) { val stateMachine

    = object: CoroutineImpl {…} switch(stateMachine.label) { case 0: stateMachine.item = item stateMachine.label = 1 prepareToken(stateMachine) case 1:
 … }
  23. Callback fun postItem(item: Item, cont: Continuation) { val stateMachine =

    cont as? ThisSM ?: object: ThisSM { fun resume(…) { postItem(null, this) } } switch(stateMachine.label) { case 0: …. }
  24. Restore state and continue fun postItem(item: Item, cont: Continuation) {

    … case 0: stateMachine.item = item stateMachine.label = 1 prepareToken(stateMachine) case 1: val item = stateMachine.item val token = stateMachine.result stateMachine.label = 2
 submitPost(token, item, stateMachine) case 2:
  25. Subscribe suspend fun <T> Single<T>.await(): T = suspendCancellableCoroutine { cont

    -> subscribe(object : SingleObserver<T> { override fun onSuccess(t: T) { TODO() } override fun onError(error: Throwable) { TODO() } override fun onSubscribe(d: Disposable) { TODO() } }) }
  26. Return a result, if successful suspend fun <T> Single<T>.await(): T

    = suspendCancellableCoroutine { cont -> subscribe(object : SingleObserver<T> { override fun onSuccess(t: T) { cont.resume(t) } override fun onError(error: Throwable) { TODO() } override fun onSubscribe(d: Disposable) { TODO() } }) }
  27. Or resume with exception suspend fun <T> Single<T>.await(): T =

    suspendCancellableCoroutine { cont -> subscribe(object : SingleObserver<T> { override fun onSuccess(t: T) { cont.resume(t) } override fun onError(error: Throwable) { cont.resumeWithException(error) } override fun onSubscribe(d: Disposable) { TODO() } }) }
  28. Don’t forget to dispose suspend fun <T> Single<T>.await(): T =

    suspendCancellableCoroutine { cont -> subscribe(object : SingleObserver<T> { override fun onSuccess(t: T) { cont.resume(t) } override fun onError(error: Throwable) { cont.resumeWithException(error) } override fun onSubscribe(d: Disposable) { cont.invokeOnCompletion { d.dispose() } } }) }
  29. And this is it suspend fun <T> Single<T>.await(): T =

    suspendCancellableCoroutine { cont -> subscribe(object : SingleObserver<T> { override fun onSuccess(t: T) { cont.resume(t) } override fun onError(error: Throwable) { cont.resumeWithException(error) } override fun onSubscribe(d: Disposable) { cont.invokeOnCompletion { d.dispose() } } }) }
  30. kotlinx.coroutines Core integration Guava JDK 8 NIO Quasar reactive Reactor

    RxJava 1.x Reactive Streams RxJava 2.x UI Android JavaFX Swing
  31. async/await / / C# way async Task ProcessImage(String url)

    var image = await LoadImage(url);
 } / / Kotlin way suspend fun processImage(url: String) {
 val image = loadImageAsync(url).await()
  32. Not idiomatic way fun loadImageAsync(url: String): Deferred<Image> = async {

    TODO() } suspend fun processImage(url: String) { val image = loadImageAsync(url).await() imageCache.add(image) } Don’t define async functions in the first place
  33. Idiomatic way suspend fun loadImage(url: String): Image = TODO() suspend

    fun processImage(url: String) { val image = async { loadImage(url) }.await() imageCache.add(image) } Keep concurrency explicit
  34. buildSequence {
 print(“Start: ")
 var prev = 1; var cur

    = 1
 while (true) { print(“Next")
 yield(prev) / / suspension point val next = prev + cur
 prev = cur; cur = next
 print("End") / / unreachable code
 }.take(6).forEach { print(" $it ") }
 / / Output: Start 1 Next 1 Next 2 Next 3 Next 5 Next 8
  35. buildSequence {
 print(“Start: ")
 var prev = 1; var cur

    = 1
 while (true) { print(“Next")
 yield(prev) / / suspension point val next = prev + cur
 prev = cur; cur = next
 print("End") / / unreachable code
 }.take(6).forEach { print(" $it ") }
 / / Output: Start 1 Next 1 Next 2 Next 3 Next 5 Next 8
  36. buildSequence {
 print(“Start: ")
 var prev = 1; var cur

    = 1
 while (true) { print(“Next")
 yield(prev) / / suspension point val next = prev + cur
 prev = cur; cur = next
 print("End") / / unreachable code
 }.take(6).forEach { print(" $it ") }
 / / Output: Start 1 Next 1 Next 2 Next 3 Next 5 Next 8
  37. buildSequence {
 print(“Start: ")
 var prev = 1; var cur

    = 1
 while (true) { print(“Next")
 yield(prev) / / suspension point val next = prev + cur
 prev = cur; cur = next
 print("End") / / unreachable code
 }.take(6).forEach { print(" $it ") }
 / / Output: Start 1 Next 1 Next 2 Next 3 Next 5 Next 8
  38. buildSequence {
 print(“Start: ")
 var prev = 1; var cur

    = 1
 while (true) { print(“Next")
 yield(prev) / / suspension point val next = prev + cur
 prev = cur; cur = next
 print("End") / / unreachable code
 }.take(6).forEach { print(" $it ") }
 / / Output: Start 1 Next 1 Next 2 Next 3 Next 5 Next 8
  39. Job states State isActive isCompleted isCancelled New - - -

    Active ✔ - - Completed - ✔ - Cancelling - - ✔ Cancelled - ✔ ✔
  40. val deferred = async(CommonPool) {
 throw SomeException("I'm thrown inside a

 try {
 deferred.await() / / re-throws
 } catch (e: SomeException) {
 } Exception handling
  41. WeakReference “life hack” suspend operator fun <T> WeakReference<T>.invoke(): T =

    suspendCoroutineOrReturn { get() ?: throw CancellationException() } val activityRef = WeakReference(this)
 launch(CommonPool) {
  42. Links Andrey Breslav FAQ:
 https:/ /discuss.kotlinlang.org/t/experimental-status-of-coroutines-in-1-1-and- related-compatibility-concerns/2236 Design document (KEEP):

    https:/ /github.com/Kotlin/kotlin-coroutines/blob/master/kotlin-coroutines- informal.md Full kotlinx.coroutines API:
 http:/ /kotlin.github.io/kotlinx.coroutines Coroutines guide by Roman ELizarov:
 https:/ /github.com/Kotlin/kotlinx.coroutines/blob/master/coroutines-guide.md