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What is your done? - Alex Lichtenberger

What is your done? - Alex Lichtenberger

When are we done as a team? When it's developed and unit tested? When it's ready for release? Or when the desired impact is achieved? And last but least, when will we be done with the DevOps transformation? This is a story about DevOps journeys, knowing where you are and continuous improvement.

DevOpsDays Zurich

May 15, 2019

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  1. DevOps: Finding new ways to get faster & better by…

    Increase Flow Shorten & Amplify Feedback Loops Continuous Experimentation & Learning value The 3 Ways Some DevOps Practices @a_lichtenberger
  2. One of the issues we want to address Peter, the

    Developer George, the Operator Wall of Confusion @a_lichtenberger What is your Done?
  3. But in reality there were (are) even more Silos… Customer

    Business Relation- ship Mgmt Business Analysis Team Dev Team Test Team Depl Team Prod Team @a_lichtenberger
  4. …with many Done‘s Requirements Gathered Done! Refined Done! Developed &

    Unit tested Done! UAT tested Done! Deployed Done! @a_lichtenberger Customer Business Relation- ship Mgmt Business Analysis Team Dev Team Test Team Depl Team Prod Team
  5. The issue is not only this… • Perfect „process“, but

    no flow • Does anyone understand the flow, end-to-end? • Cumbersome handovers & knowledge loss • Too much WIP • Big increments, long release cycles • Late feedback loops @a_lichtenberger
  6. But also this… No Skin in the Game „Not my

    responsibility“ No personal stake in outcome @a_lichtenberger
  7. We need more Skin in the Game Skin in the

    Game: Having a personal stake in a desired outcome. It start with an understanding of what creates value and the value stream behind it. Value is created through products or services. @a_lichtenberger
  8. We need more Skin in the Game cont. Products /

    Services: • external: A product the business or customer is using • internal: An enabler, e.g. cloud platform or a monitoring service Teams build around that, have to feel accountable for their product and a clear definition of done. @a_lichtenberger
  9. Agile: Skin in the Game? @a_lichtenberger • Team is accountable

    for product end-to-end • Small productive increments with short & direct customer feedback loop • Clear definition of done and regular retrospectives Customer Team
  10. Reality (Enterprises) Agile: You keep using that word… @a_lichtenberger …but

    I don‘t think it means what you think Product Owner Customer Business Relation- ship Mgmt Business Analysis Team Scrum Team UAT Depl Team Prod Team
  11. Where to start? Start where you are What is your

    current “Done“? …what can you do next to improve your „Done“? …ask this as part of your regular retrospectives …experiment with new ways achieve your new „Done“. @a_lichtenberger
  12. Example – Start where you are •Team, accountable for product

    •Regular retrospectives Current Definition of Done: • Developed & peer reviewed • Unit tests passed • Releasable? @a_lichtenberger
  13. Let‘s work on our definition of done! What about this:

    Performance & Security tests passed But wait: We need to work on the pipeline and test automation to achieve that And what about this: UAT passed But wait: We need to provide stuff earlier in the sprint, so let‘s work on CI/CD / Tool Chain. We need to make UAT part of the team. @a_lichtenberger
  14. It never ends Another example: Deployed (to xy) But wait:

    We need to work on deployment automation and plug it into the pipeline to achieve that So many ways to improve your definition of done. Last but not least: - Bring the customer as close as possible to you @a_lichtenberger
  15. It‘s a system of systems, that interact with each other

    @a_lichtenberger Product Vision Backlog Code (Check-In) Build Test n Test n+1 Deploy Support Agile Dev Continuous Integration Continuous Delivery DevOps Value Product Pipeline(s) Interdisciplinary teams with end-to-end-accountability Cloud & Infrastructure as a Code as enablers for DevOps Ad-hoc provisioning of Dev & Test Platforms «Experiment, fail fast, Learn» Business Infrastructure Teams Continuous & Fast Feedbacks SRE
  16. When are we done with the transformation? Never! DevOps is

    a never ending journey. @a_lichtenberger
  17. @a_lichtenberger Have skin in the game. What is your done?

    - Know where you are. Know where to go next towards an awesome vision. [email protected] www.impactmatters.ch