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FlutterMTL September Meetup - Entreprise Flutte...

GDG Montreal
September 21, 2023

FlutterMTL September Meetup - Entreprise Flutter configurations

GDG Montreal

September 21, 2023

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  1. Who am I • Former applicative pentester • Former banking

    security reviewer • Current Pvotal Technologies Chief Technology officer • Focused on building Pvotal Infinite Entreprise® ◦ Make advanced development methodologies more affordable through automation pvotal.tech pvotal-tech
  2. From deployment configuration to local Flutter 1. Flutter applicative architecture

    2. Web production deployment 3. Tekton brotli compression for web 4. PWA web configuration 5. Continuous deployment configurations 6. Local makefile 7. Local setup
  3. Key takeaways • Handling internationalization in Web is more complex

    than native ◦ Embrace infrastructure as code for the CD manifests ✓ ▪ Allows to really achieve multi-language even on images • gRPC and gRPC-web is well supported in Flutter (in part due to our contributions) • Pvotal can be contacted for large projects involving technologies that we use pvotal.tech pvotal-tech