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A stochastic analysis of static complexity

A stochastic analysis of static complexity

This paper presents static complexity in manufacturing systems. Static complexity can be viewed as a function of the structure of the system, connective patterns, variety of components and the strengths of interactions. We seek the acceptable static complexity levels for different types of manufacturing systems by means of their system performances.

H. Kemal İlter

June 25, 2014

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    A. Bulgak, Ph.D., P.Eng. Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, ENCS, Concordia University H. Kemal İlter, Ph.D. Department of Management Information Systems, SB, Yildirim Beyazit University YAEM June 2014
  2. CONTENTS Introduction The Problem Theoretical Systems vs Real Systems Complexity

    in Operations Management Brief Literature Types of Complexity in OM Measuring Complexity Critical Factors Entropical Measurement Simulation and Results Simulation Results References Discussion Questions
  3. INTRODUCTION The Problem This paper presents static complexity in manufacturing

    systems. Static complexity can be viewed as a function of the structure of the system, connective patterns, variety of components and the strengths of interactions. We seek the acceptable static complexity levels for different types of manufacturing systems by means of their system performances. In general, deterministic processing times or expected values of processing times are considered to measure the complexity and related system performance in the production and operations management field. We consider stochastic processing requirements with a number of different processing distributions and levels of variability on the static complexity measurements. The objective of this paper is to reveal characteristics of the static complexity by making observations about the behavior of different systems in a hypothetical manufacturing environment. This would help in analyzing the properties in different manufacturing systems due to static complexity and system performance.
  4. INTRODUCTION The Problem Mass Customization Product Variation Complex Manufacturing Systems

    Less initial investment Relatively low demand irregularities
  5. COMPLEXITY IN OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT Brief Literature Supply chain complexity (Frizelle

    and Woodcock, 1995) Product variation complexity (MacDuffie et al., 1996) Entropic complexity (Deshmukh et al., 1998) Complexity interactions of different processes (Fujimoto et al., 2003) Complexity measurement (ElMaraghya et al., 2005) Supply Chain Complexity Manufacturing System Complexity Product Variation Complexity

    complexity of a physical system can be characterized in terms of its static structure or time dependent behavior. Static complexity can be viewed as a function of the structure of the system, connective patterns, variety of components, and the strengths of interactions. Dynamic complexity is concerned with unpredictability in the behavior of the system over a time period. The manufacturing environment consists of physical systems in which a series of sequential decisions need to be made in order to produce finished parts. The sequence and nature of these decisions are not only dependent on the system capabilities but also on the products being manufactured in the system. Any measure of system complexity should be dependent on both the system and the product information. Static Complexity (Structural) Dynamic Complexity (Operational) Associated with the variety embedded in the static system Associated with the uncertainty of the dynamic system
  7. MEASURING COMPLEXITY Critical Factors •  Number of suppliers •  Variety

    of interchangable parts •  Number of work stations •  Structure of the assembly line •  Structure of the manufacturing system
  8. MEASURING COMPLEXITY Entropical Measurement Supplier A Supplier B Station 1

    Station 2 A1 , A2 , A3 B1 , B2 A1 B1 A1 B2 A2 B1 A2 B2 A3 B1 A3 B2 Assembly Line
  9. MEASURING COMPLEXITY Entropic Measurement Station 1 j-1 H0 j j+1

    Station n H1 Hj-1 Hj Hj+1 Hn C0,j C1,j Cj-1,j Cj,j+1 Cj,n
  10. REFERENCES Bernstein, F. and DeCroix, G. A., 2004, “Decentralized pricing

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    Akif A. Bulgak, Ph.D., P.Eng. [email protected] Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, ENCS, Concordia University H. Kemal İlter, Ph.D. [email protected] Department of Management Information Systems, SB, Yildirim Beyazit University YAEM June 2014