programming tools 3. Use of modern programming practices 4. Active risk management 5. Excellent physical environment 6. Integrated use of communication tools 7. Use of agile techniques
measure of the number of units of work a team completed in a given time interval. This is commonly measured in story points completed per sprint. Velocity is the sum of the estimates of delivered (i.e., accepted) features per iteration.
number of months in schedule Bigger projects take longer, but they also have bigger teams; and the inefficiencies associated with larger team sizes mean that effort increases disproportionately faster than schedule.
or management technique, which by itself promises even one order of magnitude [tenfold] improvement within a decade in productivity, in reliability, in simplicity.” ~ Fred Brooks
estimate 2. Keep metrics on projects so that you have a benchmark to refer to 3. Use estimates given by the developers 4. Estimate at the smallest pieces possible (Law of large numbers) 5. Include common and easy tasks on your estimates 6. Give a range rather than a point estimate 7. Don’t be an optimist (Refer Hofstader’s)