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How to Win Friends and Influence Bloggers

How to Win Friends and Influence Bloggers

They're like reporters, but with attitude.

Jonathan Rick

January 28, 2013

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  1. The Good ü Exploited the subject line ü Made the

    ask ü Provided talking points ü Used links
  2. 3 Probably not. WILL THEY CORK THEIR BAT? 2 They

    have editors. WHO ARE THEIR COACHES? 1 It’s their job. WHY DO THEY PLAY?
  3. 4 Yes—if you’re a 21-year-old blonde. WILL THEY SIGN AN

    AUTOGRAPH? 3 Probably not. WILL THEY CORK THEIR BAT? 2 They have editors. WHO ARE THEIR COACHES? 1 It’s their job. WHY DO THEY PLAY?
  4. 3 Maybe. WILL THEY CORK THEIR BAT? 2 They’re self-coached.

    WHO ARE THEIR COACHES? 1 It’s their hobby. WHY DO THEY PLAY?
  5. 4 Probably. WILL THEY SIGN AN AUTOGRAPH? 3 Maybe. WILL

    THEY CORK THEIR BAT? 2 They’re self-coached. WHO ARE THEIR COACHES? 1 It’s their hobby. WHY DO THEY PLAY?
  6. 2 They don’t have any. WHO ARE THEIR COACHES? 1

    It’s their journal. WHY DO THEY PLAY?
  7. 3 “Sure….” WILL THEY CORK THEIR BAT? 2 They don’t

    have any. WHO ARE THEIR COACHES? 1 It’s their journal. WHY DO THEY PLAY?
  8. 4 “I’ll sign two!” WILL THEY SIGN AN AUTOGRAPH? 3

    “Sure….” WILL THEY CORK THEIR BAT? 2 They don’t have any. WHO ARE THEIR COACHES? 1 It’s their journal. WHY DO THEY PLAY?
  9. Googling 101 ü Vary your search terms ü Play around

    with Google News and Google Blogs ü Don’t forget about Bing
  10. “Researchers contact clip owners by any means necessary — usually

    through YouTube or Facebook but occasionally over dating sites, or wherever else they can be found.”
  11. Qualitative Data ü Quality of writing ü Reputation ü Awards

    ü Advertisers ü Search engine optimization
  12. I came across your Web site JonathanRick.com, and would like

    to propose a link exchange between your site and EnduranceWarrantyServices.com. Endurance Warranty Services is the leader in extended auto warranties serving car warranties, truck warranties, and all types of extended auto warranties … Let us know when our link is placed and we will post your link in the proper category of the “Resources” page listed here. —Endurance Warranty Services
  13. Rob: Hello. I hope you’re well. I just wanted to

    drop you a line and introduce myself. I’m a blogger myself (I contribute to Confirm Them and Human Events’ blogs among others), but for my day job—I do online public affairs for Wal- Mart, working with Mike Krempasky who runs Redstate.com. Just wanted you to know that your post taking notice of “Why Wal-Mart Works” was noticed here and at [Wal-Mart’s] headquarters in Bentonville.. —Marshall Manson
  14. Hi Danny, I’m working with Aaron Strout and Greg Verdino

    from Powered, Inc. on Greg’s new book, microMARKETING: Get Big Results by Thinking and Acting Small, and they thought that you would be a perfect fit to do one of the chapter-by-chapter reviews. Because of your experience using the Internet and new media to raise money, in addition to your work with large companies like IBM, FedEx, and RIM, Chapter 7, “From Reach to Relationships: Activating the Many by Resonating with the Right Few,” seemed like it would resonate well with your audience. —Alexandria Kirsch
  15. Jim Beam is spending its budget this year marketing people

    who exhibit the brand persona, not the brand itself. We’ve found an initial group of people who exhibit true character, integrity, perseverance through struggle, etc, and we’re helping them because it’s the right thing to do. We’re walking the talk. One such subject is even a comedy troupe you might enjoy called Summer of Tears. Good videos. —Jason Falls
  16. I've had it. I get more than 300 emails a

    day and my problem isn't spam, it's PR people. Lazy flacks send press releases to the Editor in Chief of Wired because they can't be bothered to find out who on my staff, if anyone, might actually be interested in what they're pitching … I only want two kinds of email: those from people I know, and those from people who have taken the time to find out what I'm interested in and composed a note meant to appeal to that (I love those emails; indeed, that's why my email address is public). Everything else gets banned on first abuse. —Chris Anderson
  17. I’m looking forward to continuing to send little nuggets your

    way. And, as always, we want this to be a conversation. So your questions, suggestions and rants are always welcome and encouraged. —Marshall Manson
  18. The blogger who writes the best cover story about the

    launch of ArticleMe.com will win $3,000 in the ArticleMe launch contest. —ArticleMe.com
  19. Ø Remember 9/11. Participate in the Freedom Walk Ø How

    are you commemorating September 11th? Ø [Blog Name] and the Freedom Walk Ø INVITE: The Freedom Walk
  20. Hey, it’s Seth the Blogger Guy with AT&T. I’m here

    to talk a little about our network, where it stands now, and a bit about where it’s going. —Seth Bloom