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DevOps for the Rubyist Soul at Steel City Ruby ...

DevOps for the Rubyist Soul at Steel City Ruby 2013

John Downey

August 17, 2013

More Decks by John Downey

Other Decks in Programming


  1. manifests/site.pp node "app01.qa" { package { "ruby": ensure => installed

    } $blah = "test" file { "/etc/foo/bar.conf": ensure => file, content => template("foo/bar.conf.erb"), owner => "root", group => "root", mode => "0644" } }
  2. manifests/site.pp node "app01.qa" { package { "ruby": ensure => installed

    } $blah = "test" file { "/etc/foo/bar.conf": ensure => file, content => template("foo/bar.conf.erb"), owner => "root", group => "root", mode => "0644" } }
  3. manifests/site.pp node "app01.qa" { package { "ruby": ensure => installed

    } $blah = "test" file { "/etc/foo/bar.conf": ensure => file, content => template("foo/bar.conf.erb"), owner => "root", group => "root", mode => "0644" } }
  4. manifests/site.pp node "app01.qa" { package { "ruby": ensure => installed

    } $blah = "test" file { "/etc/foo/bar.conf": ensure => file, content => template("foo/bar.conf.erb"), owner => "root", group => "root", mode => "0644" } }
  5. manifests/site.pp node "app01.qa" { package { "ruby": ensure => installed

    } $blah = "test" file { "/etc/foo/bar.conf": ensure => file, content => template("foo/bar.conf.erb"), owner => "root", group => "root", mode => "0644" } }
  6. manifests/site.pp node "app01.qa" { package { "ruby": ensure => installed

    } $blah = "test" file { "/etc/foo/bar.conf": ensure => file, content => template("foo/bar.conf.erb"), owner => "root", group => "root", mode => "0644" } }
  7. manifests/site.pp node "app1.qa" { include ruby $blah = "test" file

    { "/etc/foo/bar.conf": ensure => file, content => template("foo/bar.conf.erb"), owner => "root", group => "root", mode => "0644" } }
  8. console $ facter architecture => x86_64 domain => local facterversion

    => 1.6.17 fqdn => apollo.local hardwareisa => i386 hardwaremodel => x86_64 hostname => apollo id => jtdowney is_virtual => false kernel => Darwin ...
  9. console $ facter architecture => x86_64 domain => local facterversion

    => 1.6.17 fqdn => apollo.local hardwareisa => i386 hardwaremodel => x86_64 hostname => apollo id => jtdowney is_virtual => false kernel => Darwin ...
  10. my_module ├── files │ └── somefile ├── manifests │ ├──

    files.pp │ ├── init.pp │ ├── package.pp │ └── service.pp └── templates └── sometemplate.erb
  11. my_module ├── files │ └── somefile ├── manifests │ ├──

    files.pp │ ├── init.pp │ ├── package.pp │ └── service.pp └── templates └── sometemplate.erb
  12. my_module ├── files │ └── somefile ├── manifests │ ├──

    files.pp │ ├── init.pp │ ├── package.pp │ └── service.pp └── templates └── sometemplate.erb
  13. my_module ├── files │ └── somefile ├── manifests │ ├──

    files.pp │ ├── init.pp │ ├── package.pp │ └── service.pp └── templates └── sometemplate.erb
  14. my_module ├── files │ └── somefile ├── manifests │ ├──

    files.pp │ ├── init.pp │ ├── package.pp │ └── service.pp └── templates └── sometemplate.erb
  15. my_module ├── files │ └── somefile ├── manifests │ ├──

    files.pp │ ├── init.pp │ ├── package.pp │ └── service.pp └── templates └── sometemplate.erb
  16. Puppet does not manage truth, puppet maps truth to complexity

  17. modules/nagios/manifests/init.pp class nagios::init { $servers = ["proxy1.qa", "proxy2.qa"] file {

    "/etc/nagios3/host-proxy.conf": ensure => file, content => template("nagios/proxy.erb"), owner => "root", group => "root", mode => "0644" } }
  18. modules/nagios/manifests/init.pp class nagios::init { $servers = ["proxy1.qa", "proxy2.qa"] file {

    "/etc/nagios3/host-proxy.conf": ensure => file, content => template("nagios/proxy.erb"), owner => "root", group => "root", mode => "0644" } }
  19. data ├── common.yaml ├── domains │ ├── chi.braintreepayments.com │ │

    ├── db.yaml │ │ ├── db01.yaml │ │ ├── jenkins.yaml │ │ ├── xen01.yaml │ │ ├── xen02.yaml │ │ ├── xen03.yaml
  20. data ├── common.yaml ├── domains │ ├── chi.braintreepayments.com │ │

    ├── db.yaml │ │ ├── db01.yaml │ │ ├── jenkins.yaml │ │ ├── xen01.yaml │ │ ├── xen02.yaml │ │ ├── xen03.yaml
  21. data ├── common.yaml ├── domains │ ├── chi.braintreepayments.com │ │

    ├── db.yaml │ │ ├── db01.yaml │ │ ├── jenkins.yaml │ │ ├── xen01.yaml │ │ ├── xen02.yaml │ │ ├── xen03.yaml
  22. data ├── common.yaml ├── domains │ ├── chi.braintreepayments.com │ │

    ├── db.yaml │ │ ├── db01.yaml │ │ ├── jenkins.yaml │ │ ├── xen01.yaml │ │ ├── xen02.yaml │ │ ├── xen03.yaml
  23. data/domains/chi.braintreepayments.com/xen02.yaml xen::guests: "app02.chi": cpus: 12 memory_mb: 30720 management_vlan_mac: "FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF" management_vlan_ip:

    "%{app02_mgmt_ip}" application_networks: - { vlan: "%{gateway_vlan}", mac: ... distribution: "debian-squeeze-amd64-10g" "mailman01.chi": cpus: 2
  24. data/domains/chi.braintreegateway.com/xen02.yaml xen::guests: "app02.chi": cpus: 12 memory_mb: 30720 management_vlan_mac: "FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF" management_vlan_ip:

    "%{app02_mgmt_ip}" application_networks: - { vlan: "%{gateway_vlan}", mac: ... distribution: "debian-squeeze-amd64-10g" "mailman01.chi": cpus: 2
  25. Capfile require "supply_drop" def datacenter_tasks(datacenter, servers) task datacenter do role

    :server, *servers end servers.each do |server| task server do role :server, server end end end
  26. Capfile require "supply_drop" def datacenter_tasks(datacenter, servers) task datacenter do role

    :server, *servers end servers.each do |server| task server do role :server, server end end end
  27. Capfile require "supply_drop" def datacenter_tasks(datacenter, servers) task datacenter do role

    :server, *servers end servers.each do |server| task server do role :server, server end end end
  28. Capfile require "supply_drop" def datacenter_tasks(datacenter, servers) task datacenter do role

    :server, *servers end servers.each do |server| task server do role :server, server end end end
  29. console $ cap app01.qa puppet:noop notice: /Stage[main]/Package[ruby]/ensure: current_value absent, should

    be present (noop) $ cap app01.qa puppet:apply $ cap qa puppet:noop $ git add -Av $ git commit -m "install ruby" $ git push
  30. console $ cap app01.qa puppet:noop notice: /Stage[main]/Package[ruby]/ensure: current_value absent, should

    be present (noop) $ cap app01.qa puppet:apply $ cap qa puppet:noop $ git add -Av $ git commit -m "install ruby" $ git push Always read the diff!!
  31. console $ cap app01.qa puppet:noop notice: /Stage[main]/Package[ruby]/ensure: current_value absent, should

    be present (noop) $ cap app01.qa puppet:apply $ cap qa puppet:noop $ git add -Av $ git commit -m "install ruby" $ git push
  32. console $ cap app01.qa puppet:noop notice: /Stage[main]/Package[ruby]/ensure: current_value absent, should

    be present (noop) $ cap app01.qa puppet:apply $ cap qa puppet:noop $ git add -Av $ git commit -m "install ruby" $ git push
  33. console $ cap app01.qa puppet:noop notice: /Stage[main]/Package[ruby]/ensure: current_value absent, should

    be present (noop) $ cap app01.qa puppet:apply $ cap qa puppet:noop $ git add -Av $ git commit -m "install ruby" $ git push
  34. console $ cap db01.qa puppet:noop $ cap app{01..12}.qa puppet:noop $

    cap qa puppet:noop $ cap qa invoke COMMAND="ls"
  35. console $ git branch * master # maps to qa

    production # maps to production staging # maps to staging
  36. console $ git checkout staging $ git merge master $

    cap staging puppet:noop $ cap staging puppet:apply $ git push
  37. console $ git checkout staging $ git merge master $

    cap staging puppet:noop $ cap staging puppet:apply $ git push
  38. console $ git checkout staging $ git merge master $

    cap staging puppet:noop $ cap staging puppet:apply $ git push
  39. console $ git checkout staging $ git merge master $

    cap staging puppet:noop $ cap staging puppet:apply $ git push
  40. LESSONS LEARNED • Stick to the puppet style guide •

    Use modules • Know where the truth is • Turn on puppet backup file bucket • Merge regularly
  41. USE MODULES • Composeable • Generic components • apache, elasticsearch,

    postgresql, etc • Check puppetforge first • Unique services • What makes your business run
  42. TRUTH • Use Hiera to manage truth • Don’t let

    it get scattered • Refactor it when you spot it
  43. PUPPET BACKUP • Keep every file version • Great if

    you screw up • Sucks for large files • Turn off per-file
  44. Vagrantfile Vagrant::Config.run do |config| config.vm.box = "precise64" config.vm.define :web do

    |web_config| web_config.vm.box = "web" web_config.vm.forward_port 80, 8080 end config.vm.define :db do |db_config| db_config.vm.box = "db" db_config.vm.forward_port 5432, 5432 end end
  45. Vagrantfile Vagrant::Config.run do |config| config.vm.box = "precise64" config.vm.define :web do

    |web_config| web_config.vm.box = "web" web_config.vm.forward_port 80, 8080 end config.vm.define :db do |db_config| db_config.vm.box = "db" db_config.vm.forward_port 5432, 5432 end end
  46. Vagrantfile Vagrant::Config.run do |config| config.vm.box = "precise64" config.vm.define :web do

    |web_config| web_config.vm.box = "web" web_config.vm.forward_port 80, 8080 end config.vm.define :db do |db_config| db_config.vm.box = "db" db_config.vm.forward_port 5432, 5432 end end