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Impact of metastable defect structures on carri...

Impact of metastable defect structures on carrier recombination in semiconductors

Presentation given to the 3D Materials Lab group in the Colorado School of Mines, led by Prashun Gorai https://www.prashungorai.org/, focused on our recent publication Impact of metastable defect structures on carrier recombination in semiconductors (https://doi.org/10.1039/D2FD00043A)

Also discussed are our recent papers:

For other research articles and updates, check out my website at:

Seán R. Kavanagh

April 19, 2022

More Decks by Seán R. Kavanagh

Other Decks in Research


  1. Impact of metastable defect structures on carrier recombination in semiconductors

    Seán R. Kavanagh Colorado School of Mines, 15th Apr 2022 Profs: Aron Walsh (Imperial) & David Scanlon (UCL) sean.kavanagh.19@ucl.ac.uk e- / h+ Dq D*q Dq±1
  2. Impact of metastable defect structures on carrier recombination in semiconductors

    Seán R. Kavanagh Colorado School of Mines, 15th Apr 2022 Profs: Aron Walsh (Imperial) & David Scanlon (UCL) sean.kavanagh.19@ucl.ac.uk e- / h+ Dq D*q Dq±1
  3. A Little Bit About Me • Undergraduate: Nanoscience, Physics &

    Chemistry of Advanced Materials at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. • PhD: Modelling Solid-State Photovoltaic Materials, with an emphasis on defects and disorder, at Imperial College London & University College London. • 🥾🏔🏃🏋🏂🎥🍻☕🍕🍱🕺
  4. Example: VCd 0 in CdTe I. Mosquera-Lois and S. R.

    Kavanagh, Matter, 2021, 4, 2602–2605.
  5. Defect Dynamics • Alkauskas et al., Role of Excited States

    in SRH Recombination in Wide-Band-Gap Semiconductors, Phys. Rev. B, 2016. (LED Efficiency in GaN) • L.W. Wang, S.H. Wei et al., Non-Radiative Carrier Recombination Enhanced by Two- Level Process, Scientific Reports, 2016. (Solar Efficiency in CdTe; TeCd ) • Guo et al., Nonradiative Carrier Recombination Enhanced by Vacancy Defects in Ionic II-VI Semiconductors, Phys. Rev. Applied, 2021. (Vse in ZnSe) S. R. Kavanagh, Aron Walsh and D. O. Scanlon, Rapid Recombination by Cadmium Vacancies in CdTe, ACS Energy Lett. 2021, 6, 4, 1392–1398
  6. 10 a. Graph network of potential recombination pathways b. Standard

    electron-hole recombination c. Capture into metastable, relax, capture back d. Excite to metastable, capture, capture e. Excite, capture, relax, capture
  7. 11

  8. 15 h+ capture e– capture h+ capture e– capture h+

    capture e– capture h+ capture e– capture Upper Orange Middle Blue Lower Orange e– h+
  9. 16

  10. Conclusions Defect dynamics can be crucial for understanding their impact

    on device performance. -> Demonstrated by Tei , where metastability catalyses a 4-step recombination cycle. Metastable defect structures potentially more important to non-radiative recombination than currently understood, particularly with: - Emerging ionic-covalent inorganic materials - Highly mobile defects Thanks to MPIE for the ‘Max Planck Travel Award’! Kavanagh, S. R.; Scanlon, D. O.; Walsh, A.; Freysoldt, C. Faraday Discuss. 2022. https://doi.org/10.1039/D2FD00043A.