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Moby Project

Kunal Kushwaha
December 14, 2017

Moby Project

A short story behind Moby project & its building blocks

Kunal Kushwaha

December 14, 2017

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  1. Agenda - Story of Moby Project - Building Blocks (Foundation)

    of Moby - runC, - containerD, - LinuxKit - Demo - Docker with Kubernetes (Moby with Kubernetes) - What else in Moby Project.
  2. Moby Project An open framework to assemble specialized container systems

    without reinventing the wheel. It provides a “lego set” of dozens of standard components and a framework for assembling them into custom platforms.
  3. Moby Project An open framework to assemble specialized container systems

    without reinventing the wheel. It provides a “lego set” of dozens of standard components and a framework for assembling them into custom platforms.
  4. runC : Low level container runtime CLI tool for spawning

    and running containers according to the OCI specification - Client implemented as wrapper around libcontainer (OS level interfaces) - Requires rootfs and config.json
  5. runC : Low level container runtime CLI tool for spawning

    and running containers according to the OCI specification - Client implemented as wrapper around libcontainer (OS level interfaces) - Requires rootfs and config.json Main functionalities provided by runC - Create - Start - Exec - Pause & Resume - Checkpoint - Restore
  6. runC : cli example kunal@dev-box:~/demo/alpine-bundle$ ls config.json rootfs kunal@dev-box:~/demo/alpine-bundle$ sudo

    runc run test / # uname -a Linux runc 4.8.0-59-generic #64-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jun 29 19:38:34 UTC 2017 x86_64 Linux / # exit
  7. runC : go client. - go-runc : a golang client

    implementation of runc - github.com/containerd/go-runc import runc “github.com/containerd/go-runc” . . func main() { . status, err := runc.Run(ctx, “test”, alpineBundlePath, &runc.CreateOpts{}) . }
  8. runC Limitations - Do not prepare rootfs or manage image

    for creating container. - Running container in background, requires extra work (I/O handling through socket) - Attaching External Volume or Networks needs to be done by hand. (using Hooks) - Not portable to other platforms. (platform specific implementation)
  9. Container : High level container runtime An industry-standard container runtime.

    - Simplicity - Robustness - Portability - Design - Usage (~25 loc to manage container) - Snapshotter vs Graph Storage - Multi-tenancy
  10. Container : High level container runtime An industry-standard container runtime.

    - Simplicity - Robustness - Portability - Design - Usage (~25 loc to manage container) - Snapshotter vs Graph Storage - Multi-tenancy - Version 1.0.0 released (API Freeze) - Tested against k8s CRI testsuite (cri-containerd) - Supported for atleast 1 year
  11. Container : High level container runtime An industry-standard container runtime.

    - Simplicity - Robustness - Portability - Design - Usage (>25 loc to create container) - Snapshotter vs Graph Storage - Multi-tenancy - Version 1.0.0 released - Tested against k8s CRI testsuite (cri-containerd) - Supported for atleast 1 year - Works on Windows & Linux - Works with any OCI complaint runtime - Batteries included but replaceable.
  12. Container - Code examples import “github.com/containerd/containerd” . func main() {

    . // Create Client client, err := containerd.New(“/run/containerd/containerd.sock”) . // Pull Image image, err := client.Pull(ctx, alpine, containerd.WithPullUnpack) // New Container container, err := client.NewContainer(ctx, id, containerd.WithNewSpec(oci.WithImageConfig(image), containerd.WithNewSnapshot(id, image)) // New Task task, err := container.NewTask(ctx, cio.Stdio) // Start Task err := task.Start(ctx) // Wait for Task completion status, err := task.Wait(ctx) } Working Example code: https://goo.gl/RiKKBS
  13. container Namespaces - Provides the isolation to all containerd resources

    - Images, Containers, Metadata etc. - I.e. Multi-tenancy : Multiple consumers can use same daemon without conflict of their resources. - No need of DIND or Nested Containers. - Still shares underneath immutable resources like image cache etc. - Shall not be considered this isolation from security point of view. import “github.com/containerd/containerd/namespaces” func main() { ctx := namespaces.WithNamespace(context.Background(), “demo”) client.XXX(ctx, ...) }
  14. Container Misc - ctr is CLI client for containerd. -

    Not officially supported, for debugging purpose only - Debug/Profile - pprof data for daemon : /run/containerd/debug.sock - Example usage: github.com/kunalkushwaha/cri-containerd-flame/tree/powertest-flamegraph - Fork from Brain Goff (@cpuguy83) work. cri-containerd-flame - Metrics - Prometheus format of martrics - (Default) - External testing tools. - Bucketbench - Container runtime benchmarking tool. - Ctr-powertest - Container runtime testsuite
  15. Container Usecases - Not restricted to orchestrators only. - Cri-containerd

    : Kubernetes CRI implementation. - Docker CE : Soon. - Linuxkit : for running system and user containers. - Buildkit: Uses to build each layer of cache to build container image. - RancherOS: Soon. (for running system and user containers) - Others - Integrating containerized traditional app with existing management layers. - Products like Balena can be made very quickly without forking projects.
  16. LinuxKit LinuxKit, a toolkit for building custom , minimal, immutable

    Linux distributions - Built with containers for running containers. - Secure defaults - Completely stateless , but persistent storage can be attached. - Everything is replaceable and customizable. - Used to build Docker CE and distro like Docker with K8s.
  17. LinuxKit - Input - Consumes yaml file. - Most of

    defined in yaml is docker image. - Kernel - Init - Onboot - Services - Exceptions: files can be created. - Trust can be defines image should be signed auth. kernel: image: linuxkit/kernel:4.9.68 cmdline: "console=tty0 console=ttyS0 console=ttyAMA0" init: - linuxkit/init:9250948d0de494df8a811edb3242b4584057cfe4 - linuxkit/runc:abc3f292653e64a2fd488e9675ace19a55ec7023 - linuxkit/containerd:e58a382c33bb509ba3e0e8170dfaa5a100504c5b onboot: - name: dhcpcd image: linuxkit/dhcpcd:0d59a6cc03412289ef4313f2491ec666c1715cc9 command: ["/sbin/dhcpcd", "--nobackground", "-f", "/dhcpcd.conf", "-1"] services: - name: getty image: linuxkit/getty:22e27189b6b354e1d5d38fc0536a5af3f2adb79f env: - INSECURE=true trust: org: - linuxkit
  18. LinuxKit - Output - Ramfs + bootloader | ISO |

    format specific to platform - Local hypervisors - HyperKit (macOS) - Hyper-V (Windows) - qemu (macOS, Linux, Windows) - VMware (macOS, Windows) - Cloud based platforms: - Amazon Web Services - Google Cloud - Microsoft Azure - OpenStack - Packet.net - Baremetal: - x86 and arm64 servers on packet.net - Raspberry Pi Model 3b
  19. LinuxKit - Output - Ramfs + bootloader | ISO |

    format specific to platform - Local hypervisors - HyperKit (macOS) - Hyper-V (Windows) - qemu (macOS, Linux, Windows) - VMware (macOS, Windows) - Cloud based platforms: - Amazon Web Services - Google Cloud - Microsoft Azure - OpenStack - Packet.net - Baremetal: - x86 and arm64 servers on packet.net - Raspberry Pi Model 3b Platform(VM/Baremetal) Kernel Init (runc, containerd) Services (as containers) Applications (as containers)
  20. LinuxKit Not only build ISO, but can also boot systems

    - Tool to build bootable formats for different platforms - Cli tools to boot and run the built system. - Can push the images to Cloud Platform(VM/Baremetal) Kernel Init (runc, containerd) Services (as containers) Applications (as containers) USAGE: linuxkit [options] COMMAND Commands: build Build an image from a YAML file metadata Metadata utilities pkg Package building push Push a VM image to a cloud or image store run Run a VM image on a local hypervisor or remote cloud version Print version information help Print this message