than one Two roles Guide the conversaMon Take notes, ensure completeness Remember to take turns! Makes it easier to Focus on conversaMon Agree what you heard/saw 20
to set context “Tell me a liSle about yourself…” Talk about real events, avoid conjecture “Tell me about a recent Mme when you…” Express appreciaMon “Thanks for your Mme!” Ask for referrals and permission to follow up 22
someone you don’t know well. Choose who will be the first “architect/interviewer.” The other person is the “customer/ interviewee.” Architect: Conduct a 5-‐minute interview to learn the qualiMes that would make this customer LOVE the house you will design. • Create a conversaMon • Open and closed-‐ended quesMons • Paraphrasing • Body language and encouragers Switch auer 5 minutes so each person gets a turn as architect 30
(team acMvity) 5 min Individual acMvity (silent): Write sMckies that answer the quesMon “what do I wish I knew about my customer/user?” 5 min Group acMvity: Taking turns, read your sMckies to each other and put them on a table or poster. 5 min Group acMvity: organize the sMckies, give each group a short 1-‐3 word name. 5 min Individual acMvity: Copy the group names to a topic map 33