Effective portfolio management hinges on teams and software systems being aligned with value streams. Wardley Mapping and Event Storming are techniques for collectively discovering and re-imagining current constraints on value streams into a more favorable flow. Domain-Driven Design on the other hand offers patterns, principles, and practices that help with moving the boundaries that constrain the value stream. These techniques are even helpful if we are not certain yet on how to deliver value to the customer.
Portfolio management and DDD have something important in common: both practices promote the idea that the focus of engineers & designers should be directed toward the area with the largest potential for business differentiation.
Although DDD could be considered a holistic approach to software design, introducing it in fast-growing organizations should be done gradually, and iteratively, in order to snowball into true momentum for change. We should anticipate how quickly the snowball will grow based on domain knowledge, technical fluency, and adaptive capacity of teams and the surrounding organization.
Join the session to learn the do's and don'ts of introducing these ideas in fast growing organizations.