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CraftConf Budapest 2018: Break your event chain...

CraftConf Budapest 2018: Break your event chains! Complex event flows in distributed systems

@berndruecker @martinschimak => May 10th, 2018 => Budapest => CraftConf

Martin Schimak

May 10, 2018

More Decks by Martin Schimak

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Example process / Event Storming! Goods shipped Order placed Goods

    fetched Payment received Events are a concept easy to grasp for everybody in the room.
  2. Events are … Payment received Payment Strong consistency It already

    happened. Events let us look into the past.
  3. Events help to decouple services. Order summary Payment received Payment

    UI raises projected onto Payment Service Order Service
  4. What about purely event-driven architectures? Order placed Payment Service Payment

    received Inventory Service Goods fetched Shipment Service Goods shipped When relying only on events, „intent“ is always formed inside the event consumer.
  5. Autonomous services can make their own decisions. To change the

    order of two services, we touch 4 sticky notes… but wait, even three services! Shipment Service Goods shipped Order placed Inventory Service Goods fetched Payment Service Payment received
  6. Our policies decide to act on facts – with commands

    Domain Event Policy Command listened to by triggers
  7. Who owns the policy in a pure event choreography? Payment

    received Start Fetching Policy Fetch goods listened to by triggers Payment Service Inventory Service
  8. Neither of both truly „owns“ that policy? Payment received Fetch

    goods listened to by triggers Payment Service Inventory Service Start Fetching Policy
  9. Extracting the policy into a mediator service Payment received Fetch

    goods listened to by triggers Payment Service Inventory Service Order Service Start Fetching Policy
  10. The order as the company‘s core business Place order Order

    placed Request payment Order Service Payment received Fetch goods Goods fetched Ship goods Goods shipped “When the order is placed…” “When the payment is received…” “When the goods are fetched…” “Then we are done!” Mark order as fulfilled Order fulfilled Payment Service Inventory Service Shipment Service
  11. Double check: what happens when we charge later? Place order

    Order placed Request payment Order Service Payment received Fetch goods Goods fetched Ship goods Goods shipped “When the order is placed…” “When the payment is received…” “When the goods are fetched…” “Then we are done!” Mark order as fulfilled Order fulfilled Payment Service Inventory Service Shipment Service “When the order is placed…” “When the payment is received…” “When the goods are fetched…”
  12. We are having some technical difficulties and cannot present you

    your boarding pass right away. But we do actively retry ourselves, so lean back, relax and we will send it on time. …I just made this up…
  13. Check-in Barcode Generator Web-UI Me Output Mgmt Stateful Retry Possible

    situation – much better! The failure never leaves this scope!
  14. Persist thing (Entity, Document, Actor, …) State machine or workflow

    engine Typical concerns DIY = effort, accidental complexity Complex, proprietary, heavyweight, slow, don‘t scale, developer adverse Scheduling, Versioning, operating, visibility, scalability, … Handling State
  15. God services? Credit Card Payment A few smart god services

    tell anemic CRUD services what to do Sam Newmann Order
  16. God services? Credit Card Payment Order A few smart god

    services tell anemic CRUD services what to do Sam Newmann
  17. „By delegating our problems to our clients we force them

    into mitigation. They become god services.“ Credit card failed Retry with new credit card details Charge credit card listened to by triggers Payment Service Order Service
  18. Just the first requirements for a payment service Request payment

    Payment received Payment requested Charge credit card Depending on account balance Withdraw amount from account Amount Withdrawn Credit card charged Credit card failed Update credit card details Account details Credit card details updated Whenever card details are updated After two weeks Depending on the amount Amount credited Mark payment received Mark payment canceled Payment canceled Credit amount to account Whenever payment is canceled Mark payment received Payment received
  19. Payment as a „long-running“ service Request payment Payment received Payment

    canceled 1) creates value – serving a result its client is really interested in 2) assumes responsibility – instead of delegating troubles with internal steps to its client 3) may go asynchronous – if needed for composite execution Payment Service
  20. @Saga class Payment { private var paymentAmount = 0F @StartSaga

    @SagaEventHandler(associationProperty = "paymentId") fun on(event: PaymentRequested) { } } e.g. Axon Messaging & Saga Management is cool, but Java works as well! :-) 1) Correlate domain event 2) Save process state 3) Evaluate business policy 4) Create and issue command
  21. Credit amount back to account Withdraw amount from cust. account

    Charge amount by credit card e.g. with Camunda as message-driven workflow Charge amount by credit card Credit amount back to account Update credit card details Check customer account balance Payment requested Depending on account balance Charge credit card Withdraw amount from account Credit card charged Whenever credit card is charged Mark payment received Payment received Amount Withdrawn Depending on the amount Mark payment received Payment received Mark paym. partly covered Payment partly covered Whenever payment p. covered Charge credit card Credit card failed Whenever credit card failed Update credit card details Credit card details updated Whenever card details are updated Charge credit card After two weeks Mark payment canceled Payment canceled Whenever payment is canceled Credit amount to account Amount credited Every two days Remind customer Customer reminded Withdraw amount from cust. account
  22. DDD? Long-running services respect bounded contexts! Order service Payment service

    Request payment Payment received Request payment Payment canceled
  23. Integration of Axon Messaging with Camunda. Order service Payment service

    Request payment Payment received Payment canceled Request payment plexiti de|coding domain language @martinschimak https://github.com/plexiti/axon-camunda-poc
  24. [email protected] @berndruecker http://bernd-ruecker.com/ [email protected] @martinschimak http://plexiti.com/ https://github.com/plexiti/axon-camunda-poc/ http://github.com/flowing/flowing-retail/ https://www.infoq.com/articles/events- workflow-automation

    Contact: Contact: Examples: https://www.infoworld.com/article/3254777/ application-development/ 3-common-pitfalls-of-microservices- integrationand-how-to-avoid-them.html With thoughts from http://flowing.io @berndruecker | @martinschimak