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3D Radiation MHD Simulations of Massive Star En...

3D Radiation MHD Simulations of Massive Star Envelopes

Palomar Transient Factory, Theory Network Meeting - Palomar Observatory

Matteo Cantiello

April 15, 2016

More Decks by Matteo Cantiello

Other Decks in Research


  1. 3D Radiation MHD Simulations of Massive Star Envelopes Yan-Fei Jiang

    (ভᆱᷢ), Matteo Cantiello, Lars Bildsten, Eliot Quataert, Omer Blaes
  2. Massive Star Envelopes ! Massive stars can develop radiation dominated,

    loosely bound envelopes e.g Joss et al. 1973, Paxton et al. 2013 ! In 1D models such envelopes are characterized by: ! Superadiabatic Convection ! Density Inversions ! Gas Pressure Inversions ! Envelope Inflation (e.g. Sanyal et al. 2015)
  3. Important questions ! Are the density inversions stable in 3D

    calculation of radiation dominated envelopes? ! How energy is transported in radiation dominated envelopes? ! Envelope Inflation? ! Potential coupling to mass-loss
  4. The Opacity Jiang et al. 2015 At fixed density around

    Iron Opacity peak. Neighboring lines: x10 in rho Fe
  5. Initial Conditions Guided from MESA 1D models StarTop StarDeep StarMid

    StarTop Mini= 80 Msun, R = 14 Rsun [Early Main Sequence] StarMid Mini= 80 Msun, R = 274 Rsun [H exhaustion] StarDeep Mini= 40 Msun, R = 431 Rsun [Hertzsprung Gap] Jiang et al. 2015
  6. Different regimes in Radiation Dominated Convection Diff Rad Flux Advection

    Flux (“convection”…) Critical optical depth Optical depth where radiation diffusion timescale = dynamical timescale
  7. STARDEEP The case with efficient convection StarDeep Mini= 40 Msun,

    R = 431 Rsun [Hertzsprung Gap] Jiang et al. 2015
  8. STARDEEP The case with efficient convection StarDeep Mini= 40 Msun,

    R = 431 Rsun [Hertzsprung Gap] Jiang et al. 2015 Density Inversion is gone (volume averaged) (density weighted)
  9. STARTOP The case with inefficient convection Jiang et al. 2015

    Density Inversion still present (in average) Porosity reduces radiative acceleration, but not enough to make it sub-Eddington (volume averaged) (density weighted)
  10. HYDRO Results 1. Static density inversions in super-Eddington envelopes are

    unstable 2. In slow diffusion, radiation dominated regime, advective radiation flux behaves like convection and agrees with MLT. Density inversions are unstable and washed out. 3. In rapid diffusion, radiation pressure dominated regime, the advective flux is unable to transport energy (convection is inefficient). Disagreement with MLT predictions 4. Porosity of density fluctuations reduce the effective radiation acceleration (but in some case not enough to become sub-Eddington. Density inversions can persist). 5. Radiation pressure dominated envelopes have time dependent oscillations
  11. ENTER the B-FIELDS! (as it wasn’t complicated enough…) Magnetic fields

    might be ubiquitous in (massive) stars. In turbulent convection initially small amplitude magnetic fields can be amplified
  12. MHD Results 1. With magnetic fields, convection is still inefficient

    in StarTop. 2.Convection amplifies turbulent magnetic fields 3.Buoyancy driven by the turbulent magnetic field enhances the advection flux compared with the predictions from MLT. 4.Magnetic field reduces the stellar radius, increases the density fluctuation and the porosity factor
  13. Next ! Write up MHD results (in progress) ! Effect

    on Wind massloss (in progress) ! Global Simulations (in progress)
  14. Hydrostatic Equilibrium With Super-Eddington Flux Gas Pressure Inversions Onset of

    Convection What is the convective flux in the radiation dominated regime?
  15. Summary •With magnetic field, the convection is still inefficient in

    StarT op. •Convection amplifies turbulent magnetic field •Buoyancy driven by the turbulent magnetic field enhances the advection flux compared with the predictions from ML T. •Magnetic field reduces the stellar radius, increases the density fluctuation and the porosity factor.