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The Service-Delivery Review: The Missing Agile ...

Matt Philip
October 11, 2017

The Service-Delivery Review: The Missing Agile Feedback Loop

Slides as presented at the Prairie Dev Con Deliver Conference, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, Oct. 11, 2017 (http://www.prdcdeliver.com/) @mattphilip #prdcdeliver #kanban #f4p

Matt Philip

October 11, 2017

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  1. # p r d c d e l i v

    e r | O c t . 1 1 , 2 0 1 7 THE SERVICE-DELIVERY REVIEW The Missing Agile Feedback Loop
  2. @mattphilip #prdcdeliver A TALE OF TWO CITIES Legendary 

    Families Water Clarity Motto Winnipeg St. Louis “Gateway to the West” Hull + 
 Steen Muddy French Language Bastardized by English Bastardized by Germans Bobby Thomas Brett Alexander
  3. @mattphilip #prdcdeliver FEEDBACK NEEDS Is our 

    Is our 
 service delivery fit for its purpose? Is our 
 healthy? Is our 
 fit for its purpose? Service Product Customer 
 (Build right thing) Team 
 (Build thing right)
  4. @mattphilip #prdcdeliver FEEDBACK LOOPS ? ? ? ? Service Product

 (Build right thing) Team 
 (Build thing right)
  5. @mattphilip #prdcdeliver FEEDBACK LOOPS Retrospective ? ? ? Service Product

 (Build right thing) Team 
 (Build thing right)
  6. @mattphilip #prdcdeliver FEEDBACK LOOPS Retrospective ? ▪ Automated build/tests ▪

    Code metrics ▪ Performance monitors ? Service Product Customer 
 (Build right thing) Team 
 (Build thing right)
  7. @mattphilip #prdcdeliver FEEDBACK LOOPS Retrospective ? ▪ Automated build/tests ▪

    Code metrics ▪ Performance monitors ▪ Demo ▪ Usage metrics ▪ Money! Service Product Customer 
 (Build right thing) Team 
 (Build thing right)
  8. @mattphilip #prdcdeliver FEEDBACK LOOPS Retrospective ? ▪ Automated build/tests ▪

    Code metrics ▪ Performance monitors ▪ Demo ▪ Usage metrics ▪ Money! Service Product Customer 
 (Build right thing) Team 
 (Build thing right)
  9. @mattphilip #prdcdeliver A POSSIBLE SOLUTION Retrospective Service- Delivery Review ▪

    Automated build/tests ▪ Code metrics ▪ Performance monitors ▪ Demo ▪ Usage metrics ▪ Money! Service Product Customer 
 (Build right thing) Team 
 (Build thing right)
  10. @mattphilip #prdcdeliver A regular, quantitatively-oriented discussion between a customer and

    delivery team about the fitness for purpose of its service delivery.
  11. @mattphilip #prdcdeliver TOPICS (“IS OUR SERVICE FIT FOR ITS PURPOSE?”)

    ▫︎Delivery times (aka Cycle/Lead/Time-in-Process) of recent work and tail length in distribution ▫︎Blocker-clustering results and remediations ▫︎Work-type mix (% allocation to work types) ▫︎Classes of service/expectations of each work type ▫︎Value-demand ratio (value-add or failure demand) ▫︎Due-date performance (fixed-date misses) ▫︎Policy changes ▫︎Results of fitness surveys (e.g., F4P Box Score) ▫︎“What obstacles stand in the way of our service- delivery expectations?”
  12. @mattphilip #prdcdeliver FEEDBACK METRICS ▪ Team health ▪ Engagement ▪

    Flow efficiency ▪ Delivery time distribution ▪ Throughput ▪ Due-date performance ▪ Mean time to restore ▪ Code health ▪ Performance ▪ Revenue ▪ Usage metrics ▪ App-store rating Service Product Customer 
 (Build right thing) Team 
 (Build thing right)

    value about our service? e.g. Predictable delivery, quality, delivery-time expectation at 85th% Delivery Team (single kanban): SERVICES WE PROVIDE Which service requests / work items types do we accept? What are the service level expectations of each work item type? PARTICIPANTS IN REVIEW E.g., Flow manager, coach, exec sponsor, Product owner, customer(s), external stakeholders, delivery team reps
 INPUTS OUTPUTS DUE-DATE PERFORMANCE How well did we do with on-time delivery of fixed-date items? EXPEDITE PERFORMANCE How well did we do with on-time delivery of expedite items? STANDARD-URGENCY PERFORMANCE How well did we do with on-time delivery of expedite items? Service-level expectation: 85th percentile: 50th percentile: BLOCKER CLUSTERS Express largest clusters by type, count and total days blocked ACHIEVEMENTS AND SHORTFALLS VS. EXPECTATIONS OPTIONS TO REDUCE RISK Or system-design changes to improve capability vs. expectations (e.g., reduce WIP) FORECAST Based on delivery times, our expectation that we will complete remaining work IMPROVEMENT HYPOTHESES We believe that <change> will result in <outcome> and we’ll know because of <signal> Date: “Is our service delivery fit for its purpose according to our customer?”
  14. @mattphilip #prdcdeliver VALUE-DEMAND RATIO 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 7-Jan

    14-Jan 21-Jan 28-Jan 4-Feb 11-Feb 18-Feb 25-Feb 4-M ar 11-M ar 18-M ar 25-M ar 1-Apr
  15. @mattphilip #prdcdeliver BENEFITS OF A SERVICE-DELIVERY REVIEW ▫︎Forces you to

    focus on customers and become fit for the purpose for which they chose you ▫︎Sets clear standards ▫︎Generates feedback with (meaningful) data ▫︎Forces you to understand why you fail and align improvement efforts ▫︎Builds customer trust and loyalty ▫︎Gives employees greater sense of achievement
  16. @mattphilip #prdcdeliver Delighting customers 
 doesn’t build loyalty; 

    their effort—
 the work they must do 
 to get their problem solved
  17. @mattphilip #prdcdeliver TAKEAWAYS FOR NEXT MONDAY ▫︎Identify and involve your

    customer ▫︎Ask the “fitness” question (What do you value…?) ▫︎Discover your services ▫︎Establish service-delivery expectations ▫︎Keep doing the other useful feedback loops ▫︎Reduce/combine meetings rather than add new ▫︎Consider as way to measure “agile adoption”
  18. @mattphilip #prdcdeliver REFERENCES AND FURTHER EXPLORATION ▫︎ http://www.djaa.com/kanban-cadences ▫︎ https://www.slideshare.net/agilemanager/kanban-cadences-

    information-flow ▫︎ https://mattphilip.wordpress.com/2017/05/24/service-delivery- review-the-missing-agile-feedback-loop/ ▫︎ When will it be done? by Dan Vacanti (https://leanpub.com/ whenwillitbedone) ▫︎ http://kanbanize.com/ ▫︎ https://actionableagile.com/ ▫︎ https://hbr.org/1988/07/the-power-of-unconditional-service- guarantees ▫︎ http://www.icmi.com/Resources/Customer-Experience/2015/10/ Ten-Customer-Expectations-and-How-They-Are-Changing ▫︎ https://hbr.org/2010/07/stop-trying-to-delight-your-customers