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Data security, or bring your own tinfoil hats

October 18, 2023

Data security, or bring your own tinfoil hats

The Internet does not only know what you did last Summer but far, far more.

We will discuss how to overthrow the government and impact people’s thinking just by collecting some widely available data. We’ll talk about popular ways of accessing your private data and using it against you. In the end, we’ll go through securing your vulnerable and personal information and seemingly less vulnerable data as well. If you haven’t your tin foil hat yet - you’ll make one after this talk.


October 18, 2023

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  1. PIN number popularity 1. 1234 3.72% 2. 2007 2.23% 3.

    2006 2.10% 4. 2008 1.73% 5. 2005 1.33% 6. 1994 1.18% 7. 1993 1.13% 8. 1992 1.13% 9. 1995 1.06% 10. 1991 1.02% 1960-2009 29.87% Data source: RockYou leak, 2009
  2. Popular passwords by year 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 123456

    password 123456 123456 12345 123456789 123456 123456789 123456789 123456 qwerty 123456789 12345 picture1 123456789 password guest qwerty password test1 12345 qwerty password 12345678 password qwerty123 12345678 12345678 111111 12345678 1q2w3e 111111 111111 123123 zinch 12345678 12345 123123 12345 g_czechout 111111 col123456 1234567890 1234567890 asdf 1234567890 123123 1234567 senha qwerty
  3. Number of chars Numbers Lowercase Lowercase and uppercase Numbers, Lowercase

    and uppercase Numbers, Lowercase, uppercase and specials 4 < 1 sec < 1 sec < 1 sec < 1 sec < 1 sec 5 < 1 sec < 1 sec < 1 sec < 1 sec < 1 sec 6 < 1 sec < 1 sec < 1 sec 1 sec 5 secs 7 < 1 sec < 1 sec 25 secs 1 mins 6 mins 8 < 1 sec 5 secs 22 mins 1 hour 8 hours 9 < 1 sec 2 mins 19 hours 3 days 3 weeks 10 < 1 sec 58 mins 1 months 7 months 5 years 11 2 secs 1 days 5 years 41 years 400 years 12 25 secs 3 weeks 300 years 2k years 34k years 13 4 mins 1 years 16k years 100k years 2m years 14 41 mins 51 years 800k years 9m years 200m years 15 6 hours 1k years 4m years 600m years 15bn years 16 2 days 34k years 2bn years 37bn years 1tn years 17 4 weeks 800k years 100bn years 2tn years 93tn years 18 9 months 23m years 6tn years 100tn years 7qd years
  4. Don’t be sorry – be better 9 ways to secure

    your account – 6th will surprise you
  5. PIN

  6. They know what you did last summer • They don’t

    need your IP • They don’t need your account • They don’t need cookies • You know it’s worth something cause there are 3rd party companies offering Fingerprinting as a Service
  7. They know what you did last summer They use JS

    APIs your browser provides to generate unique identifier from: • web browser version • number of CPUs on your device • screen size • number of touchpoints • video/audio codecs • operating system and many other details that you would not want a typical news website to see
  8. Most popular browsers Browser Engine StatCounter October 2021 NetMarketSha re

    October 2021 W3Counter September 2021 Wikimedia October 2021 Chrome Blink 67.17% 72.96% 63.3% 58.0% Safari WebKit 9.63% 2.72% 17.7% 9.3% Edge Blink 9.33% 12.61% 5.4% 7.8% Firefox Gecko 7.87% 5.54% 5.8% 10.7% Opera Blink 2.89% 1.01% 1.3% 2.0% Others - (most likely Blink) 3.11%
  9. Cambridge Analytica • 1990s: • as SCL – influencing 3rd

    world countries politics • 2016: • USA elections • Providing Russian Intelligence with US sensitive polling and election data • Brexit referendum • 2020: • Investigation showed Cambridge Analytica was involved in 68 countries
  10. Inviting the fox in the henhouse • Social media posts

    • Your friends’ social media posts • Your „free” e-mail • ChatGPT & Friends • Your „forever friend” Siri, Alexa, Hello Google and Cortana
  11. How to steal an election? Steal an election – to

    illegally or immorally influence the result contrary to the current mood of the electorate Definition by Gary Short
  12. Your information at war • Vote status quo – instill

    fear of change • Vote status change – instill fear of previous state, show positives of change
  13. Your information at war • My voters – sure things

    • Opposition voters – discourage • Swingers – pull on your side and away from opposition • Stay-at-home – keep them in this state
  14. There are no rules governing social media ads • They

    can lie (popular ads of mobile games) • They are hard to track (personal targeting) • They are easily hidden (they look like posts or information)
  15. How to counter that 1. Watch out for psychological manipulations

    2. Look outside of your information bubble 3. Look for news sources and read those (https://ground.news/)
  16. Watermarks on documents Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Est libero

    provident sit veniam quae ea cupiditate optio aut nihil pariatur eos dolor neque est fugiat animi et itaque voluptates. Sed totam ullam ex velit placeat in temporibus illo a eligendi quos aut ipsa nisi et quod repellat est sint autem. Quo itaque molestiae ut ducimus facilis qui sint dolorem in odio rerum ea maiores expedita qui dignissimos minima. Ab quos molestias ut vero sapiente aut magni eveniet qui eaque omnis aut voluptate doloremque sed quas ipsa nam necessitatibus consequuntur. Sit alias illum est minus quidem in ipsa dolores est quis dolor ut galisum dicta quo quia sunt qui consectetur ullam. Et sint molestiae qui fugiat dolor et placeat ullam At repellat recusandae. Sed quae delectus sed consequatur dolorem et dolorum similique et rerum consequatur aut aliquam quasi! Ad inventore voluptatibus nam consequatur quod et explicabo eius et provident ducimus a soluta numquam ut autem nisi et assumenda adipisci. Et magnam amet et omnis sint ut animi corporis in itaque aliquam. Et iste aspernatur qui odit omnis ex labore aspernatur. Cum velit corrupti et mollitia quis sed consequatur repudiandae. Id pariatur inventore vel corrupti impedit ab deleniti minima a mollitia dolores non nobis quia in maiores eius.
  17. Summary 1. Select the right security level E.g.: have one

    super-secure e-mail for important stuff and less secure for other 2. Limit the amount of (semi-)personal information you upload 3. Be suspicious and double-check data you receive from the Internet
  18. Bibliography • Wylie Ch.: Mindf*ck: Cambridge Analytica And The Plot

    To Break America. 2019 • Barker H.: Lying Numbers: How Maths and Statistics Are Twisted and Abused. 2020 • Short G.: How to steal an election. 2019. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32m8luvA9Qg&list=PL03Lr md9CiGe9QtFC8LRRqknzpKgcrWpes
  19. Sources • United States Map by Vemaps.com • China Map

    by Vemaps.com • GDP values: https://www.worldometers.info/ • Predicted Cybercrime GDP value: https://www.analyticsinsight.net/if-cybercrime-was-a-country-it- would-be-the-third-largest-economy/