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TDDViz, understanding development processes

TDDViz, understanding development processes

This presentation was given at #XP2016.

Michael Hilton

May 25, 2016

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  1. Using Software Changes to Understand the Test Driven Development Process

    Michael Hilton @michaelhilton Nicholas Nelson Hugh McDonald Sean McDonald Ron Metoyer Danny Dig
  2. My Journey to XP 9 Corvallis OR -> PDX ->

    IAD -> MAN -> LHR -> EDI Was there turbulence?
  3. There exists many tools to evaluate the of our work,

    But there are very few tools to evaluate the of our work. 10 product process
  4. Process Improvement Matters Process improvement has led to: 11 85%

    defect reduction 50% development cycle time reduction 35% productivity improvement
  5. TDD is a Software Development Process 12 Rules Of Test

    Driven Development (TDD): 1. Create a unit test that fails 2. Write production code that makes that test pass 3. refactor Photo: http://blog.cleancoder.com/uncle-bob/2014/12/17/TheCyclesOfTDD.html
  6. Previous Work 13 Use static analysis at various points throughout

    the lifecycle of the code to determine characteristics of the process. For example: • Code Coverage • Cyclomatic Complexity • File size • etc.
  7. Our New Approach 14 Examine the changes between points in

    time by using the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) to gain deeper understanding • What type of changes is it? • What can we infer from this type of change?
  8. Evaluation 26 RQ1:Identification- Can programmers using TDDViz identify whether the

    code was developed in conformance with TDD? RQ2:Comprehension- Can programmers using TDDViz identify the reason why code was changed or inserted? RQ3:Comparability- Can programmers using TDDViz determine how much time went into testing vs. development of production code? RQ4: Accuracy- Can an algorithm infer TDD phases accurately?
  9. Results 27 RQ1: Identification Treatment Correct Not Correct Percent Correct

    Control (n=18) 37 34 52% Experimental (n=17) 55 13 80% RQ2: Comprehension Treatment Correct Not Correct Percent Correct Control (n=18) 24 48 33% Experimental (n=17) 55 13 62%
  10. Results 28 RQ3: Comparability Treatment Correct Not Correct Percent Correct

    Control (n=18) 23 49 32% Experimental (n=17) 33 35 48%
  11. RQ4: Accuracy 29 Total Corpus: 160 out of 2601 Sessions

    2489 snapshots Manual markup of each snapshot in Gold Standard. Evaluate against the Gold Standard: Precision: 81% Recall: 95% Accuracy: 87%
  12. Contributions 30 • Process Understanding • TDD Visualization Design and

    Analysis • TDD Inference Algorithm • Implementation and Empirical Evaluation • Demo: github.com/MichaelHilton/TDDViz
  13. Where do we go from here? 31 Someone should develop

    a usable tool (spoiler: not me)
  14. Where do we go from here? 32 • Incorporate process

    review into existing mechanisms: • Continuous Integration • Code/Process Review Ask me about CI Research!
  15. There exists many tools to evaluate the of our work,

    But there are very few tools to evaluate the of our work. 33 product process