would like to hear from them. In their words, not me saying, Tell me this? No, like, Okay, I'll tell you that. That happens a lot. Patricia Sung 02:30 Then after you talk to them and gotten they're like, really, they should be doing most of the talking for most of the interview, at the end is when you will talk about your expectations, assuming that you think this person is a good fit. If you already know they're a good fit, just say to him, thank you for your time. And be done. Send them a note that says thanks so much. We are looking for something different, or, you know, it wasn't a good match, be honest. But just tell them it wasn't a good fit. If you feel like they might be a good fit, then then we time to say okay, this is what I'm looking for in this job. Does this feel like it's something doable? And no, like, most people are gonna say yes, to whatever you tell them they want to do, because they want the job. So just have that filter in mind that whenever you tell people that immediately they want to bid Yes, because they want the job. Patricia Sung 03:15 The more that you can set the expectation of like, I really want this to be a like open communication back and forth, then that's when they'll tell you that things might not fit exactly. And you might be able to work with those, it could turn out that maybe something you had on your must have list was really nice to have. Listen, you're okay with that. But you want to have that back and forth exchange with them to understand like, Is this really the best fit? Sometimes we just pick the first person because we need help, and we just want to be done with it. I'm like, I want to say nine times out of 10 No 10 times out of 10. Every time that turns into a giant disaster and it's not a good fit. When we just pick the first person that shows up. Usually things don't go well. Especially when we're like just pick somebody I need help. It always ends badly. Please don't do that. But once you've kind of like narrowed down, okay, I think it's going to be this person. I'm sorry, at the end of that interview, make sure you give them some kind of like, time that you expect some kind of follow up, like I'm trying to make my decision in a week, or I will let you know within two weeks, if it's the if you're the candidate or whatever, that way, you know, on both sides, what, what the expectation is. And then the most important thing though, is that I want you to follow your gut. If your gut says any kind of red flag or like, I don't know if it's gonna work, listen to your gut. It is not the right person. Keep looking, you will find the right person. Patricia Sung 04:43 Truly circle back to those questions you created at the beginning of what what matters most to you. What do you need from this person? And does that person fit those things? Before you offer them the job you'll also want to look for some references. Is there someone who can vouch for them and say, Yes, they've done a great job. Yes, there reliable Yes, they do what they say they're going to do. That is extremely important. And to make sure that those references are like quality references, sometimes people just put like their friends on the resume. So make sure it's some way to like, make sure that it's like the actual reference. And then next, when you're looking in this hiring process, do not hire yourself, do not hire yourself, you are now looking for somebody who is another version of you, you are looking for someone who is going to do all these things that you don't like doing that you don't want to do. So if you hire somebody who's like you guess what, they're also not going to want to do the things that you don't want to do. So you should be looking for somebody who is different than you, because they are filling in your weak spots, the things that you don't like doing the things you don't want to do. And