Mon, 3/21 9:27PM 12:39 SUMMARY KEYWORDS brainstorm, bedtime, work, anchor, naps, daily routines, copy, put, routine, day, reminder, check, daily, minutes, feel, therapies, cleaning, eating, dinner, modify SPEAKERS Patricia Sung Patricia Sung 00:00 Hey there successful mama, we're in module five, not to give you this example and brainstorm to get you started. Because your daily routines won't look exactly like mine or any other moms that are taking this class. Patricia Sung 00:12 But there are some basic things that we all do. And this is a really good starting point for you. So you don't feel so overwhelmed of like, Oh, my goodness, all the things that I have to think up. So I'm going to give you this link to this Google Drive. Now, I put in big letters here, which I know some of us will still miss, and it's fine, we'll deal. Patricia Sung 00:31 But when you open this Google Doc up, you want to make sure that you go to file and make a copy and save it to your own drive. So file, make a copy. And then that way, you'll be able to save it to your Google Drive. Or, if you want, you can just go through and like highlight all the stuff here and copy and paste it into like a word, Doc, whatever you want to do is fine. But just know that this document has, like everyone in the class has access to it. So if you start fiddling around with it, then I'm going to have to go in and redo it. So you know, hey, oh, if you do, just undo, undo, undo, well, I mean, first copy it. So you have it, and then go back and undo whatever you did. So that way, it will be back where it was or tell me and I will go in there and fix it inside as to be expected when we have ADHD wallet, okay. Patricia Sung 01:20 So after you've put this into your own document, so that you can start working with it, I just did a really quick brainstorm of the parts of our day that happen every single day. This is daily