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  1. 6-1 Introduction to Between Your Anchors - TMM Module 6

    Mon, 3/21 9:06PM 4:37 SUMMARY KEYWORDS anchors, disclaimer, figure, set, brain, framework, repeating, feel, rhythms, life, tasks, adhd, motivation, unmotivated, months, work, fluffy, final product, prep, mom SPEAKERS Patricia Sung Patricia Sung 00:00 Hey there successful mama. Welcome back, we're in module six of Time Management Mastery for ADHD moms. We are creating calm and confidence building rhythms into our days. We will do our standard disclaimers here of do your best to turn off anything that might be distracting you or catching your attention. And we're doing great, we're gonna get through all of this together. Patricia Sung 00:22 Now, we have gone through our prep portion, where we talked about our motivation and the framework and overcoming the ADHD obstacles and mom life and all that in preparation for what we're going into. Now we're looking at our actual framework, where we have set up our anchors, we build upon our banker, built upon our anchors. Patricia Sung 00:48 And now we're looking at what's between the anchors now I wanted, again, I'm going to give this disclaimer is that this was our prep work. And here we're in our meat and potatoes. And when we set up our anchors and start building on them, I really, really, really, really, really want you to have those anchors. And that framework solidified before you start looking at between your anchors. Patricia Sung 01:12 I'm giving you the full picture, because I want you to understand the whole process, because a lot of times our brains struggle if we can't see the final product. So I want you be able to see the final products, you know where you're going. But I really, really, really don't want you to
  2. start doing these things until this step is feeling good.

    And depending on where you are, that might be something that you do faster than others or slower than others. Patricia Sung 01:34 It could be something that you feel good, within a month, you're like I got my daily routine down, it feels good. I'm ready for more, you might take you a couple of months to figure this out. Especially if you're in a transition period. Like if you're in the holidays right now or switching from like school to summer or summer to school. What I want to do is make sure that this is doable for you in the life that you're in. And I don't want you to feel like you're feeling because you didn't just rock all this out in a week. And while you're while your whole life is different. Patricia Sung 02:03 This is not like fluffy stuff. You were changing your entire life. Your entire setup to your day like this is big stuff. It seems little because like Yeah, yeah, laundry lunches. Got it. I do this all the time. No, this is setting up your day, how you live your day is how you live your life. These are big changes that you were making. And I want you to have the appropriate expectation of yourself on how long it is going to take to get this all set up. Patricia Sung 02:31 It took me granted, I was doing it on my own. Nobody was telling me like nobody had instructions for this, I figure it out. It took me about two years to get my full like setup figured out. And I was taking multiple classes and reading multiple books and trying to like take all this neurotypical advice and figure out how do I make sense of this. So I don't expect it to take you two years because I was doing it from scratch. But know that this is going to take you definitely several weeks, if not several months to figure out. And I know you're like my brain wants to do it. Patricia Sung 03:02 Now Patricia, I know my brain does too. It wants to do it now. But I also want us to be set up for success and not just like throw a big pile of stuff on top of what you're already carrying as a mom. And it'd be too much and then nothing gets done. So just repeating that disclaimer of I want to make sure that your daily rhythms feel good before you start adding on these monthly and weekly and things in between your anchors. Patricia Sung 03:29 Okay. Okay, now we're on the same page between your anchors, we're digging in. Reminder, your day is comprised of repeating tasks and new tasks. And we want to use the benefits of both to propel us forward. All these repeating tasks, we can make them more efficient, less
  3. weight on our brain less mental capacity that we're using.

    But yet, we don't want our whole life to be a giant like robotic episode and there's no fun. Patricia Sung 03:57 There's nothing new, nothing enjoyable, right? That's where these fun new tests come in, that are interesting, and we're more likely to be motivated and excited about it. And although I mean, I won't lie, I thought that I would be really, like unmotivated about a lot of chores, but knowing that I have a system and it's working for my family and I'm not stressed about it is a very big source of motivation for me, knowing that I'm here now. You're still getting there and we will get there. Patricia Sung 04:27 Okay, let me go Morehead hair. Okay, I'm gonna pause there. So I keep my video short, and we're gonna jump into our daily rhythms in just a sec.