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More Decks by Patricia Sung | Motherhood in ADHD

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  1. 6-13 Activity_ Putting together the one-sheet weekly rhythm ... Thu,

    4/7 7:36PM 20:01 SUMMARY KEYWORDS week, schedule, write, tasks, block, planning, anchor, day, dinner, family, bucket, brain dump, laundry, goal, check, fill, work, put, cook, print SPEAKERS Patricia Sung Patricia Sung 00:00 All right, so here is the weekly template that you have in your module that you can download. You can use it within Excel, you can put it in Google Sheets, you can do this on paper each week or a whiteboard, like whatever makes sense for you do it. The reason that I put it on the computer is because that way, all the repeating stuffs already there, I just hit print. And there's my schedule. If you don't have a printer, then you have options. Like you can print four of them, send them to your friend and be like, Hey, can you print four of these for me, or print them at the library or Office Depot like the, to me, this is hands down worth whatever it takes to figure out how to do it is worth it to not have to rewrite all these things. Again, I'm in. Patricia Sung 00:47 Okay, here's what it looks like. I know I left the rest of the week blank so that you can make it what you want it to look like. Patricia Sung 02:05 Like any special anything like Hey, make sure you know this, it goes right here in Monday. And this is where I'd write the date. So like if the Monday was the first you write the one here, and then I write my dinner plan here. So if you're planning multiple meals, you can put multiple ones here. But I put whatever my dinner plans are. So I know like what food I'm making. So like, you know, lasagna, garlic bread, so much trouble. That would be written here. Patricia Sung 02:39 The next column here is my schedule. And on my schedule, I have the the things that I automatically do like if school drop off pickup, I'll put my generic bucket there. And sometimes it depends on the week. And then another week, but it depends on the day. And then
  2. it depends on the week. And then another week, but

    it depends on the day. And then Patricia Sung 03:08 If I know I need to cook that day, because for me, certain days like I'm we're big leftover family, like I cook enough to always have a second meal. So like I make sure though, that I wrote down cooking or else I'll forget and then it's like time to eat and I knew it and remember to cook anything. So I have to write that in my schedule. So in this block, you're gonna write down the things that are time driven for you or things like you, you have to get done, like I have to cook some food for my family. Patricia Sung 03:34 Okay, then you're gonna have your blocks. Like I said in the previous video, I do not write down my buckets for my wakeup routine and my bedtime routine because are the same every day. So I have those written out. But they're posted on the backsplash above my sink because that's where I'm doing it. Like when I wake up I look at and I'm like, Okay, it's right here in front of my face. You know, take your medicine, brush your teeth, wash your face, drink some water. And all those steps are there written out so that I see them. I keep this paper on a clipboard in my kitchen because that's where I spend the most time. But then it goes with me like when I'm doing if it's a workday, it goes with me to my desk, and I keep track of the stuff there. Patricia Sung 04:22 And then it goes back to the kitchen with me when I'm done working. And because of the clipboard it can't get lost or pre pandemic I had it taped into my bullet journal because then it can get lost because it's attached to a like a notebook. So you want to find a place that makes sense for the salon. We talked about that and daily planning of like, where is your schedule going to live? So that's this column. Then we got like our check marks for these things. Patricia Sung 04:50 And so in your am block I have my anchor tasks stacked first. So first thing in the morning, I check my laundry and be like, do I need to do laundry today? I forgot to delete this part, I have to wear a compression hose because of my low blood pressure. So like I'm like, especially don't forget to make sure that your compression knows or watch, because I can't survive without them. They need to be cleaned. Patricia Sung 05:20 For me like I tried to do some at least even just like five minutes of looking at my Bible. And this is a program that I'm doing for my health. My I check my dinner plan and make sure like, do I have all the supplies for dinner that day? Do we have all the ingredients? Are they defrosted? Like is this actually doable tonight.
  3. Patricia Sung 05:46 And then, for me, like, MIA is

    the name of the podcast, my Motherhood in ADHD. And I use this extra column over here for what I'm actually going to do at work that day. So I know that I like get my like morning routine run. And then I jump into work. And all those tests are listed over here. So they're not going to get like smooshed into this box, there's not enough space here to write down what I'm going to be doing for work that day. And that's how I use this extra block. You can use it for whatever you need, or you can get rid of it if you want. Patricia Sung 06:23 Then I have my midday block. So this is the my ingress time for around lunch. So eat lunch. And this is a time where I grab all the library books, all water plants, do my grocery order, and do some quality time with my younger one. Like once we get peace preschool pickup. I'm done which there's over here. Patricia Sung 06:51 We do a quality time like 10 minutes of like, quality I mentioned in another video like quality 10 minutes, because I'm gonna go back to work and in my pm block. And I will do a little bit of work before I finish up house tasks. So like depending on how many house tests I have, tells me how much time I have for working. And this is a time where like knocking out phone calls or here we have like picking up the house. Patricia Sung 07:21 Cording tasks is my note to myself to go back and check last week's schedule to make sure that I actually moved everything forward. Because I do my planning on Friday, which means Saturday and Sunday, there's still some lingering tasks there, I need to make sure that I went back and actually move them all over to this week. And then I put some x's here because I know I can't fill this whole block or I won't have space to finish the things that I thought I was going to get done earlier. And so that's my marker of like, give yourself some buffer space. Patricia Sung 07:52 And then in the evening in this block is like between like when I start cooking dinner all the way through to bedtime. This is actually a pretty empty block for me, because it's usually a pretty similarsection. But sometimes I do have to get a couple things done before I get before I go to bed. Patricia Sung 08:22 So generally speaking, I try not to plan too much in the evening, because then I will be up late on a roll doing things till way too late as I am right now to be honest. But I do have that space to like write down of like, Oh, I forgot to fill in that permission slip or whatever, I can make my
  4. to like write down of like, Oh, I forgot to

    fill in that permission slip or whatever, I can make my note here. And then you have this extra spot for whatever else you need. Whether that you know, depending on your life what you need that for. Patricia Sung 08:51 So this repeats on every day. And then for me, I actually cut down Saturdays and Sunday some because usually those are filled with activities as like with our family. And so there's not usually as much like as much like sticking like I do, yes, we have the routine. But it's not like the same level as during the week because these are really going to birthday parties or, you know, doing family movie time or going shopping and there's not as much like to stick to. So that's why these days are a little bit smaller. Because for our family, the way that I have our family life setup is that I try to get all those tasks done during the week, so that on the weekends, we can be spending time together as a family and we're not you know, running around cleaning stuff and picking up things and it's not as work heavy so that we can spend quality time together as a family. Patricia Sung 09:48 Also, like my husband travels a lot for work and if he's not here during the week, like we want to be able to spend time together as a family when he's here. So that's how we've set our priorities and I then what I have down here is a next week block. So this section here is just open notes for me to say like, Okay, I know that these things need to get done next week. But I don't want them to, like get lost and forgotten. So I have a space to write them here. Patricia Sung 10:15 And one of the things that I find that this template really helps me with, is it like granted to you, hopefully, you take in daily planning. And this will make sense in terms of like how I bounced between my, like, digital calendar and paper planning, is that when we go in and start writing in these tasks for next week, on the following week, we usually don't act like we don't know what our schedule looks like, like our brain doesn't think that far ahead, and we just start writing crap in wherever it goes. And often, it's like, that's totally unrealistic to think that I'm going to do this big project. Patricia Sung 10:54 On Tuesday, when I have a day full of doctor's appointments or whatever, like, we just aren't reading things in willy nilly, and we don't want to, like, be putting things in where they don't belong. So I just have this empty space here to put all the things that need to happen next week. And then on Friday, when I'm planning next week, I can go to this list and be like, oh, right, I need to call this person or schedule this thing. And it's here for me. The other empty space that I have here is on the right here is the brain dump. And that's where I write anything where I need to write it down, but I don't know where it goes yet. Patricia Sung 11:31
  5. Patricia Sung 11:31 And I circled back to those, like

    we talked about in daily planning, I circle back to those when I do my daily check into like, okay, when do I have space to get this done? Where can I apply these things? Patricia Sung 11:43 Because a lot of times our brain thinks of something, and we need to write it down. But we we don't have the mental capacity to like, stop and be like, okay, you know what, I need to do this task, when would make sense in the schedule to do this thing. Instead, we just start throwing stuff everywhere, right? So I have a designated spot to throw things and then I will sort through them later. So you know, for example, I'm like, Oh, I really need to schedule physical therapy for my knees are done it. It goes in this section here. And then later on, I'd be like, okay, when is a good time for that? Well, we're where's my phone call block, okay, let me move it over there. Or if it can't wait till the phone call block, maybe I do need to put it earlier in the week. Patricia Sung 12:28 But this is that the purpose of that brain dump category is to literally dump things in. But they have to be dealt with later. If you don't make a point to go back and deal with these, you're going to go the whole week and never do any of the things in this category, because they didn't have a home as you were looking through the day. So it is important that, you know, we talked about this in the planning of like having your checkpoint to go back and be like, Okay, where do these things go, they can't just live in the ether. Patricia Sung 12:56 Okay, so now that I've kind of run through the overarching thing, just as a review, go in and put your recurring and, like standing appointments in the schedule section, you put in the things that you are have layered onto your anchor at each anchor block, right. So this is you know, anchor one's not here waking up. But this is like from between two and three, three and four, four and five and five and six and going to bed, okay. In each section of like what you've layered on there. Patricia Sung 13:30 So that you know, like, Okay, I need to make sure that I checked my dinner plan today, right? And I often start with like, where's my like, point of like, where I'm cutting off this thing. So like school pickup is where this anchor starts is like, Okay, what needs to happen, I need to eat. I need to gather some library books, water plants, like this is a good break, like a mental break in the day for me to move forward. Patricia Sung 14:01 And like I should mention, like some of my days I have had childcare. So my day with childcare is gonna look different than my day with no childcare. Oh, watch our friend, FYI. And then like,
  6. is gonna look different than my day with no childcare.

    Oh, watch our friend, FYI. And then like, here, I have dinner prep like this. I have a specific time where I'm telling myself at four o'clock if you have to cook dinner, you need to stop what you're doing. And go cook dinner. It's not over here because like, I don't have to start dinner at four o'clock or like I have to go pick up my kid at noon. Patricia Sung 14:34 But this is like my mental time of like, I'm telling myself like, here's my chain. Around four o'clock I need to make a decision on what like, you got to wrap up what you're doing because otherwise I will work until my babysitter leaves and then I'm trying to juggle cooking dinner with grumpy kids who are now hungry. This is like my I'm putting the chain here of like reminder Hey, Patricia at four o'clock, you need to, like start wrapping up what you're doing in in move into mom mode. So standing calendar appointments, layer on your anchor in each one. And then you'll fill in your batch things. Patricia Sung 15:21 So for example, on Monday for my pm block, this is the time where I'm doing house stuff. So like picking up the house. This is where I'm making phone calls and emails. This is my bucket here of doing communication and home stuff. This block is showing like, here's my anchors, and then I go into the block of this is work time. So this section here is first all the anchor tasks, and then the bucket tasks. After that, then we go into the next section, here's the anchor, what needs to get done, then whatever is going to go in that bucket, here's the anchor, what goes in the bucket, here's the anchor, what goes in the bucket. Okay. Patricia Sung 16:14 All right, I think that's all we need for this one. So let's go over here. Just make sure I didn't forget anything. So ask yourself, go through and label these things. Make sure that you go back and think about your ticket, make sure that this is a realistic, cold for where you are at that time. And post it in the weekly routine. Patricia Sung 16:53 And good news, you did it! these are all the steps to creating your plan. It's ready. And now we do the hard work of practicing it. I know this was a lot of hard work to set it up. But the actual doing of it is, it's a lot and I want you to give yourself like a big giant hug for all the work that you have put in here. Patricia Sung 17:20 This is no like tiny matter, you are changing your life you are changing your kids lives, you are learning skills that you can then teach your kids on how to set up a successful day. Like when they go off to college, they will have the skills already or when they go off to work, they will
  7. have the skills already so that they can be successful

    adults. And that mama is it pretty good goal for us. Patricia Sung 17:45 Now, you have the weekly support group every week to come and get encouragement and ask questions like you're never alone in this you have a whole community of women here to buddy with and have accountability with like, this isn't the end of things this is you have all the tools. No, let's make them work for us. Patricia Sung 18:08 And finally, persistence over perfection, it is not about being perfect. It's not about this being that like unicorn schedule has arrived. And it's here and it's magical. And it's going to save our day. The persistence of continually working towards the goal of creating a day that works for you. That is the goal. And that is where we keep going. And there's going to be days where we totally fall apart. And nothing goes according to plan. And it's okay. Because when you have all of these systems in place, they will carry themselves. And that's the beauty of creating this like for me like there was a week where we had like the stomach bug and it got passed around to everybody. And it was awful. You know what I'm talking about? And I didn't do laundry at all that week. Why? Because my laundry was all caught up. It was fine that it sat for a week like did I have a whole lot of laundry to do afterwards? Yes. But I just kept with my system and it was fine. Like the lightness that is like waiting on the other side of you for this is like chef's kiss, and it's coming. Patricia Sung 19:24 It's going to take a summer to get there but it's coming and head on wait to see where you are six months from now a year from now when you look back and you're like dang, look at what I did. Look at what I did. It's coming, and I can't wait for you to come back and share it with me. So have an amazing month successful mama. Have an amazing week. I'll talk to you soon. And thank you for being here with me. I'm proud of you and I hope you're proud of yourself. Let's do it. 19:59 All right