to Outsource as an ADHD Mom (At Home or ... SUMMARY KEYWORDS stressful, problem solvers, accept, held, mama, letting, brain, easier, doable, lighten, fast, hire, stress, happier, life, podcast, solutions, brilliant, manager, bit SPEAKERS Patricia Sung Patricia Sung 00:00 Hey there, it's accessible mama, welcome. We are about to lower your stress, get your time back and lighten your load. A lot of times we are so overwhelmed that we know we need help, we aren't even sure where to start. So we are going to walk through, what do you actually need help on, and then how to make that happen. Now while you could Buster the score super fast and be held on within a day, I also encourage you that no matter how fast you complete it, that you take some time to really think about your solutions. Our brains are brilliant problem solvers. And as you let all that information, sit around and marinate in your brain, you will find some really great answers in there. Patricia Sung 00:43 Now, when I first hired my podcast manager, one of the things that stuck out to me and still stands out to me now is that she said letting go is harder than holding on. So sure, we want to do all the things and we know that if we do them, they'll be done the way that we want. But we're also not meant to do all of this on our own. It's just too much. Trying to do it all just makes us a giant stressful. So as difficult as this process will be to be letting go and accepting help. I hope that you'll think about it not just in the way of who can I hire, but also how can I accept help throughout my life and being okay with voicing what I need help with and also accepting that help when it comes to me. Patricia Sung 01:26 Now I can get that advice because it is a bit of quite the process for me to be okay asking for help and admitting that I need more help. However, the more help that I accept in my life, the easier things are because I'm no longer carrying that full burden by myself. I'm sharing that weight with others. So it is time Amma let's make your life easier, less stressful, and more doable for a happier mama. Let's jump in