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Blogging and writing about JavaScript

September 04, 2014

Blogging and writing about JavaScript

A talk on the background of my blog and my book, as well a bit of JavaScript


September 04, 2014

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  1. Blogs help, inspire, connect [ you with the javascript community

    ] http://thinkingonthinking.com/new-kid-on-the-blog/
  2. –Donald Knuth (inventor of TeX1) “My current programs generally describe

    what worked and what didn’t work, and they proceed both bottom-up and top-down” 1) maybe the first blogging engine From LonelyScholar Press
  3. “The author uses a lot of buzzwords that either are

    not explained thoroughly or are never used again” - some other blogger
  4. https://signalvnoise.com/posts/3375-the-five-programming- books-that-meant-most-to-me “If you consider programming to be a subset

    of writing, then you would also do well to read Elements of Style and On Writing Well. “ - David Heinemeier Hansson
  5. $ cabin new blog ! . ├── Gruntfile.js ├── dist

    ├── node_modules ├── package.json ├── posts │ ├── candyTheme.md │ ├── markdownTest.md │ └── samplePost.md └── src ├── images ├── layouts ├── pages ├── scripts └── styles http://www.cabinjs.com/
  6. try to have .rss feed $ head _site/atom.xml! <?xml version="1.0"

    encoding="utf-8"?>! <feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom">! ! <title>thinking_on thinking</title>! <link href="http://mulderp.github.com/atom.xml" rel="self"/>! <link href="http://mulderp.github.com/"/>! <updated>2014-06-16T21:05:46+02:00</updated>! <id>http://mulderp.github.com</id>! <author>! <name>Patrick Mulder</name>