This is a talk I gave at the "Overcoming Barriers to Movement and Physical Activity Seminar", organised by the Movement and Physical Activity Network at the University of Leeds.
I argue that we need good data in order to devise solutions for overcoming barriers. I cite work from two recent papers, one which utilises accelerometer data and one which used mobile phone app data.
The citations for the papers discussed in the talk:
Pontin, F., Lomax, N., Clarke, G. and Morris, M.A., 2021. Socio-demographic determinants of physical activity and app usage from smartphone data. Social Science & Medicine, 284, p.114235.
Clark, S., Lomax, N., Morris, M., Pontin, F. and Birkin, M., 2021. Clustering Accelerometer Activity Patterns from the UK Biobank Cohort. Sensors, 21(24), p.8220.