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How to live in a post-Spring-Cloud-Netflix world

How to live in a post-Spring-Cloud-Netflix world

Zuul? Gateway? Should we get rid of Ribbon? What is going on with Hystrix? If you have ever faced those questions, come and listen to this talk. In December 2018, Netflix decided to move a number of their popular OSS projects, like Hystrix and Ribbon into maintenance mode and to make newer, backward incompatible versions of some others, like Zuul and Archaius. The Spring Cloud team moved some of the corresponding Spring-Cloud-Netflix projects into maintenance mode as well and proposed a newer, more modern Spring Cloud stack that could be used instead. During this talk, we would like to show how to move over to these newer solutions. We will discuss possible approaches, show a code demo and speak about potential issues and solutions.

Olga Maciaszek-Sharma

March 15, 2019

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  1. © Copyright 2018 Pivotal Software, Inc. All rights Reserved. Version

    1.0 Olga Maciaszek-Sharma, @olga_maciaszek Marcin Grzejszczak, @mgrzejszczak Gdańsk, 15.03.2019 How to live in a post-Spring-Cloud-Netflix world
  2. About Us Olga Maciaszek-Sharma (@olga_maciaszek) Senior Software Engineer in Spring

    Cloud team. Works mostly on: • Spring Cloud Contract • Spring Cloud Netflix • Spring Cloud Gateway • Spring Cloud OpenFeign https://github.com/OlgaMaciaszek Marcin Grzejszczak (@mgrzejszczak) Spring Cloud developer. Works mostly on: • Spring Cloud Contract • Spring Cloud Sleuth • Cloud Pipelines Blog: http://toomuchcoding.com
  3. Spring + Netflix during Cloud-Native transition Spring Cloud Netflix Eureka

    Client Spring Cloud Netflix Eureka Server Spring Cloud Netflix Archaius Spring Cloud Netflix Ribbon Spring Cloud Netflix Zuul Spring Cloud Netflix Hystrix Spring Cloud Netflix Hystrix Dashboard Spring Cloud Netflix Turbine Spring Cloud Netflix Hystrix Stream Spring Cloud Netflix Turbine Stream
  4. Netflix projects passed into maintenance or superseded • Ribbon, 2016

    - https://github.com/Netflix/ribbon#project-status-on-maintenance • Hystrix Dashboard → Atlas • Zuul 1 → backward incompatible Zuul 2 • Archaius 1 → backward incompatible Archaius 2 • Hystrix, 2018 - https://github.com/Netflix/Hystrix#hystrix-status
  5. Spring + Netflix going into maintenance Spring Cloud Netflix Eureka

    Client Spring Cloud Netflix Eureka Server Spring Cloud Netflix Archaius Spring Cloud Netflix Ribbon Spring Cloud Netflix Zuul Spring Cloud Netflix Hystrix Spring Cloud Netflix Hystrix Dashboard Spring Cloud Netflix Turbine Spring Cloud Netflix Hystrix Stream Spring Cloud Netflix Turbine Stream
  6. Maintenance Mode No new features Fixes for blockers and security

    issues only Considering and reviewing small PRs from the community
  7. Demo Old Stack Card Application Service (Ribbon Load Balancer) Zuul

    Proxy (Hystrix, Hystrix Dashboard) User Service (Hystrix, Hystrix Dashboard) Fraud Verifier Turbine App Ignored Service Eureka Service Discovery
  8. Spring Cloud Netflix Ribbon → Spring Cloud Load Balancer @Bean

    @LoadBalanced WebClient.Builder loadBalancedWebClientBuilder() { return WebClient.builder(); } @Bean @LoadBalanced RestTemplate restTemplate() { return new RestTemplate(); } @RibbonClient() @RibbonClients() @Bean @LoadBalanced WebClient.Builder loadBalancedWebClientBuilder() { return WebClient.builder(); } @Bean @LoadBalanced RestTemplate restTemplate() { return new RestTemplate(); } @LoadBalancerClient() @LoadBalancerClients()
  9. Spring Cloud Netflix Ribbon → Spring Cloud Load Balancer Lacking

    implementations Spring Cloud Netflix Ribbon still used in other projects
  10. Spring Cloud Netflix Zuul → Spring Cloud Gateway • Non-reactive,

    Servlet-based • Routing by serviceId by default • Possibility to set up options via properties, including ignored services, patterns and headers and ignoring sensitive headers (true by default) • Routes set in properties with limited config (id, serviceId, path, url, stripPrefix, retrayable, sensitiveHeaders, customSensitiveHeaders) • Reactive, Netty-based • Explicit route setup required • Possibility to define routes both via properties and via functional configuration • Predicates and Filters • All headers passed on by default
  11. Spring Cloud Hystrix → SC CircuitBreaker + Resilience4J • Uses

    Hystrix underneath • Possibility to use via @HystrixCommand annotation • Possibility to pass fallback method in annotation • A Spring Cloud abstraction for circuit breakers https://github.com/spring-cloud-incubator/spring -cloud-circuitbreaker • Currently supports Hystrix and Resilience4J • Using via injected CircuitBreakerFactory bean and its create() method • Possibility to configure by setting up Customizer<CircuitBreakerFactory> bean in a @Configuration class
  12. Spring Cloud Netflix Turbine → Micrometer + Prometheus • Aggregated

    Hystrix metrics from various applications via HTTP • Via the Turbine Stream, managed to collect those via messaging • Micrometer - a metrics collection facade • Its aim is to allow you to time, count, and gauge your code with a vendor neutral API • One of the monitoring systems to which you can output the metrics is Prometheus
  13. Demo New Stack Card Application Service (SC LoadBalancerClient, Micrometer) Gateway

    Proxy (CircuitBreaker, Micrometer) User Service ([Resilience4J], Micrometer) Fraud Service (Micrometer) Prometheus Ignored Service [Eureka Service Discovery]