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You’re not really busy

You’re not really busy

As part of an internal workshop at Forter, I needed to do a 5 minutes talk about something that's relevant to our day to day. This is it :)

Oren Ellenbogen

July 24, 2019

More Decks by Oren Ellenbogen

Other Decks in Business


  1. You’re not really busy Bonus: there is no solution in

    this talk -- Oren Ellenbogen, a not-busy person on planet earth
  2. “How are you?” 100 out of 99 people will tell

    you that they’re “busy busy busy” It’s a fucking epidemic
  3. Axiom II People are terrific at adding to your todo

    list (just look at your Inbox or Calendar)
  4. Axiom II People are terrific at adding to your todo

    list. You’re terrific at accepting it.
  5. Axiom III Probability for high-quality, joyful work: p(planned work) >

    p(internal interrupts) > p(external interrupts)
  6. We all work; Work is work; We all die Better

    go down with a huge fucking smile on our face, like this: How?
  7. Feeling busyhappy: how did I do? Did you work enough

    hours on the one thing you planned for the day ?
  8. Mark your calendar before going home Did I work enough

    hours on the one thing I planned for the day? Green if so, Yellow if so-so, and Red if FUCK no.
  9. Optimize for happy Celebrate green days. You made it! Understand

    triggers for yellows & reds. Act differently.