Customer journey maps. Ecosystem maps. Storymapping. User stories. Personas. There are so many great tools available to user-centered marketers and content strategists that it can be hard to know which to use when! And some of them never seem to fit quite right when you try to apply them in your own organisation. Why not create your own?
In this session, we’ll bust apart popular tools for describing users and understanding their journeys into their common patterns and components. You’ll begin to see the method behind the magic and leave equipped to choose, adapt, remix, and/or invent just the right tool for focusing your content on the people who really matter—your users.
In this session, you'll gain:
• A better understanding of various user-centered tools available to marketers and content strategists
• A set of building blocks for creating the perfect user-centered content strategy tool for your project
• New ideas for getting at the heart of what your users really need from your content