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An Analysis of Cross-Document Linking Mechanisms

An Analysis of Cross-Document Linking Mechanisms

Presentation given at JCDL 2018, ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, Fort Worth, USA.

ABSTRACT: Physical and digital documents do often not exist in isolation but are implicitly or explicitly linked. Previous research in Human-Computer Interaction and Personal Information Management has revealed certain user behaviour in associating information across physical and digital documents. Nevertheless, there is a lack of empirical studies on user needs and behaviour when defining these associations. In this paper, we address this lack of empirical studies and provide insights into strategies that users apply when associating information across physical and digital documents. In addition, our study reveals the limitations of current practices and we suggest improvements for associating information across documents. Last but not least, we identify a set of design implications for the development of future cross-document linking solutions.

Research paper: https://beatsigner.com/publications/an-analysis-of-cross-document-linking-mechanisms.pdf

Beat Signer

June 04, 2018

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  1. 2 December 2005 An Analysis of Cross-Document Linking Mechanisms Ahmed

    A.O. Tayeh and Beat Signer Web & Information Systems Engineering Lab Department of Computer Science Vrije Universiteit Brussel WEB & INFORMATION SYSTEMS ENGINEERING
  2. Ahmed A.O. Tayeh - Department of Computer Science - atayeh@vub.be

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  3. Ahmed A.O. Tayeh - Department of Computer Science - atayeh@vub.be

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  4. Ahmed A.O. Tayeh - Department of Computer Science - atayeh@vub.be

    4 June 4, 2018 Methodology ▪ Qualitative approach using a multi-case design ▪ Online survey investigating ▪ whether users associate information in six different scenarios ▪ why they associate information ▪ which mechanisms are used by users to associate information ▪ users’ appreciation and criticism ▪ 238 participants: 23 Master’s students, 169 PhD students and 46 holding a PhD degree single physical (SP) multiple physical (MP) single digital (SD) multiple digital same (MDS) multiple digital different (MDD) digital physical (DP)
  5. Ahmed A.O. Tayeh - Department of Computer Science - atayeh@vub.be

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  6. Ahmed A.O. Tayeh - Department of Computer Science - atayeh@vub.be

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  7. Ahmed A.O. Tayeh - Department of Computer Science - atayeh@vub.be

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  8. Ahmed A.O. Tayeh - Department of Computer Science - atayeh@vub.be

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  9. Ahmed A.O. Tayeh - Department of Computer Science - atayeh@vub.be

    12 June 4, 2018 Multiple Digital Same (MDS)
  10. Ahmed A.O. Tayeh - Department of Computer Science - atayeh@vub.be

    13 June 4, 2018 Multiple Digital Different (MDD)
  11. Ahmed A.O. Tayeh - Department of Computer Science - atayeh@vub.be

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  13. Ahmed A.O. Tayeh - Department of Computer Science - atayeh@vub.be

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  14. Ahmed A.O. Tayeh - Department of Computer Science - atayeh@vub.be

    20 June 4, 2018 Conclusions ▪ Investigated user behaviour in associating information within and across documents ▪ Revealed a number of association mechanisms and some of their characteristics ▪ General findings about user’s appreciation and criticism about their used mechanisms ▪ Design implications for cross-document linking solutions