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Course Review - Lecture 13 - Introduction to Da...

Course Review - Lecture 13 - Introduction to Databases (1007156ANR)

This lecture forms part of the course Introduction to Databases given at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel.

Beat Signer

May 24, 2019

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  1. 2 December 2005 Introduction to Databases NoSQL Databases and Course

    Review Prof. Beat Signer Department of Computer Science Vrije Universiteit Brussel beatsigner.com
  2. Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - bsigner@vub.ac.be 2

    May 22, 2019 Course Review 1. Introduction and Conceptual Modelling ▪ various DB application domains ▪ basic DB terminology ▪ data models and history of DBMS ▪ conceptual modelling and the ER model 2. Extended ER Model and other Modelling Languages ▪ EER model - specialisation and generalisation, ISA constraints, aggregation ▪ OM and UML as alternative modelling techniques 3. Relational Model and Relational Algebra ▪ relational model ▪ relational algebra - fundamental, additional and extended operations
  3. Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - bsigner@vub.ac.be 3

    May 22, 2019 Course Review ... 4. Relational Database Design ▪ reduction ▪ functional and multivalued dependencies ▪ normal forms and normalisation 5. Structured Query Language (SQL) ▪ data definition language (DDL) ▪ data manipulation language (DML) 6. Advanced SQL ▪ authorisation ▪ SQL programming environments - ESQL, SQL/CLI, SQL/PSM and triggers ▪ impedance mismatch
  4. Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - bsigner@vub.ac.be 4

    May 22, 2019 Course Review ... 7. DBMS Architectures and Features ▪ components of a DBMS ▪ different DBMS architectures - teleprocessing, two-tier and N-tier architectures, SOA, cloud computing, ... - distributed DBMS, parallel DBMS, TP Monitor, ... 8. Storage Management ▪ storage device hierarchy and RAID systems ▪ buffer management ▪ record formats and operations 9. Access Methods ▪ indexing - sparse, dense and multilevel indices, B+-trees, bitmap index ▪ hashing
  5. Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - bsigner@vub.ac.be 5

    May 22, 2019 Course Review … 10.Query Processing and Optimisation ▪ query processing and query costs ▪ selection, sorting, join, ... ▪ basic query optimisation 11.Transaction Management ▪ transactions - conflict serialisability ▪ concurrency - lock-based, timestamp ordering and optimistic ▪ recovery 12.NoSQL Databases and Course Review
  6. Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - bsigner@vub.ac.be 6

    May 22, 2019 Course Review … Access Methods System Buffers Authorisation Control Integrity Checker Command Processor Program Object Code DDL Compiler File Manager Buffer Manager Recovery Manager Scheduler Query Optimiser Transaction Manager Query Compiler Queries Catalogue Manager DML Preprocessor Database Schema Application Programs Database and System Catalogue Database Manager Data Manager DBMS Programmers Users DB Admins Based on 'Components of a DBMS', Database Systems, T. Connolly and C. Begg, Addison-Wesley 2010
  7. Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - bsigner@vub.ac.be 7

    May 22, 2019 Covered Book Chapters ▪ The following chapters of the Database System Concepts book have been covered ▪ chapter 1 - Introduction ▪ chapter 2 - Relational Model ▪ chapter 3 - Introduction to SQL ▪ chapter 4 - Intermediate SQL ▪ chapter 5 - Advanced SQL ▪ chapter 6.1 - Relational Algebra
  8. Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - bsigner@vub.ac.be 8

    May 22, 2019 Covered Book Chapters ... ▪ The following chapters of the Database System Concepts book have been covered ▪ chapter 7 - Database Design and the ER Model - Reduction to Relational Schemas - Unified Modelling Language (UML) ▪ chapter 8 - Relational Database Design ▪ chapter 10 - Storage and File Structure ▪ chapter 11 - Indexing and Hashing ▪ chapter 12 - Query Processing
  9. Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - bsigner@vub.ac.be 9

    May 22, 2019 Covered Book Chapters ... ▪ The following chapters of the Database System Concepts book have been covered ▪ chapter 13 - Query Optimisation ▪ chapter 14 - Transactions ▪ chapter 15 - Concurrency Control ▪ chapter 16 - Recovery System ▪ chapter 17 - Database-System Architectures
  10. Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - bsigner@vub.ac.be 10

    May 22, 2019 Exam ▪ Written closed book exam in English ▪ covers content of lectures and exercises ▪ Current exam date: June 11 ▪ room D0.07 ▪ 14:00-18:00 ▪ Questions about the course content? ▪ send an email to Reinout Roels to get an appointment
  11. Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - bsigner@vub.ac.be 11

    May 22, 2019 Exam Format ▪ The exam will contain a number of questions addressing different parts of the lecture and exercises ▪ Make sure that you understand the general concepts ▪ Possible topics include but are not limited to ▪ define a conceptual model (ER) for a given description of an application domain ▪ reduction of an (E)ER model to a relational model ▪ given a database schema and some questions about specific content - write the corresponding SQL queries ▪ transform an SQL query to a relational algebra expression
  12. Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - bsigner@vub.ac.be 12

    May 22, 2019 Exam Format ... ▪ given a number of relations - write specific relational algebra queries ▪ given a relation R - find functional/multivalued dependencies - check normal forms ▪ given two relations with specific properties - worst case estimates for different kinds of operations (e.g. join) ▪ given an SQL query - define the query expression/execution tree ▪ given a query expression tree and some indices - optimise the query expressions tree ▪ given a schedule S - check if S is conflict serialisable ▪ ...
  13. Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - bsigner@vub.ac.be 13

    May 22, 2019 Exam Format ... ▪ You should further have a good understanding of the general concepts introduced in the lecture since there might be essay questions asking you to explain a concept or to compare two or more concepts or solutions
  14. Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - bsigner@vub.ac.be September

    26, 2016 Fluid Cross-Media Information Spaces 01001000100 0101001100010010100010010 0100100010010001000100001001000 100010001100001001000110010101010110 1100010010100010010010010100010101011001 101001100001100 101010100 0010100 100 110101010101 00100 01010101000 1001 1111111111 111 0000000010 0 11111111 0101001011 010101010 111010101 001010010110
  15. Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - bsigner@vub.ac.be 15

    May 22, 2019 Cross-Media Information Spaces and Architectures Information Systems & Management Information Visualisation & Navigation Information Visualisation nd Navigation Human-Machine & Human-Information Interaction CISA RSL [4] MindXpres [8] OC2 [5] associative file system [2] data-driven storytelling [11] XIMA [13] cross-device interaction [9] iServer/iPaper [3] ViDaX [16] data physicalisation [32] OpenHPS [18] non-linear storytelling [27] PaperProof [29] iGesture [23] PaperSketch [30] TangHo [31] Context Modelling Toolkit [10] Midas [21] SpeeG2 [24] PaperPoint [26] Print-n-Link [17] digital libraries [12] Mudra [22] mixed reality [28] ArtVis [15] open cross-media linking [1] PimVis [14] DocTr [6] EdFest [25] source code visualisation [19] INFEX [7] collaborative filtering [20]
  16. Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - bsigner@vub.ac.be 16

    May 22, 2019 Models and Frameworks dynamic data physicalisation framework RSL hypermedia metamodel iPaper framework iGesture framework Personal Information Management (PIM) framework MindXpres presentation platform
  17. Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - bsigner@vub.ac.be 17

    May 22, 2019 What is Wrong with Digital Documents? ▪ Existing document formats are based on the simulation of paper affordances on desktop computers ▪ How to manage mixed-media "documents" in open and fluid cross-media information spaces? ▪ on the data level - context-sensitive adaptation - cross-media transclusion ▪ on the visualisation and navigation level - zoomable user interfaces ▪ on the cross-media interaction level - fluid multimodal cross-media interfaces ▪ Remediation of the "paper simulation" approach ▪ WYSIWYG is only one out of many options! CISA Human-Machine & Human-Information Interaction Information Systems & Management Information Visualisation & Navigation
  18. Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - bsigner@vub.ac.be 18

    May 22, 2019 Cross-Media Information Spaces (CISA) ▪ RSL hypermedia metamodel ▪ mixed media document formats with transclusion ▪ Cross-device and physical-digital user interfaces ▪ end-user authoring and metaphors for DUIs ▪ Internet of Things and Web of Things ▪ cross-domain IoT middleware
  19. Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - bsigner@vub.ac.be 19

    May 22, 2019 Personal Information Management (PIM) ▪ Keeping, organising and re-finding information ▪ digital and physical ▪ Study of human- information interaction ▪ files, piles, mixtures, … ▪ OC2 PIM model ▪ based on RSL hypermedia metamodel ▪ Cross-Media PIM system ▪ explicit as well as implicit associations between entities
  20. Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - bsigner@vub.ac.be 20

    May 22, 2019 Dynamic Data Physicalisation ▪ Physical objects used for input as well as output ▪ How can we achieve dynamic data physicali- sation with dynamic affordances ▪ use physical variables such as temperature or texture ▪ exploration of big data sets ▪ experimental tangible holograms (TangHo) platform
  21. Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - bsigner@vub.ac.be 21

    May 22, 2019 MindXpres Presentation Platform ▪ Extensible prototyping platform for novel presen- tation concepts ▪ content-based approach - separation of content and pre- sentation (automatic visualisation) ▪ cross-media content reuse ▪ non-linear navigation via zoomable user interface ▪ connectivity and interactivity ▪ Rich-media plug-ins ▪ e.g. source code or interactive data visualisation
  22. Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - bsigner@vub.ac.be 22

    May 22, 2019 Interactive Paper and Augmented Reality ▪ Bridging the paper-digital divide ▪ seamless transition ▪ Visualisation of interactive areas and functionality ▪ design patterns ▪ Interaction design ▪ online versus offline input processing ▪ lack of modal dialogues ▪ multimodal interaction
  23. Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - bsigner@vub.ac.be 23

    May 22, 2019 Context-aware Applications ▪ Multi-layered context modelling approach ▪ programmer, expert user and end user ▪ Beyond simple "if this then that" rules ▪ Implicit context-aware human-computer interaction (HCII) ▪ Increase trust via intelligibility
  24. Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - bsigner@vub.ac.be 24

    May 22, 2019 Are You Interested in a Thesis? ▪ Various possibilities for BA, MA and PhD theses ▪ Mixed Reality Solutions - e.g. for photography, museums etc. ▪ Tangible User Interfaces ▪ Data Physicalisation - tangible hologram platform - big data exploration interfaces ▪ MindXpres Presentation Platform ▪ Cross-Device and Cross-Media Interfaces ▪ Smart Environments and Cross-Domain Internet of Things (IoT) ▪ Personal Information Management (PIM) ▪ Interactive Paper Solutions ▪ ... ▪ Do you have your own ideas? Come along to discuss them...
  25. Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - bsigner@vub.ac.be 25

    May 22, 2019 Conclusions ▪ Innovative cross-media document formats which go beyond simulating paper on desktop computers ▪ RSL-based representation of open and fluid cross-media information spaces ▪ interactive paper and data physicalisation solutions ▪ personal information management and associative file systems ▪ MindXpres presentation tool ▪ Mixed reality and data physicalisation ▪ ArtVis, Mental Nomad and Tangible Holograms
  26. Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - bsigner@vub.ac.be 26

    May 22, 2019 References ▪ A. Silberschatz, H. Korth and S. Sudarshan, Database System Concepts (Sixth Edition), McGraw-Hill, 2010 ▪ Malcolm Atkinson, François Bancilhon, David DeWitt, Klaus Dittrich, David Maier and Stanley Zdonik, The Object-Oriented Database System Manifesto, 1989 ▪ Seven Databases in Seven Weeks: A Guide to Modern Databases and the NoSQL Movement, Eric Redmond and Jim Wilson, Pragmatic Book- shelf, May, 2012, ISBN-13: 978-1934356920
  27. Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - bsigner@vub.ac.be 27

    May 22, 2019 References ▪ B. Signer, Fundamental Concepts for Interactive Paper and Cross-Media Information Spaces, Second Edition, ISBN 978-3-8370-2713-6, August 2017 ▪ ArtVis Project ▪ https://www.beatsigner.com/flyers/ArtVis.pdf ▪ MindXpres Project ▪ https://mindxpres.com ▪ Tangible Holograms ▪ https://beatsigner.com/tangibleHolograms.html
  28. Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - bsigner@vub.ac.be 28

    May 22, 2019 References ... [1] B. Signer and M.C. Norrie, A Model and Architecture for Open Cross-Media Annotation and Link Services, Information Systems 36(3), Elsevier, May 2011 ▪ https://beatsigner.com/publications/signer_IS2011.pdf [2] B. Signer, What is Wrong with Digital Documents? A Conceptual Model for Structural Cross-Media Content Composition and Reuse, Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER 2010), Vancouver, Canada, November 2010 ▪ https://beatsigner.com/publications/signer_ER2010.pdf
  29. Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - bsigner@vub.ac.be 29

    May 22, 2019 References ... [3] B. Signer, Fundamental Concepts for Interactive Paper and Cross-Media Information Spaces, Dissertation ETH No. 16218, Zurich, Switzerland, 2005 ▪ https://beatsigner.com/publications/signer2006.pdf [4] B. Signer and M.C. Norrie, As We May Link: A General Metamodel for Hypermedia Systems, Proceedings of ER 2007, 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, Auckland, New Zealand, November 2007 ▪ https://beatsigner.com/publications/signer_ER2010.pdf
  30. Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - bsigner@vub.ac.be 30

    May 22, 2019 References ... [5] S. Trullemans and B. Signer, Towards a Con- ceptual Framework and Metamodel for Context-Aware Personal Cross-Media Information Management Systems, Proceedings of ER 2014, 33rd International Conference on Conceptual Modelling, Atlanta, USA, October, 2014 ▪ https://beatsigner.com/publications/trullemans_ER2014.pdf [6] S. Trullemans, A. Vercruysse and B. Signer, DocTr: A Unifying Framework for Tracking Physical Docu- ments and Organisational Structures, Proceedings of EICS 2016, Brussels, Belgium, June 2016 ▪ https://beatsigner.com/publications/trullemans_EICS2016.pdf
  31. Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - bsigner@vub.ac.be 31

    May 22, 2019 References ... [7] R. Roels, A. De Witte and B. Signer, INFEX: A Unifying Framework for Cross-Device Information Exploration and Exchange, Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (PACMHCI), 1(3), 2017 ▪ https://beatsigner.com/publications/roels_PACMHCI2017.pdf [8] R. Roels and B. Signer, MindXpres: An Exten- sible Content-driven Cross-Media Presentation Platform, Proceedings of WISE 2014, 15th Interna- tional Conference on Web Information System Engineering, Thessaloniki, Greece, October, 2014 ▪ https://beatsigner.com/publications/roels_WISE2014.pdf
  32. Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - bsigner@vub.ac.be 32

    May 22, 2019 References ... [9] A. Sanctorum and B. Signer, Towards User- defined Cross-Device Interaction, Proceedings of DUI 2016, 5th Workshop on Distributed User Interfaces, Lugano, Switzerland, June 2016 ▪ https://beatsigner.com/publications/sanctorum_DUI2016.pdf [10] S. Trullemans and B. Signer, A Multi-layered Context Modelling Approach for End Users, Expert Users and Programmers, Proceedings of SERVE 2016, International Workshop on Smart Ecosystems cReation by Visual dEsign, Bari, Italy, June 2016 ▪ https://beatsigner.com/publications/trullemans_SERVE2016.pdf
  33. Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - bsigner@vub.ac.be 33

    May 22, 2019 References ... [11] R. Roels, Y. Baeten and B. Signer, An Inter- active Data Visualisation Approach for Next Generation Presentation Tools: Towards Rich Presentation-based Data Exploration and Storytelling, Proceedings of CSEDU 2016, Rome, Italy, April, 2016 ▪ https://beatsigner.com/publications/roels_CSEDU2016.pdf [12] M.C. Norrie, B. Signer and N. Weibel, Interactive Paper as a Reading Medium in Digital Libraries, Pro- ceedings of ECDL 2008, 12th European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries, Aarhus, Denmark, September 2008 ▪ https://beatsigner.com/publications/norrie_ECDL2008.pdf
  34. Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - bsigner@vub.ac.be 34

    May 22, 2019 References ... [13] B. Signer, M.C. Norrie, P. Geissbuehler and D. Heiniger, Telephone Interface for Avalanche War- nings based on Information Server for Adaptable Con- tent Delivery, Proceedings of Pervasive 2002, Zurich, Switzerland, August 2002 ▪ https://beatsigner.com/publications/signer_Pervasive2002.pdf [14] S. Trullemans, A. Sanctorum and B. Signer, PimVis: Exploring and Re-finding Documents in Cross- Media Information Spaces, Proceedings of AVI 2016, International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, Bari, Italy, June 2016 ▪ https://beatsigner.com/publications/trullemans_AVI2016.pdf
  35. Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - bsigner@vub.ac.be 35

    May 22, 2019 References ... [15] B. Dumas, B. Moerman, S. Trullemans and B. Signer, ArtVis: Combining Advanced Visualisation and Tangible Interaction for the Exploration, Analysis and Browsing of Digital Artwork Collections, Proceed- ings of AVI 2014, Como, Italy, May 2014 ▪ https://beatsigner.com/publications/dumas_AVI2014.pdf [16] B. Dumas, T. Broché, L. Hoste and B. Signer, ViDaX: An Interactive Semantic Data Visualisation and Exploration Tool, Proceedings of AVI 2012, Internatio- nal Working Conference on Advanced Visual Inter- faces, Capri Island, Italy, May 2012 ▪ https://beatsigner.com/publications/dumas_AVI2012.pdf
  36. Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - bsigner@vub.ac.be 36

    May 22, 2019 References ... [17] Moira C. Norrie, Beat Signer and Nadir Weibel, Print-n-Link: Weaving the Paper Web, Proceedings of DocEng 2006, ACM Symposium on Document Engineering, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 2006 ▪ https://beatsigner.com/publications/norrie_DocEng2006.pdf [18] M. Grossniklaus, M.C. Norrie, B. Signer and N. Weibel ,Putting Location-Based Services on the Map, Proceedings of W2GIS 2006, Hong Kong, China, December 2006 ▪ https://beatsigner.com/publications/grossniklaus_W2GIS2006.pdf
  37. Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - bsigner@vub.ac.be 37

    May 22, 2019 References ... [19] R. Roels, P. Mestereaga and B. Signer, An Interactive Source Code Visualisation Plug-in for the MindXpres Presentation Platform, Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS), 583, 2016 ▪ https://beatsigner.com/publications/roels_CCIS2016.pdf [20] A. de Spindler, M.C. Norrie, M. Grossniklaus and B. Signer, Spatio-Temporal Proximity as a Basis for Collaborative Filtering in Mobile Environments, Proceedings of UMICS 2006, Workshop on Ubiquitous Mobile Information and Collaboration Systems, Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, June 2006 ▪ https://beatsigner.com/publications/despindler_UMICS2006.pdf
  38. Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - bsigner@vub.ac.be 38

    May 22, 2019 References ... [21] C. Scholiers, L. Hoste, B. Signer and W. De Meuter, Midas: A Declarative Multi-Touch Interaction Framework, Proceedings of TEI 2011, 5th Interna- tional Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Em- bodied Interaction, Funchal, Portugal, January 2006 ▪ https://beatsigner.com/publications/scholliers_TEI2011.pdf [22] L. Hoste, B. Dumas and B. Signer, Mudra: A Unified Multimodal Interaction Framework, Proceedings of ICMI 2011, 13th International Conference on Multi- modal Interaction, Alicante, Spain, November 2011 ▪ https://beatsigner.com/publications/scholliers_TEI2011.pdf
  39. Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - bsigner@vub.ac.be 39

    May 22, 2019 References ... [23] B. Signer, U. Kurmann and M.C. Norrie, iGesture: A General Gesture Recognition Framework, Proceedings of ICDAR 2007, 9th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, Curitiba, Brazil, September 2007 ▪ https://beatsigner.com/publications/signer_ICDAR2007.pdf [24] L. Hoste and B. Signer, SpeeG2: A Speech- and Gesture-based Interface for Efficient Controller-free Text Entry, Proceedings of ICMI 2013, 15th Inter- national Conference on Multimodal Interaction, Sydney, Australia, December 2013 ▪ https://beatsigner.com/publications/hoste_ICMI2013.pdf
  40. Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - bsigner@vub.ac.be 40

    May 22, 2019 References ... [25] B. Signer, M. Grossniklaus and M.C. Norrie, Interactive Paper as a Mobile Client for a Multi- Channel Web Information System, World Wide Web Journal (WWW), Vol. 10, No. 4, Springer, December 2007 ▪ https://beatsigner.com/publications/signer_WWWJ2007.pdf [26] B. Signer and M.C. Norrie, PaperPoint: A Paper- based Presentation and Interactive Paper Prototyping Tool, Proceedings of TEI 2007, First International Conference on Tangible and Embedded Interaction, Baton Rouge, USA, February 2007 ▪ https://beatsigner.com/publications/signer_TEI2007.pdf
  41. Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - bsigner@vub.ac.be 41

    May 22, 2019 References ... [27] A. Vogelsang and B. Signer, The Lost Cosmo- naut: An Interactive Narrative Environment on Basis of Digitally Enhanced Paper, Proceedings of the Inter- national Conference on Virtual Storytelling 2005, Strasbourg, France, December 2005 ▪ https://beatsigner.com/publications/vogelsang_ICVS2005.pdf [28] L. Hoste and B. Signer, Expressive Control of Indirect Augmented Reality During Live Music Performances, Proceedings of NIME 2013, 13th International Confe- rence on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, Daejeon, Korea Republic, May 2013 ▪ https://beatsigner.com/publications/hoste_NIME2013.pdf
  42. Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - bsigner@vub.ac.be 42

    May 22, 2019 References ... [29] N. Weibel, A. Ispas, B. Signer and M.C. Norrie, PaperProof: A Paper-Digital Proof-Editing System, Proceedings of CHI 2008, 26th International Confe- rence on Human Factors in Computing Systems (Interactivity Track), Florence, Italy, April 2008 ▪ https://beatsigner.com/publications/weibel_CHI2008.pdf [30] A. Ispas, H. Schuldt, M.C. Norrie and B. Signer, Towards Query by Sketch, Michael Springmann, Second DELOS Conference on Digital Libraries, Pisa, Italy, December 2007 ▪ https://beatsigner.com/publications/springmann_DELOS2007.pdf
  43. Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - bsigner@vub.ac.be 43

    May 22, 2019 References ... [31] N. Weibel, B. Signer, M.C. Norrie, H. Hofstetter, H.-C. Jetter and H. Reiterer, PaperSketch: A Paper- Digital Collaborative Remote Sketching Tool, Proceed- ings of IUI 2011, International Conference on Intelli- gent User Interfaces, Palo Alto, USA, February 2011 ▪ https://beatsigner.com/publications/weibel_IUI2011.pdf [32] B. Signer and T.J. Curtin, Tangible Holograms: Towards Mobile Physical Augmentation of Virtual Objects, Technical Report WISE Lab, WISE-2017-01, March 2017 ▪ https://beatsigner.com/publications/signer_arXiv2017.pdf
  44. Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - bsigner@vub.ac.be 44

    May 22, 2019 References ... [33] B. Signer and M.C. Norrie, Interactive Paper: Past, Present and Future, Proceedings of PaperComp 2010, 1st International Workshop on Paper Com- puting, Copenhagen Denmark, September 2010 ▪ https://beatsigner.com/publications/signer_PaperComp2010.pdf [34] A.A.O Tayeh and B. Signer, A Dynamically Extensible Open Cross-Document Link Service, Proceedings of WISE 2015, 16th International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering, Miami, USA, November, 2015 ▪ https://beatsigner.com/publications/tayeh_WISE2015.pdf
  45. Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - bsigner@vub.ac.be 45

    May 22, 2019 References ... [35] S. Trullemans and B. Signer, From User Needs to Opportunities in Personal Information Management: A Case Study on Organisational Strategies in Cross- Media Information Spaces, Proceedings of DL 2014, London, UK, September, 2014 ▪ https://beatsigner.com/publications/trullemans_DL2014.pdf [36] R. Roels, C. Vermeylen and B. Signer, A Unified Communication Platform for Enriching and Enhancing Presentations with Active Learning Components, Pro- ceedings of ICALT 2014, Athens, Greece, July 2014 ▪ https://beatsigner.com/publications/roels_ICALT2014.pdf