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Hacking Neos - How to extend and customize Neos...

Hacking Neos - How to extend and customize Neos and Flow - InspiringCon 2016

This presentation has given by Christian Müller and Sebastian Kurfürst @InspiringCon 2016 in Kolbermoor.

Sebastian Kurfürst

April 22, 2016

More Decks by Sebastian Kurfürst

Other Decks in Technology


  1. Flow Framework Content Repository Custom Packages Rendering Engine Neos User

    Interface Media (Images, ...) MVC / Fluid HTTP Object Management / Dependency Injection / Aspect Oriented Programming
  2. Flow Framework Content Repository Custom Packages Rendering Engine Neos User

    Interface Media (Images, ...) MVC / Fluid HTTP Object Management / Dependency Injection / Aspect Oriented Programming
  3. Flow Framework Content Repository Custom Packages Rendering Engine Neos User

    Interface Media (Images, ...) MVC / Fluid HTTP Object Management / Dependency Injection / Aspect Oriented Programming
  4. Check the Flow Settings.yaml PHP Exception Handler Logger Doctrine Filters

    Custom Database Mapping Types Resource Handling Authentication Providers
  5. TYPO3:
 # Registers global objects

    to be evaluated for dynamic pointcut expressions
 securityContext: TYPO3\Flow\Security\Context
 # A compatibility flag that affects the behavior of the UriBuilder when creating relative URIs:
 # TRUE: The UriBuilder creates relative path like "some/path", a base tag is required in the respective HTML head
 # FALSE: The UriBuilder prefixes the path with the scripts request path: "/document/root/some/path", no base tag will be required
 # NOTE: This flag will be obsolete with version 2.2 and removed in version 3.0 of Flow
 createRelativePaths: FALSE
 # Flow's application context
 # This setting is automatically set by the configuration manager and can't be set manually.
 context: ''
 # Key of the "main" package of the application. This package's meta data is used for displaying the application
 # name, version etc. in the ./flow command line help and where else needed.
 applicationPackageKey: 'TYPO3.Flow'
 # Path and filename of the PHP binary
 # The constant PHP_BINDIR usually contains the path, but on Windows this doesn't work reliably
 phpBinaryPathAndFilename: '%PHP_BINDIR%/php'
 # optional list of variables (key: value) that will be set for all Flow CLI sub requests
 subRequestEnvironmentVariables: []
 # Set which php.ini file should be used for the CLI sub requests.
 # If not set (that is value equals NULL) the php.ini file of the executing process (usually the web server's) is used.
 # If set to a path and filename, the specified php.ini file is loaded.
 # If set to boolean FALSE, Flow does not try to specify any php.ini file to the sub process.
 subRequestPhpIniPathAndFilename: NULL
 # optional list of INI entries (entry: value) to set for all Flow CLI sub requests.
 # This equals to the -d argument of the php CLI
 # Example:
 # subRequestIniEntries:
 # 'date.timezone': 'UTC'
 subRequestIniEntries: []
 # Defines the global, last-resort exception handler.
 # The specified class must implement \TYPO3\Flow\Error\ExceptionHandlerInterface
 className: TYPO3\Flow\Error\ProductionExceptionHandler
 # default options for all rendering groups (see below). Options can be overridden in the respective rendering group
 renderTechnicalDetails: FALSE
 logException: TRUE
 # Rendering groups can define special renderings depending on status code or class of the
 # thrown exception.
 matchingStatusCodes: [404]
 logException: FALSE
 templatePathAndFilename: 'resource://TYPO3.Flow/Private/Templates/Error/Default.html'
 errorDescription: 'Sorry, the page you requested was not found.'
 matchingExceptionClassNames: ['TYPO3\Flow\Persistence\Doctrine\Exception\DatabaseException']
 templatePathAndFilename: 'resource://TYPO3.Flow/Private/Templates/Error/Default.html'
 errorDescription: 'Sorry, the database connection couldn''t be established.'
 # Defines which errors should result in an exception thrown - all other error
 # levels will be silently ignored. Only errors that can be handled in an
 # user-defined error handler are affected, of course.
 exceptionalErrors: ['%E_USER_ERROR%', '%E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR%']
 # List of regular expressions classes are matched against in the debugger
 # to prevent them from being expanded.
 'TYPO3\\Flow\\Aop.*': TRUE
 'TYPO3\\Flow\\Cac.*': TRUE
 'TYPO3\\Flow\\Core\\.*': TRUE
 'TYPO3\\Flow\\Con.*': TRUE
 'TYPO3\\Flow\\Http\\RequestHandler': TRUE
 'TYPO3\\Flow\\Uti.*': TRUE
 'TYPO3\\Flow\\Mvc\\Routing.*': TRUE
 'TYPO3\\Flow\\Log.*': TRUE
 'TYPO3\\Flow\\Obj.*': TRUE
 'TYPO3\\Flow\\Pac.*': TRUE
 'TYPO3\\Flow\\Persistence\\(?!Doctrine\\Mapping).*': TRUE
 'TYPO3\\Flow\\Pro.*': TRUE
 'TYPO3\\Flow\\Ref.*': TRUE
 'TYPO3\\Flow\\Sec.*': TRUE
 'TYPO3\\Flow\\Sig.*': TRUE
 'TYPO3\\Flow\\.*ResourceManager': TRUE
 'TYPO3\\Fluid\\.*': TRUE
 '.+Service$': TRUE
 '.+Repository$': TRUE
 'PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_InvocationMocker': TRUE
 # Defines routes that should be included after existing routes defined in the main Routes.yaml (if any)
 # Note: This only allows to include existing Routes.yaml files from other packages, you can't adjust the routes via Settings.
 # Syntax:
 # 'Some.Package': TRUE
 # 'SomeOther.Package':
 # position: 'after Some.Package'
 routes: []
 # Defines an explicit base URI that should be used. This affects
 # resource management, routing and all other parts accessing
 # "Http\Request->getBaseUri()".
 # If this setting is NULL, the base URI will be detected from the current
 # request (default).
 baseUri: NULL
 # Defines the workflow of one request from bootstrap to the HTTP response
 # By default this workflow is devided in three sub-chains "preprocess", "process" and "postprocess" but the chain can be restructured as needed
 position: 'before process'
 chain: []
 position: 'start'
 component: 'TYPO3\Flow\Mvc\Routing\RoutingComponent'
 component: 'TYPO3\Flow\Mvc\DispatchComponent'
 position: 'end'
 component: 'TYPO3\Flow\Http\Component\StandardsComplianceComponent'
 # Settings for Flow's default loggers
 logger: TYPO3\Flow\Log\Logger
 backend: TYPO3\Flow\Log\Backend\FileBackend
 logFileURL: '%FLOW_PATH_DATA%Logs/System.log'
 createParentDirectories: TRUE
 severityThreshold: '%LOG_INFO%'
 maximumLogFileSize: 10485760
 logFilesToKeep: 1
 logMessageOrigin: FALSE
 backend: TYPO3\Flow\Log\Backend\FileBackend
 logFileURL: '%FLOW_PATH_DATA%Logs/Security.log'
 createParentDirectories: TRUE
 severityThreshold: '%LOG_INFO%'
 maximumLogFileSize: 10485760
 logFilesToKeep: 1
 logIpAddress: TRUE
 backend: TYPO3\Flow\Log\Backend\FileBackend
 logFileURL: '%FLOW_PATH_DATA%Logs/Query.log'
 createParentDirectories: TRUE
 severityThreshold: '%LOG_INFO%'
 maximumLogFileSize: 10485760
 logFilesToKeep: 1
 backend: TYPO3\Flow\Log\Backend\FileBackend
 logFileURL: '%FLOW_PATH_DATA%Logs/I18n.log'
 createParentDirectories: TRUE
 severityThreshold: '%LOG_INFO%'
 maximumLogFileSize: 1048576
 logFilesToKeep: 1
 # The default locale identifier.
 defaultLocale: en
 # The fallback rule to use for locale resolution
 # Strictly use the defined order (without implicit locale fallback)
 strict: FALSE
 # The locales identifiers to use in their desired order
 order: []
 # If enabled, the Object Manager will - additionally to the class files found
 # in the "Classes" directory - also register class files found in the directory
 # "Tests/Functional/". Enabling this feature obviously only makes sense in a
 # testing context.
 registerFunctionalTestClasses: FALSE
 # Explicitly include classes to object management (Reflection and Configuration building).
 # Sequence of package keys with an array of regular expressions.
 # The package key must match the key found in PackageStates.php regarding case.
 # Each regular expression will be tested against the list of fully qualified
 # class names in the package and classes will be included if matching.
 # For Flow packages (type = "typo3-flow-*") this setting is not required as they're
 # reflected by default. You can however exclude specific (or all) classes from Flow packages
 # by specifying corresponding regular expressions that don't match classes to exclude.
 # Note: The previous setting "excludeClasses" has been deprecated with Flow 3.0
 includeClasses: []
 # This can be used to make packages inactive, even though they would be
 # activated automatically otherwise.
 - 'neos.composerplugin'
 - 'Composer.Installers'
 # Option for the PackageManager::Create to map the packagesPath by package type
 'typo3-flow-package': 'Application'
 'typo3-flow-framework': 'Framework'
 # Options for the default Doctrine persistence
 driver: 'pdo_mysql'
 host: ''
 dbname: NULL
 user: NULL
 password: NULL
 charset: 'utf8'
 cacheAllQueryResults: FALSE
 # By default Doctrine proxy compilation is done in the Flow bootstrap
 enable: TRUE
 sqlLogger: NULL
 Flow_Security_Entity_Filter: 'TYPO3\Flow\Security\Authorization\Privilege\Entity\Doctrine\SqlFilter'
 # DBAL custom mapping types can be registered here
 dbType: 'json_array'
 className: 'TYPO3\Flow\Persistence\Doctrine\DataTypes\JsonArrayType'
 dbType: 'array'
 className: 'TYPO3\Flow\Persistence\Doctrine\DataTypes\ObjectArray'
 # Doctrine ORM Lifecycle events and their subscribers and listeners.
 # See Flow manual, chapter "Persistence" for further information on how to subscribe to Doctrine events.
 eventSubscribers: []
 eventListeners: []
 # A list of tags to be ignored during reflection

  6. Flow Framework Content Repository Custom Packages Rendering Engine Neos User

    Interface Media (Images, ...) MVC / Fluid HTTP Object Management / Dependency Injection / Aspect Oriented Programming
  7. Signals / Slots PHP /**
 * @Flow\Signal
 public function

 { // method filled automatically by AOP (see later.)
  8. Flow Framework Content Repository Custom Packages Rendering Engine Neos User

    Interface Media (Images, ...) MVC / Fluid HTTP Object Management / Dependency Injection / Aspect Oriented Programming
  9. Flow Framework Content Repository Custom Packages Rendering Engine Neos User

    Interface Media (Images, ...) MVC / Fluid HTTP Object Management / Dependency Injection / Aspect Oriented Programming
  10. Flow Framework Content Repository Custom Packages Rendering Engine Neos User

    Interface Media (Images, ...) MVC / Fluid HTTP Object Management / Dependency Injection / Aspect Oriented Programming
  11. class MySource extends AbstractDataSource implements DataSourceInterface { protected static $identifier

    = ‘your-datahandler-identifier’; public function getData( NodeInterface $node = null, array $arguments) { // Implementation follows here } }