Doubt 1916: Einstein first predicts GWs on basis of his field equations 1922: Some wave solutions are coordinate artifacts. Eddington jokes that they propagate “at the speed of thought”.
Doubt Dear Sir, We (Mr. Rosen and I) had sent you our manuscript for publication and had not authorized you to show it to specialists before it is printed. I see no reason to address the — in any case erroneous — comments of your anonymous expert. On the basis of this incident I prefer to publish the paper elsewhere. Respectfully, P.S. Mr. Rosen, who has left for the Soviet Union, has authorized me to represent him in this matter.
Doubt 1936: Einstein makes classic GR mistake, and claims GWs don’t exist. Seems unfamiliar with peer review. 1957: Feynman, Bondi, Pirani conclude that GWs are real because they should transmit energy. Dear Sir, We (Mr. Rosen and I) had sent you our manuscript for publication and had not authorized you to show it to specialists before it is printed. I see no reason to address the — in any case erroneous — comments of your anonymous expert. On the basis of this incident I prefer to publish the paper elsewhere. Respectfully, P.S. Mr. Rosen, who has left for the Soviet Union, has authorized me to represent him in this matter.
Doubt 1969: Joe Weber invents experimental GW astronomy, but er roneously claims detection. 1974: Hulse & Taylor discover a binary pulsar. Orbital decay agrees beautifully with GR prediction due to GW emission. Nobel Prize in ’93.
Doubt 1984 - 1994: Beginnings of LIGO with Thorne, Drever, Weiss. LIGO is officially funded by NSF. 2015: Advanced LIGO switches on. Nothing to see here…
of GR based on gravitational-waveforms Probe EOS of nuclear matter. Use NS-NS as “standard sirens” -> measure cosmological parameters without light! SO MUCH SCIENCE!
of GR based on gravitational-waveforms Probe EOS of nuclear matter. Use NS-NS as “standard sirens” -> measure cosmological parameters without light! Test binary formation channels. SO MUCH SCIENCE!
of GR based on gravitational-waveforms Probe EOS of nuclear matter. Use NS-NS as “standard sirens” -> measure cosmological parameters without light! Test binary formation channels. Use catalogs of detections to probe population demographics and make census of merging compact systems in nearby Universe. SO MUCH SCIENCE!
still technically in engineering mode. Huge BH-BH system detected! Signal in band for 200 ms. . Briefly more luminous than entire EM Universe. radiated as GWs! BHs merging. L ⇠ 1056 ergs 1 ⇠ 3M 2⇥ ⇠ 30M
went out to EM partners to look for counterparts. D o n ’ t e x p e c t E M signature from BH-BH. Didn’t stop rampant (healthy?) speculation. Fermi measured <2 s bur st ~0.4 s after GW150914. Did not t r i g g e r o n b o a r d detector. Coincidence.
counterparts give m u l t i - m e s s e n g e r explor ation of the Universe. BH-NS or NS-NS could give GRBs and kilonovae. Coincident observations could enhance detection significance, and binary- type ID.
Einstein Telescope proposal 3rd generation detectors like LIGO Voyager will increase sensitivity through advanced laser tech and cryogenic cooling. Cosmic Explorer may follow the designs of ET and use 40km arms in equilateral triangle configuration!
a huge success in demonstrating LISA technology. AND….GW150914 definitely helped. NASA Study Team has been formed. Back in the game? Things looked bleak for LISA a few years ago. Initially a joint NASA and ESA project. NASA pulled out in 2011 due to funding restrictions.
binaries out z~20 !! Will see the first seed BHs. Will track their growth over cosmic time. Full census of BH demographics through the history of the Universe. SO MUCH SCIENCE!
binaries out z~20 !! Will see the first seed BHs. Will track their growth over cosmic time. Full census of BH demographics through the history of the Universe. Precision tests of gravity. SO MUCH SCIENCE!
binaries out z~20 !! Will see the first seed BHs. Will track their growth over cosmic time. Full census of BH demographics through the history of the Universe. Precision tests of gravity. Small BH/NS around massive BH will trace out the space-time metric. SO MUCH SCIENCE!
binaries out z~20 !! Will see the first seed BHs. Will track their growth over cosmic time. Full census of BH demographics through the history of the Universe. Precision tests of gravity. Small BH/NS around massive BH will trace out the space-time metric. Map out deviations from GR! SO MUCH SCIENCE!
in CMB mostly due to scalar density perturbations. Produces “E-mode” polarization in CMB. Inflation predicts a background of primordial GWs. These “tensor” perturbations produce “B-mode” type of polarization. 10 16
in CMB mostly due to scalar density perturbations. Produces “E-mode” polarization in CMB. Inflation predicts a background of primordial GWs. These “tensor” perturbations produce “B-mode” type of polarization. Detection would prove existence of inflationary GWs, and allow probes of the first moments of the Universe. 10 16